Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Fluburtur> the boat is still going, nice
<Fluburtur> I had pretty good fun doing my part, dropping refuel pods from planes
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* darsie avoids being tracked by twitter.
* packbart uses Cookie AutoDelete
<Mat2ch> Where's the bot doing the untweeting for us?
<Mat2ch> In short, SpaceX has asked the FCC for a 6 month test window for a 20 km Starship test flight
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<Mat2ch> Ugh. I'm trying to repair my stuck docking port
<Mat2ch> the worst part is: This still seems to be true:
<Mat2ch> It's from 2013.
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> couldn't undock yesterday
<hatrix> had to fire engines and wiggle
<Althego> so that buf is still around
<Althego> bug
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<Mat2ch> Althego: yes and sadly it's because of bad design
<Mat2ch> The problem is that "ships" aren't handled as individual ships, when they're docked, but become a part of a bigger ship
<Mat2ch> which is unnecessary
<Althego> no, actually
<Althego> i read it at some time
<Althego> they had to do it this way
<Althego> because it didnt work at all
<Althego> if they handled them as separate
<Mat2ch> I guess there would've been a better solution
<Mat2ch> The problem is not that it has to handle like a big ship, but the way it is treated
<Mat2ch> when we dock now a ship looses it's name, which gets saved to the dockee node section
<Mat2ch> and that part is absolutely unnecessary
<Mat2ch> also having a docker and a dockee is not necessary at all
<Althego> the ports are symmetric
<Althego> so no difference between the ships
<Mat2ch> what do you mean by symmetric?
<Althego> they are the same
<Althego> but if you look at the soyuz docking port, that is different on the two sides
<Althego> so there is a docker and a dockee
<Mat2ch> yes, ok, you're underlining my point
<packbart> it's all a bit moot with the vessel naming configuration, isn't it?
<Mat2ch> But even if they were not symmetric you'd just need to define two parts
<packbart> that would apply after undocking
<Mat2ch> and save somewhere that only a docker can connect to a dockee. But this has to be done already, because the smaller docking ports can't connect to the bigger ones.
<Mat2ch> And then just control everything by the attached node id. If this is non-zero there is a part attached to the docking port.
<Althego> maybe in ksp 2 it ill be different
<Mat2ch> -> show the undock button. If someone clicks on it, detach part.
<Mat2ch> Hopefully.
<Mat2ch> Somewhere from the dev team here? We need to talk if it's different :P
<Althego> nah
<Mat2ch> yeah, the good old days where they looked in here are gone :|
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<darsie> Shall I go on on my quest to get ΔV in the topic changed to Δv?
<packbart> just don't have it accidentally changed to δV ;)
<UmbralRaptop> Δν
<Mat2ch> Yes, go for it!
<hatrix> Δυ you mean UmbralRaptop
UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs
<UmbralRaptop> <_<
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<Mat2ch> pfff
<darsie> :)
<hatrix> nice
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<packbart> *gasp* it happened! "[1.8.1-1] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech"
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