Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Dragon V2 in-flight abort test Saturday 13:00 GMT
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<Flayer> leaving duna... 900 dv and 300 days
<Flayer> probably my best attempt yet
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<darsie> life support for 300 days?
<darsie> hmm, 900 m/s. You're in orbit already, then.
<darsie> I landed a bare Kerbal on Duna. Aerobraking and jetpack.
<Flayer> 300 day trip, i got life support for another two-three years probably
<Flayer> i think i will skip making an orbital thing around duna, but go straight for a base
<darsie> Parachuting on Duna is fun. You can gain altitude easily when you're fast. I wonder how realistic that is at 6 kPa.
<Flayer> i will try parachuting them in once i have a base going XD
<darsie> Also gaining altitude with jetpack and parachuting somewhere else works well.
<darsie> Did that with a rescue mission.
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<transit> bwoop
<transit> so the thing i built earlier can carry 40 tons of payload, probably more
<darsie> To LKO?
<darsie> :)
<transit> 40 tons to lko -checks something-
<transit> the fuel tank bit was the payload, dropped from like 900 meters
<transit> landed perfectly
<transit> the biggest thing i launch regularly that i know of is 113 tons once on orbit
<transit> let me do that
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<transit> takes a bit to get up after ignition
<transit> 950 tons or something on the pad
<transit> 952 tons hehe i was close
<transit> i could make it 1000 tons, but i would have to re-balance the thrust and fuel layout, basically design a new launcher
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Deddly> IFA test was cool. I would have liked to have seen video from inside the capsule, though :)
<Althego> what could oyu see from the inside?
<Althego> thesplashdown
<JVFoxy> how quick that booster just blows up though.. ouch
<JVFoxy> Intact to insta fireball in half a frame
<Deddly> Video from stage 2 would have been interesting, too
<Althego> watch the fireball from the inside?
<TheKosmonaut> Having a G meter would be nice.
<Deddly> Stage 2 survived until splashdown - video would have been pointing down into the explosion
<Althego> and a kerbal head in the lower right :)
<Deddly> TheKosmonaut, I was thinking that, too. I kept looking for the G meter on the navball...
<JVFoxy> So... booster just goes 'dumb' soon as it was detachted? Then again, usually it doesn't seperate till way up higher
<Mat2ch> I really wonder how they do the checking if the booster is alright. Multiple accelerometers and if in a certain phase of flight the acceleration is off, fire and away?
<Deddly> JVFoxy, Booster was commanded to shut down
<Mat2ch> Deddly: Stage 2 released water and left a nice trail ;)
<Deddly> Mat2ch, not water :)
<Mat2ch> I thought the tanks of stage 2 were just packed with water as mass simulators?
<Deddly> It was filled with fuel and oxidiser
<TheKosmonaut> It’s crazy to me that the pad abort was 5y ago
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<Deddly> TheKosmonaut, Yeah, space is close, and to stay there you have to go fast, but it's incredibly slow....
<Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: I think back then they wanted to land it powered. Then they decided against it and had to redesign
<Mat2ch> Then the failure
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<Mat2ch> hundreds of parachute tests...
<JVFoxy> Deddly like in completely shutdown? RCS usually keeps it tracking on a normal fight after seperation right?
<Deddly> JVFoxy, This I don't know. But according to Scott Manley, it was commanded to shot down at the same time as the capsule separated
<Deddly> shut*
<Deddly> Mat2ch, Yeah, original plan was powered landings, but they realised they would never be able to convince NASA that it was as safe as parachutes, and they needed to certify the parachute system, anyway
<JVFoxy> Deddly ya saw the vid. The capsule decided when the abort was going to actually happen.
<JVFoxy> Heh.. Gemini was going to be a paraglider system..
<Deddly> Soyuz has parachutes AND rockets, doesn't it?
<JVFoxy> you bombing down rear first, but then how do you swing around for a parawing system without too much jaring?
<Deddly> Solid rockets that fire just before touchdown
<JVFoxy> ya
<Althego> the so called soft landing jets
<Althego> which is a full traffic accident
<JVFoxy> I don't remember, mercury I think, had some sort of 'air cushion' thing it depoyed on water landings to help soften things.
