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<kmath> YouTube - Boeing's Starliner Launch to the International Space Station
<Althego> in a few hours
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<Mat2ch> Althego: interesting
<Mat2ch> I thought they weren't that far in the process
<Althego> because of the spacex explosion they are now head to head for the first humans to the iss
<Mat2ch> not really
<Mat2ch> but almost
<Mat2ch> I wonder when the inflight abort test is
<Mat2ch> also for Boeing everything has to work today
<Mat2ch> and tomorrow
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<Althego> i think nasa did not ask for an in flight abort test
<Althego> spacex did it anyway
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<Mat2ch> well, I'd rather fly in a capsule that has proven its abort capability
<Mat2ch> although launches got pretty safe lately
<Mat2ch> I watched the video about Starship not having an abort mechanism yesterday. Well, we got pretty safe airplanes now. But they don't have a rocket pushing them through max-q...
<Althego> it doesnt have a separate abort mechanism. but it has its main engines
<Mat2ch> the question is if they're powerful enough to propell the ship fast enough away from the exploding booster...
<Althego> according to elon, even if the booster is disintegrating, it cant do a fast explosion because the fuel and oxidizer is not mixed
<Mat2ch> well, ok
<Mat2ch> but what when the engines on starship fail?
<Althego> still, i wouldnt want to be there when i explodes :)
<Mat2ch> or the tank breaks apart?
<Mat2ch> the top can't just break off and fall down on a parachute...
<Mat2ch> I mean, I'm all in for landing Crew Dragon under power
<Mat2ch> but it has a backup system...
<Althego> that is a different thing
<Mat2ch> how and why? Both systems are falling from the sky...
<Althego> the abort mechanism is to take the crew away from the faulty booster
<Althego> having some kind of recovery for the crew part
<Althego> that is different
<Althego> for the soyuz that is the reentry part. but there is no such thing for the starship
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<Althego> they didnt even mention it
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<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> my ssto space plane is another masterpiece
<Mat2ch> but
<Mat2ch> is there a way to automatically restart the drills when power ran out?
<Mat2ch> it's annoying
<Mat2ch> I have to drill for weeks and I don't want to have to restart them all the time
<Mat2ch> :|
<Althego> simple, turn on maximum time warp and power never runs out
<Mat2ch> uh, five minutes
<Althego> which is kind of cheating, but that is what the game usually does
<Mat2ch> well, flying to a distant planet and refilling by mining ore is a bit cheaty, too ;)
<Mat2ch> I wonder why the drills have to stop
<Mat2ch> and turned back on
<Althego> unless it is metallic hydrogen :)
<Mat2ch> and the resource converter doesn't
<Mat2ch> But where do you get the oxygene from?
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<kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
<Mat2ch> ok, 1 hour until launch
<Althego> had to refresh it lol
<Mat2ch> well, if the launch takes really 50 minutes I can take a shower in the meantime ;P
<Mat2ch> .oO( yeah, I'm on holiday already. :P )
<Althego> you can even have a nap :)
<Mat2ch> A nap in the shower doesn't sound safe. ;)
<Althego> not at the same time
<Fluburtur> more batteries
<Althego> more timewarp
<Althego> btw the boeing capsule is already a failure, sending one person up with it is more expensive than a soyuz seat
<Mat2ch> Althego: it is?
<Mat2ch> What about Crew Dragon?
<Althego> i am not sure
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: more batteries means more weight which means less performance
<Althego> probably cheaper, but by not much, because they want to milk it
<Mat2ch> which will drag me down in the add more fuel and power spiral...
<Mat2ch> well, they can at least milk it...
<Mat2ch> So, no onboard cams?
<Mat2ch> and why are there so many people watching and working? If you see the SpaceX facilities, they mostly look empty...
<Althego> theres hould be
<Althego> there is a test dummy and a floatyng snoopy
<Mat2ch> also everything in imperial units. Wow, such future, so modern
<packbart> "orbital insertion delayed" - soooo, it's coming back down?
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<Althego> hehe
<packbart> Everyday Astronaut also thinks it's coming back down. Let's see what the official euphemism is
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<packbart> KSP is still the go-to simulation software for Space Yotubers
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<packbart> KSP players know that feeling.
<kmath> <DJSnM> Starliner was pointed at 90 degrees to prograde while they were trying to perform insertion.
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<FLHerne> Even I know that's not how that works
<Eclipser> they haven't played enough ksp
<packbart> seems to have tumbled a bit:
<kmath> <Mini_Elon> @DJSnM Don't know if this was normal but it looked out to me.
<packbart> so either it's coming back down or it's in orbit but with the wrong inclination and phase to get to the ISS
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<packbart> Boeing clicks "Revert to launch"
<Rolf> ctrl-z
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<packbart> official press conference now. let's see where it's at
<Althego> lnik?
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<Althego> oh the same
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<Fluburtur> I just came back from eating, just in time for the launch
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<Althego> what launch
<Eddi|zuHause> better than coming back from eating, just in time for lunch
<Althego> anyway the launch is so much over that there was a debrief of the failure too
<packbart> don't call it a failure. it was an off-nominal success
<packbart> just some issue with the "Mission Chronometer Augmentation System"
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<UmbralRaptop> lolsob
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<Fluburtur> of course scott was going to make a video on that but it will be more interesting than planned
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<Flayer> oh wow, china is planning on getting a sample from the moon next year
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<Flayer> i really hope the west will include them for lunar base stuff
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<darsie> Does China want to be included?
<Althego> actually nasa is not allowed to cooperate with the chinese. i guess it i the same on the other side too
<darsie> Will China convert to pseudodemocracy to be included? Will China honor human rights? Will USA honor human rights?
