Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Dragon V2 in-flight abort test Saturday 13:00 GMT
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<Flayer> ok, my attempt at a shuttle has settled on 'launch at 70%, don't touch anything until the solid fuel boosters are done, head up to 15 km trying to keep balance and then start turning'
<Flayer> oh yeah, throttle up when the solid boosters are done
<UmbralRaptor> obviously you should make a variant from a world where the STMEs reached production
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<Althego> my first time seeing a pw domain
Guest46595 is now known as RyanKnack
<Flayer> would closing intakes help with aerodynamics?
<Althego> supposedly decreases drag
<Althego> but at that altitude i never noticed any big effect
<Flayer> it will give me more fuel to bring to orbit at any rate
<Flayer> and its the first 15 km that are the problem
<Althego> but that is when you do need the intakes :)
<Althego> in fact they help you tremendously
<Flayer> no i am lifting off on lf+ox
<Althego> from kerbin?
<Flayer> yes
<Flayer> an aeroplane on top of a rocket
<Althego> hehe, the has the spacex test in it. usually non orbital flights are not included
<Flayer> ok, now to see if i can actually do re-entry with this plane XD
<Althego> by doing reentry with it
<Althego> dont oroget to adjust for expected fuel levels
<Althego> because lower fuel tanks can shift the center of mass causing instability
<Flayer> fuel tanks are in the middle
<Flayer> by which i mean centered around the yellow/black sphere
<Althego> then it is a safe design
<packbart> safe designs are so un-kerbal ;)
<Althego> elon releases his inner kerbal today :)
<Flayer> this is a lot of effort to make a spaceplane for tourists when i could just send them up in a station module
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<packbart> but then you need to get them down, too
<packbart> my last try at building a tourist bus from 3.75m station parts required lots of parachutes
<Althego> hah, finally there is going to be a drain valve for fuel dump in 1.9
<Althego> i always wanted this for sstos
<Althego> to dump some fuel if it is not in balance with oxidizer
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<Althego> heh, moved up one hour
<Althego> not a good sign
<Fluburtur> I want big boom
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: just got moved to 15:00 :/
<Mat2ch> oh, Althego already mentioned that
<Mat2ch> I'm too late
<Mat2ch> for the push back
<Mat2ch> :D
<Fluburtur> heh
<Fluburtur> should give me enough time to set up my glider and go fly before then
<Fluburtur> but weather is quite cold and I dont really feel like freezing my fingers away
<Mat2ch> Use shoes for the hand!
<Althego> only germans do that :)
<Mat2ch> :D
<Flayer> 4 PM
<Flayer> i'm gonna take a nap
<Althego> eh
<Flayer> inb4 sleeping 8 hours
<Althego> probablmy me too :)
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<Mat2ch> :D
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<Althego> it feels the launch is always 2 hours away :)
<Mat2ch> Still 16:00 here ;P
<Althego> before my nap it was only 15:00 :)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Althego> this is not even a real flight
<Althego> just a small hop
<Althego> with nobody in the capsule
<Althego> and they keep delaying it because of some winds
<Althego> does this mean astronauts may be stuck on the space station because of not even strong winds on the ocean?
<Mat2ch> Althego: I guess they have different landing zones for that
<kubi> Millennium Falcon took of even when storm troopers were shooting at it
<kubi> long way to go :)
<Althego> it has shields
<Althego> and stormtoopers cant hit anything
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<Althego> and the problem is not the take off but the recovery on bad sea conditions
<Mat2ch> They were instructed not to hit Millenium Falcon, because of the tracking device
<Althego> that was when they left the death star. but what about mos eisley?
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<Mat2ch> Ground attack vehicles vs spaceship ;)
<Althego> and finally we are below 1 hour
<Mat2ch> Yay
<Althego> watch out here comes my arrow, legolas sucks, and yondu is the one
<Mat2ch> Althego: 1630 :P
<Althego> lol
<Althego> Something is technically wrong.
<Althego> said twitter
<packbart> Twitter's UI experiments are weird. Open the link in two tabs, I get two different styles
<packbart> or maybe Firefox's dark theme support doesn't work every time
<Althego> hehe the gifs
<Althego> spacex is dr strange and we are dormammu :)
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<Althego> 80k people waiting for the stream to start :)
<Althego> hah, stream on
<Althego> if they dont do it now it has to be tomorrow, so they better do it
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<Althego> t-30 sec
<Althego> boom
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<Tank2333_> anybody watched the crew dragon ?
