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<JVFoxy> ya I noticed do some change, like pull parts or hte pod off it resets crew
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<darsie> Is pod a correct name for computers, like the okto?
<darsie> They're in the pods section.
<JVFoxy> command and control, be it computer or pilot
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<JVFoxy> gotta run
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<darsie> Single stage Mun sample return mission?
<darsie> .eightball Single stage Mun sample return mission?
<Althego> no
<darsie> k :)
<packbart> a suffusion of yellow
<darsie> That's an uncommon eightball response.
<packbart> Indeed, it is more commonly given by an electronic I Ching calculator
<darsie> I wonder if landing legs make my big rocket more or less stable.
<darsie> s/big/tall
<darsie> At least it shouldn't bounce as much at landing.
<darsie> Or differently :).
<hatrix> is there a way to make SAS only use reaction wheels and not RCS?
<hatrix> SAS using RCS while docking makes it harder
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<darsie> hatrix: Disable RCS.
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<hatrix> I need them to dock though
<packbart> I don't think so. You could disable roll/yaw/pitch controls on the RCS thrusters
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<darsie> Hmm, 2426 m/s left in orbit. Leaving the legs at home ...
<hatrix> depends where you're going
<darsie> Mun and back.
<darsie> single stage sample return.
<darsie> 2496 m/s without landing legs and big reaction wheels. That's possible, but difficult.
<darsie> Attitude control during Mun landing would have to be via thrust gimballing only.
<darsie> vectoring*
<darsie> Ahh, forgot to empty the capsules monopropellant tank.
<darsie> Two more m/s :).
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> huge
<darsie> Should add engineer's report to the check list.
<darsie> I omitted the 200 EC battery, too, now. No dv change indicated, but the capsules reaction wheels take 250 s to drain the internal 50 EC ...
<darsie> I'm sticking with 3 small solar panels, even though one would suffice.
<darsie> Hmm, I'm cancelling the chute :).
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<darsie> 5 more m/s, and better aerodynamic with the small nose cone :).
<darsie> Stack separator goes, too. 2 more m/s.
<darsie> Hmm, the wind will probably rip Jeb off the capsule before he can take the surface sample ...
<darsie> Nah, will get out in suborbit.
<darsie> Hmm, that might count as staging.
<darsie> What you say?
<darsie> Is getting out in suborbit and jetpacking to Kerbin surface staging?
<darsie> I say it's ok, if I don't jetpack to the orbital station to refuel the jetpack.
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<darsie> I don't think I can land this rocket without 4 big RWs.
<darsie> With only thrust vectoring.
<Althego> so you have to use tug matrixing
<darsie> There's a tug pulling me down.
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* darsie found a trick. Seems possible now.
<darsie> To land on the Mun: burn retrograde, retrograde marker will move up, rocket starts turning up, stop thrust when retrograde marker is at zenith, rocket keeps turning, save then rocket is vertical. Load. The rocket is now vertical without rotating or horizontal speed. I theory.
<darsie> s/then/when
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<Althego> spacex in 5 hours 12 minutes
<Althego> i think i am going to sleep through this one
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<packbart> just more starlinks, anyway. I don't care much about those
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<Jeff> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Jeff
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<sandbox> ahoy
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<darsie> .
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