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<Althego> they are not going to start with that in a few days
<darsie> We need an alien invasion to unite.
<Flayer> we should just work together as much as possible and let each other alone otherwise
<Althego> ah scott
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<Eddi|zuHause> so, they ran out of dV? that happens to me all the time
<Althego> hehe
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<Flayer> i'm going to have like 200 dv left at a 3600 km orbit
<Althego> that is overengineered :)
<Flayer> def
<Flayer> im putting a bigger lifter underneath it otherwise i can't get back
<Flayer> i like how getting to the mun is easier than an orbit around kerbin lower than the mun
<Flayer> (orbit around the mun)
<Althego> how so?
<raptop> Is this an Oberth thing?
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<Flayer> it may just be incompetence
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<LushPineapple29> i like saying random things just to make sure someone is there so.
<LushPineapple29> test.
* raptop gives LushPineapple29 a D+
<LushPineapple29> huh.
<raptop> (Perhaps the test shouldn't have involved so many Jackson problems)
<LushPineapple29> vibe check
<raptop> vibe slovak
<raptop> Anyway, thoughts on the new SRBs?
<LushPineapple29> If your talking to me, not much.
<LushPineapple29> I think the SRBs are cool.
<LushPineapple29> and thats really all.
* raptop was surprised that the larger ones can carry (tiny) payloads to kerbin escape
<LushPineapple29> huh.
* raptop has sadly had limited time and interest in KSP lately. blame grad school and/or burnout after playing on and off since, er, 2011
<LushPineapple29> this is just my opinion, school is just a place where they eat up your free time and then you just sit in a chair and do work.
<LushPineapple29> depending on how much homework you have, you can have 3 hours of free time
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<kubi> depends on how do you spen the time in school
<kubi> growing like a cabbage or try to squeeze something in
<LushPineapple29> huh.
<raptop> Anyway, research can be fun. If, uh, occasionally involving scary amounts of responsibility
<raptop> (You want me to operate a telescope that costs 3-4 decades of my current salary?)
<LushPineapple29> i built this weird tiny lander in ksp minutes ago.
<raptop> weird in what way?
<LushPineapple29> weird in design
<raptop> Landing on Mk55s, or something?
<LushPineapple29> i'm terrible at communication and new to ksp, i need you to describe that.
<raptop> Uh, probably it would be easiest if you posted pics
<LushPineapple29> huh
<LushPineapple29> i will
<raptop> solar panel blast shield!
<raptop> (or something)
<raptop> How is it on ΔV and instruments?
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<LushPineapple29> back.
<raptop> re
<LushPineapple29> alright so
<LushPineapple29> thats just the lander itself
<LushPineapple29> it can burn for 31 seconds
<raptop> Seems a bit limited, but not sure what that amounts to in m/s
<LushPineapple29> 1022m/s
<LushPineapple29> this is a small lander for a mun
<raptop> Yeah, should be plenty for LMO to surface
<LushPineapple29> yeah
<LushPineapple29> maybe there could be some left to get back into orbit?
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<LushPineapple29> but mun orbit
<LushPineapple29> its impossible to get itself back into kerbin orbit
<LushPineapple29> imma create a little test of setting the lander into muns orbit with hyperedit and then land, and then try to get into mun orbit
<raptop> Probably just barely short for getting back into orbit
<raptop> (ignoring rotation and altitude, a circular orbit around the moon would be ~570 m/s)
<LushPineapple29> i just realized
<LushPineapple29> it can barely hold itself up
<LushPineapple29> alright im conducting the test
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<LushPineapple29> i landed on the mun with 6.47 Oxidizer left and 5.30 Liquid fuel left
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<LushPineapple29> im going to try to head back into orbit
<LushPineapple29> and im out of fuel
<LushPineapple29> that was a weird test
<LushPineapple29> but it worked
<raptop> huh, what's your final ap/pe?
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<LushPineapple29> i reverted to the vab but if your talking about the max height i got around 55,110
<LushPineapple29> i wasn't paying attention and did full throttle
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<raptop> hm
<LushPineapple29> huh
<LushPineapple29> i've sent rovers to duna before but i really never payed attention to the mun
<raptop> hah
<LushPineapple29> i've also done one way trips to duna
<LushPineapple29> which literally means sending kerbals to duna with no way back home
<LushPineapple29> thats also what i like calling banishing kerbals
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<raptop> I guess that's one way to keep Jeb from sneaking into test craft
<LushPineapple29> i have a save with around 20 kerbals stuck on duna
<LushPineapple29> alll they have is a rover with a seat on it
<raptop> Good thing kerbals don't need food. Or water. Or more air than a single large helmet can supply
<LushPineapple29> yeah
<LushPineapple29> Jeb has been stuck in a metal can for around 3 years now
<LushPineapple29> by himself
<LushPineapple29> on a giant red planet
<LushPineapple29> alone
<LushPineapple29> with his radio connection with home cut
<Flayer> aww
<raptop> ow
<LushPineapple29> huh
<LushPineapple29> where should i launch a rocket to
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<Flayer> i'm going to minmus next. one trip, ~3000 science if things go as planned
<raptop> Eve skydiving?
<raptop> ...extreme skydiving. Kerbal disembarks on Gilly, attempts to splashdown in the explodium sea
<LushPineapple29> huh
<LushPineapple29> that works well
<LushPineapple29> Imma try it :D
<raptop> yay
<LushPineapple29> im in eve orbit and about to skydive :D
<LushPineapple29> jeb is now skydiving
<LushPineapple29> i turned on Ignore Max Tempature
<LushPineapple29> so he's gonna not be cooked alive
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<Fluburtur> Dres