UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs
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<hatrix> wat, ksp crashed :(
<darsie> never. You must be using mods ;).
<hatrix> first stack trace ever and no mods
<packbart> too much RAM ;)
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: so, you're building edfs now? ;)
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<Fluburtur> thats no edf
<Fluburtur> it is a mixed flow compressor
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<Mat2ch> What's it for?
<Mat2ch> I hope it's rocket engines, but...
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<transit> Power out 🤷‍♂️
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<transit> It still has me on the Cingular network, that’s hilarious.
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<hatrix> how can I fix Δv calculations in the VAB?
<hatrix> sometimes it shows 15 000m/s, sometimes 3 000 for the same staging and parts
<Mat2ch> Uh, use KER? *hides*
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<transit> Bwoop
<transit> Power back on yay
<transit> Bbl
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<Mat2ch> and power off again
<Mat2ch> transit needs a powerwall ;P
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<packbart> hatrix: the dV calculations also depend on which part is the root. large values could mean that your last stage is just a fuel tank with an engine
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<hatrix> ah
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<Althego> why is this character there? 🅅
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<UmbralRaptop> In Unicode? I don't know, so I'm going to blame Japan
<Althego> no, in the topic
<Althego> why did oyu need to replace the v
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<UmbralRaptop> there was a complaint about it being ΔV rather than Δv
<UmbralRaptop> so I was silly
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: being silly doesn't always mean being funny
<Mat2ch> just so you know
<Mat2ch> ;)
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<Althego> but i am going to sleep by that time
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<hatrix> never been to Eve, do I need heatshields for this one?
<kubi> nah, just lots of fuel and strong rocket
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you need the biggest heatshield you can pack
<Althego> big as in thick
<darsie> hatrix: I used heavy entry burning.
<Althego> the inflatable is recommended
<darsie> Landed, took surface sample, refuelled, flew home. Easy as pi :).
<darsie> BTW, heat is less at 4x physics warp.
<Althego> cxurrent eve is not as hard as it used to be
<hatrix> with Duna some engines and parachutes was quite enough, but I'm reading Eve's atmosphere is ultra dense
<darsie> It is. Parachutes are very effective there.
<Althego> dense and hot
<Althego> the problem is to slow down in time before you hit the really dense parts
<darsie> I refuelled at Gilly.
<darsie> And in LKO.
<hatrix> so parachutes deploy at highest altitude possible I guess ?
<Althego> no, you would burn and explode before that
<hatrix> or will the atmosphere slow the craft enough I can wait?
<darsie> No, deploy low.
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<darsie> It will explode if you don't have heat shield or massive entry burn.
<hatrix> It looks crazy hard to try to get back home though
<darsie> It is.
<Althego> as i said it is not as hard as it used to be
<darsie> You need the best you can think of.
<Althego> now what, around 8j m/s to orbit from sea lkevel?
<Althego> 8k
<hatrix> 8k is still a lot
<darsie> Sea level is hard.
<Althego> used to be over 12k
<hatrix> I'll stick with a probe landing I guess
<hatrix> or expandable kerbals
<Althego> i say it is easier to build a 8k rocket than to land on a mountain top far from the equator
<Althego> also now you have the eelctric props, so you can fly up to kerbin sea level pressure with them
<Althego> i never triedt hat though
<Althego> oh i didnt mention, only a few engines work on eve
<Althego> pressure goes up to 5 atm
<hatrix> I'll finish my Ike mission and try that
<hatrix> I'd like to unlock the super heavy engines and tanks
<Althego> mainsail and vector are amongs the ones that work
<Althego> although with greatly reduced thrust
<darsie> hatrix: If you expand the Kerbals enough they will float. :)
<hatrix> also I got a design problem, my rockets bases are always too heavy compared to the last stages, the rocket often flips
<hatrix> how do you manage to get more weight up?
<Althego> you dont?
<Althego> add more control at the bottom
<Althego> vectoring engines or fins work fine
<hatrix> I have already way too many fins :/
<hatrix> the rocket often flips around max q (just after being supersonic)
<packbart> use F12(?) for the atmospheric overlay. long red spikes are not good, same with large blue at the top of the rocket
<hatrix> I do have a lot of red at the top of the rocket
<Althego> well, that is the probllem
<hatrix> I figured it out :p
<Althego> hehe, portland has a "hpstr" waypoint
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<Flayer> remind me never to send up a refuel station without wheels again
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<packbart> Mmmmhh. Kraken bait on a heavy fuel station
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<Flayer> sigh
<Flayer> its so hard to land accurately with parachutes
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<Fluburtur> turns out, im trying to make a jet engine
<Fluburtur> nah, maybe a rc plane jet
<Fluburtur> but this wont be for now
<darsie> repost
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<darsie> I wish the bedrock were deeper, so the drill wouldn't push the refinery up.
<darsie> It's a drill ...
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<packbart> maybe it's a Mole
<Fluburtur> will take a while to work out everything
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<UmbralRaptop> ah, arχiv