<JVFoxy> land does tend to be pretty solid... water not so much.. well up to certain speed.
<Deddly> I just love it how SpaceX has gone from great rockets to full-on scifi massive spacecraft
<JVFoxy> almost old school scifi at that
<Deddly> Did you see how much Elon wants to scape it up?
<Althego> it is funny that during the parachute testing they found out that the testing was inadequate, so every other spacecraft was potentially unsafe, they were just lucky
<Deddly> How so, Althego?
<Althego> i am not sure
<JVFoxy> something they said and not much explination?
<Althego> but suposedly nasa will take the extended testing created by spacex fro future use
<Mat2ch> I guess they dropped the test crafts from too low altitudes, so they never were fast enough for a real test
<JVFoxy> ...
<Mat2ch> A helicopter can get how high? 10k feet/3 km?
<Mat2ch> That's where all the tests were made
<JVFoxy> so.. nearly mach 2.. 12km up wasn't enough?
<Mat2ch> what do you mean?
<Mat2ch> yesterday?
<JVFoxy> wait.. drop tests
<JVFoxy> sorry was still stuck on the failure test, didn't realize there'd been chute and drop tests prior to
<Mat2ch> well, some tests were performed 10 km up, I guess. But they just pushed the craft out of the plane
<Mat2ch> at probably low speeds
<Mat2ch> also I'm not sure if they used jets
<JVFoxy> even at slow speeds, could still give some useful data
<JVFoxy> high speed chute tests usually done in hyper wind tunnels
<Mat2ch> But the real world is still different
<Mat2ch> there are wind shears and things
<Mat2ch> So only a real test like Space X did yesterday shows the full performance
<Deddly> What exactly was the parachute issue that SpaceX had previously? I was under the understanding that Dragon 1 had been landing without issue for years on parachutes
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<JVFoxy> real world tests are only the tip of the iceberg... there's been a lot of work put into things prior, simulation isn't goin to be an exact copy of real world but it does give a pretty good idea of how things would go.
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: Iirc NASA wasn't happy with the four parachute design in case on fails
<Mat2ch> No backup chutes and everything
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<JVFoxy> apollo 15 landed with only 2 of the 3 chutes fully depolyed
<JVFoxy> NASA decided to revise their minimums since?
<Mat2ch> Well, the Apollo missions were almost 50 years ago
<Mat2ch> and much was pushed
<JVFoxy> just did some checking up. Soyuz has a reserve chute it seems
<JVFoxy> but its smaller
<JVFoxy> then again.. it only has the one main anyways
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<pepeavelino22> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, pepeavelino22
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<Althego> lol
<darsie> .
<Judge_Dedd> Wow
<Althego> weight on wheels
<Judge_Dedd> Just kidding
<Althego> not coming back
<darsie> Judge_Dedd: Is that why we have to keep this channel kid friendly? ;)
<Judge_Dedd> darsie, I lolled at the chese
<Judge_Dedd> cheese
<Judge_Dedd> That was Red5-level
* darsie can't see cheese.
<Althego> selective cheese blindness?
<darsie> Maybe. I avoid most animal products.