<Althego> landing just now
<Althego> success, with the obligatory boom
<Tank2333> im rewatching the stream
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<Tank2333> too bad the weather was so cloudy
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<Azander> If space travel is to become commonplace they need to overcome the high wind and choppy sea issues
<Althego> the sea is easy. just do a normal landing instead of a splashdown
<Azander> still have the high winds and low visibility issues
<Althego> cant do much about that
<UmbralRaptor> I guess a good question is what the limits are compared to aircraft
<Althego> the sky is the limit :)
<Azander> to make it viable.. .long term, schedules need to be predictable.
<Althego> for aircraft
<Azander> true :)
<Althego> i dont believe the point to point travel scenario of starhsip
<Althego> because you need perfect weather on the launch and landing sites
<Althego> you cant realyl divert either
<Azander> back in the early days of avaition they probably had to ficgure this same stuff out
<Azander> (*figure
<FLHerne> Azander: Propulsive landing should also reduce the wind issues
<FLHerne> And something as big as Starship will be much less affected by the weather because square/cube law
<Althego> except at thos speeds a windshear would just tear it apart
<Althego> maybe when we build spaceships fron carbon nanotubes
<FLHerne> I don't think that's accurate
<FLHerne> Fuelled mass of Starship+SH is meant to be about 5000t
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<FLHerne> Compared to 550t for Falcon 9
<FLHerne> Stack height 120m compared to 70m
<FLHerne> Side area (very approx.) 1000m² compared to 259m²
<FLHerne> So it's less than double the height, and has less than four times the wind-loading area
<FLHerne> While having structure to support >10x the mass
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<FLHerne> Landing probably has more constraints
<FLHerne> Needs higher precision /and/ has less mass so will be blown around a bit more
<Mat2ch> Althego: we need spaceships that fly at low speeds through the atmosphere ;P
<Althego> otherwise known as orbital elevator
<Mat2ch> No
<Althego> however it takes days with those, what a boring ride, like a cruiseboat
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about 100 km/h and up
<Mat2ch> but not too fast to get wind issues
<FLHerne> Althego: I think the potential failure modes of a space elevator are considerably worse than anything a conventional rocket can come up with :P
<Althego> true
<FLHerne> (at least they're better than a space fountain...)
<Althego> si that the building that shoots stuff down to stay upright?
<FLHerne> I think the idea was that you have mass accelerators on the ground
<FLHerne> Which launch projectiles up a flexible (or possibly non-existent) tube
<FLHerne> To keep the top end of it elevated
<FLHerne> s/up/around/
<FLHerne> So, yes, it has the slight flaw that in case of a mechanical or power failure, the whole many-100-km structure goes *floomp*
<Althego> space loops are also like this
<Althego> lol i didnt know the atlas v has a user manual
<FLHerne> There's a similar one for Falcon
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<packbart> with the tech tree mostly complete (except for the aviation subtree) and a few probes en-route to Duna, Eva and Moho, I already have so many ideas how to restart the career. maybe with a different set of mods
<packbart> the old dilemma. [C]ontinue or [R]estart. there seem to be sime bugs in Kerbalism's background processing that make time-warp >100 no fun becazse the Mun base always runs out of power
<packbart> meh. typing typos.
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<transit> bwoop
<transit> im going to try to build an aircraft which has several modules that parachute down to take science readings, and/or alternately drop crew off at remote locations
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<Flayer> build a large helicopter
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<transit> i dont have those parts
<Flayer> build a vertical lift off thingie with regular engines
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<transit> i dont need it to land often
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<Flayer> BUILD IT
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<transit> water landing went -ok-, need to make the front end where the crew is connected to the carrying frame a bit more robust
<transit> craft otherwise intact, only lost the one part
<packbart> can't have been a critical part, then
<packbart> dead weight ;)
<transit> it was the main conection part between the two halves of the craft
<transit> replaced with an adapter
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<transit> hmm, seems really good after a few small changes
<transit> watr landing test next
<transit> airbrakes probably a good idea
<transit> more lights too
<transit> water landing capacity confirmed, no parts missing or separated
<transit> screenshots inbound soon
<transit> takeoff speed unladen is around 65 m/s
<transit> 51 and very slowly climbing in the water.. will it lift off?
<transit> 54 and climbing, i think it will lift off the water with no input
<transit> 57 m/s and climbing
<transit> it got out of the water!
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<transit> payload balance issues
<transit> try again tomorrow
<transit> nite all <3
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