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<Althego> hehe of course portrait video is a crime gainst humanity so i am going to rotate it :)
<Althego> scott in his spacex launch abort video
<Judge_Dedd> That was the most sensible thing Scott ever said
<Althego> he intentionally puts these up in a time where i need to wait almost 24 hours to watch them
<Judge_Dedd> (and he says a lot of sensible things)
<Althego> most video sites now support them
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah, that's why he doesn't hang out in here anymore, Althego. It's to avoid your wrath
<Althego> they gave up the fight
<Althego> what wrath
<Judge_Dedd> Your wrath at him intentionally making you wait 24 hours
<Judge_Dedd> It was a joke
<Mat2ch> I'm really a bit sad that he doesn't hang out here anymore
<Mat2ch> maybe he'll return with KSP2
<Althego> svott2 with ksp2
<Althego> that would be either skye or orion :)
<Judge_Dedd> Skye is an awesome name, by the way
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<Althego> elon still cant talk
<Althego> he should augment his talking with ai so it becomes coherent
<Judge_Dedd> LOL
<Judge_Dedd> It's interesting, though, because he knows that he has received a fair bit of criticism for his public-speaking ability, and yet he continues doing it because he wants personal contact with his audience. I can respect that. Public speaking is hard
<Judge_Dedd> And although it would be nice if he prepared better, I would still rather hear him speak from the heart than read a pre-written statement
<Althego> i dont think you need to prepare for all random questions
<Althego> but still the random pauses and sounds are really annoying
<Judge_Dedd> Yup
<packbart> and he often answers a completely different question
<Althego> that is just his inner politician :)
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<Tsar_bomba> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tsar_bomba
<Judge_Dedd> Hey
<Althego> run, it is going to explode
<Flayer> so, i'm sending an orbital surveyor with a detachable rover
<Tsar_bomba> I don’t have any thing else to do
<Judge_Dedd> It's OK, it's only set to use half of its potential energy
<Flayer> and the first part of a base: the mining gear and some supplies
<Althego> thank you for choosing mega scuttler corporation's 8d-96 full force mega scuttler, a bomb to be proud of
<Judge_Dedd> Hehe
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<Judge_Dedd> BOOOOOM
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<Althego> hehe watched this a few days ago
<Althego> ?:i dont know how the neighbors can tolerate this
<Althego> sometimes explosions, sometimes jet engines
<Althego> how can you not smile
<Mat2ch> I guess the neighbours are either all warned or living several km away ;)
<Mat2ch> Space walk still going
<Althego> what are they doing this time?
<Mat2ch> Replacing batteries (or better accumulators :P )
<Mat2ch> and a lense of one of the external cameras
<Althego> so that battery project is really long
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<Mat2ch> almost done
<Mat2ch> one space walk left for the last pack
<Mat2ch> They are replacing all of the old ones.
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<Flayer> i thought the station was going to be dismantled in a few years
<Althego> doubt that
<Althego> even the mir was running as long as it could
* Mat2ch too
<Mat2ch> As long as it works, they will add to it
<Althego> the american side may commercialzie
<Mat2ch> The experiments are already commercialized...
<Mat2ch> and staying on the ISS will become a lot less interesting when you can fly around the Moon in 2022 ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> I would really like to know if Space X will be done before 2030 with Starship
<Althego> by this time it would have been possible if spacex had just human rated the falcon heavy
<UmbralRaptop> Not sure what the end date is now (2024? 2028? later?)
<Flayer> its probably kind of not worth it to human rate the heavy if they're making that big single rocket thing
<Althego> yes, that is why they didnt do it
<Flayer> how much cargo would the falcon heavy be able to bring to lunar orbit?
<Althego> hehe cooler master redesigned the thermal paste applicator, because they got tired of explaining it to worried parents that it is not some kind of illegal material
<UmbralRaptop> I think the heavy would end up needing an extra stage for non-zero?
<UmbralRaptop> (a fair amount to a lunar flyby, though)
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<Althego> originally spacex wanted to do it with the heavy
<Althego> i am not sure how
<Althego> using kerolox in the second stage engine is a limitation
<Althego> next spacex launch is in around 22 hours
<Althego> the mars launch windows is still so far away
Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon 9 Starlink 3 mission: Tues 16:59 GMT/UTC
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<Althego> somewhat related
<Flayer> what are they launching next?
<Flayer> tbh i dont care unless they're attempting a falcon heavy with three landings again
<Althego> hehe it seems nothing. got delayed an unknown amount. but it was suposed to be starlink
<Flayer> that was sick, two of 'em landing at the same tmie
<Althego> 3 falcon heavy launches this year. for now
<Flayer> it feels very like 'year 2000' to see those rockets land
<Flayer> like, this is how is it supposed to be
<Flayer> can't wait till we see this all over the planet
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<raptop> 'lo
<raptop> Hrm. "🐈"
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<transit> bwoop
<transit> gonna aim to make a fuel transport rover
<darsie> I made one, too. Not in the current game, though, I'm afraid. It transport fuel from the refinery to a landed rocket needing refuelling.
<darsie> Hmm, I guess I could have made the refinery in the rover.
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<transit> bwoop
<transit> i remember the 1.0 hype days, 700+ people in here, place was jumping
<packbart> in Internet Time, that was aeons ago ;)
<sandbox> almost 5 years
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