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<packbart> I'd guess it's SAS wobbling the station in resonance
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<darsie> Some stuff also wobbles without SAS.
<NGC3982> it wobbles by itself without sas and rcs activated
<packbart> remove KJR ;)
<NGC3982> kjr?
<NGC3982> google indicates i should actually add kjr
<NGC3982> this game is unmodded
<packbart> ah, ok. I had a similar problem when I tested KJR. My fuel station would suddenly start to wobble and disintegrate
<NGC3982> nice
<NGC3982> that looks cool
<NGC3982> i solved my problem by not using SAS or RCS and move the stations physical nodes length wise
<NGC3982> need to launch a towing ship for that large tank section. it wasn't built properly so is basically dead by itself
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<kubi> NGC3982: have you tried autostrut to root function?
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<NGC3982> kubi: no, isnt autostrut a mod?
<Althego> no
<Althego> may the advanced tweakables be with you, always
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<kubi> exactly
<NGC3982> oh, nice. i will test it.
<NGC3982> should i just autostrut the heavist parts on the entire station, perhaps?
<NGC3982> oh, never mind, to root.
<kubi> does not matter
<kubi> you strut some of the big parts to root or to heaviest
<kubi> you can do it in-flight too
<kubi> or in the editor
<kubi> it would be nice to have a mod that does it automatically ...
<NGC3982> i see, thanks. it seems to be helping.
<NGC3982> simply enabling it on the big tank stopped the entire station to move
<Althego> it is like a cheat ability. it does not add mass, it does not add a part, yet it works
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<NGC3982> the docking ports are the places where it usually "flexes"
<NGC3982> should those be autostrut:ed aswell?
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<darsie> I'd like to put a relay in an interstage fairing, but KSP won't let me attach upper parts to the interstage. They must be attached to a part in the interstage, but the antenna has no upper attachment point. Engines have shrouds as workaround.
<darsie> relay antenna*
<Mat2ch> darsie: the fairings have interstage attachment points afaik
<Mat2ch> you might have to enable them
<darsie> ahh, thanks :).
<Flayer> i have to collect 1200 science in 10 days
<Flayer> (to unlock the tech i want to bring to Duna with me)
<Mat2ch> Flayer: easy. Farm the Mun
<Althego> and minmus
<Mat2ch> Minmus is more than 10 days, isn't it?
<Flayer> i don't have enough time for minmus
<Althego> not really, you just have to go there on an escape trajectory
<Mat2ch> well, you could build a huge rocket and do a fast approach...
<Althego> you can be there in 3 days
<Flayer> i'm going with the mun
<Althego> and escape from minmus speed is not far away
<Flayer> but that will be later today
<Mat2ch> Even faster should be possible
<Althego> also the duna window is at least 20 days wide
<Althego> if not more
<Althego> in fact you can go there any time, just need a lot more fuel
<Althego> around 8000 m/s in the worst case scenario
<kubi> darsie: you will need decoupler or better, separator too
<kubi> the internal structure of the fairing does not stage
<kubi> if yo are using a simple decoupler, the structure stays there
<darsie> ok. I'm using another fairing with decoupler.
<kubi> it is not really needed
<kubi> moreover, the small fairing base will be there forwver
<kubi> quite ugly, hanging in the void
<darsie> Then what?
<kubi> as I said
<kubi> one fairing
<kubi> enable interstage nodes and the structure
<kubi> and use a bidirectional separator for the small probe
<darsie> The relay antenna is wider than the structure.
<kubi> well, it will be ugly until you detach the probe
<kubi> then the frame will disappear
<kubi> alternatively, you can put the probe low, and the dish to the top
<darsie> The truss did not disappear:
<kubi> decoupler --> separator
<kubi> as I said
<kubi> or two decouplers: the lower one is upside down to detach from the structure
<kubi> cool
<NGC3982> kubi, Althego: the autostrut solved my problems. thanks a lot.
<kubi> you are welcome
<NGC3982> my god i just found the track editor
<NGC3982> i will have so many blinking lights
<kubi> hm
<kubi> in theory, editor extensions has the ability to set autostut by default
<kubi> track editor?
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<TheKosmonaut> Hey all
<TheKosmonaut> So a bit of a turntables
<TheKosmonaut> First time running KSP on windows, does the game run better in any specific setting w/ the windowed/unwidowed mode?
<TheKosmonaut> On MacOS it's basically run in windowed mode anyway so it's neverreally mattered
<TheKosmonaut> pfft
<TheKosmonaut> havent played in more than a year
<TheKosmonaut> orbit first try with just enough margin for reentry
<Althego> i can assure you it is not like that
<Althego> i an already in the 3rd forgotten how to bike era
<TheKosmonaut> Flying rockets is just like riding a bike -- Buzz Aldrin
<TheKosmonaut> Oof this old laptp doesnt like reentry
<TheKosmonaut> Still no optifine like mod out there eh
<TheKosmonaut> Did it all IVA too.
<TheKosmonaut> Feelsgoodman
<Althego> now go to the mun only with your nose :)
<packbart> version numbers are a subtrope of "naming things" and therefore hard, I guess. I do understand why including a build number or timestamp is okay-ish, but "" just feels wrong. and why is version 0.x ever so popular?
* packbart marvels at
<Althego> easier to start doing things than to finish them
<TheKosmonaut> Althego: my favorite challenge was IVA duna
<TheKosmonaut> With orbital rendezvous and docking
<packbart> with additional instrument props or just stock?
<TheKosmonaut> packbart: I'd need instrumentation
<TheKosmonaut> I can do simpler stuff with stock IVA, But having the map in IVA would be nice
<TheKosmonaut> Otherwise I'd just do some good ol envelope math
<TheKosmonaut> The best kind
<TheKosmonaut> Terrible at finding motivation to study mathematics in school as a kid, love it when I'm in KSP
<packbart> eerie shadow of Jeb having fun at the controls.
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program - IVA Kerbin to Minmus
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<packbart> great, now you made me watch an IVA mission video ;)
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<darsie> Since escape trajectories are ellipses, does escape velocity (in the wiki) mean to get out of SOI or real escape velocity?
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<darsie> The wiki shows the real EV.
<darsie> So to SOI should be less.
<darsie> Well, it's not too much off. 2987 vs. 3069 m/s.
<darsie> Tylo
<NGC3982> the autostrut solution has turned into a autostrut problem. when loading the game and flying the autostrut:ed vehicle it blows to smithereens.
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* darsie crashed into Tylo.
<Althego> i expected that much
<Althego> not an easy place
<darsie> :)
<darsie> The mini lander.
<darsie> ant
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<darsie> Gavity losses are too high for the ant lander.
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<Althego> insert meme picture with gravity losses are too damn high caption
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<Althego> typical
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<darsie> With a Spark it would have worked.
<darsie> Wasn't sure about the ant.
<darsie> Starting position was 10 km Pe and Ap just outside SOI.
<UmbralRaptop> [CSB voice] But instead of the specified engine, the contractors installed one with lower thrust and specific impulse
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<Mat2ch> but the spark would've been heavier, so you would have needed more fuel, etc.
<darsie> yes
<darsie> The other parts would have had a lower mass fraction.
<darsie> And the spark might have a higher TWR.
<darsie> okto2, reaction wheel, solar panel, antenna, thermometer.
<darsie> Spark has 154 N/kg, Ant has 100 N/kg.
<bees> double ants for the rescue
<darsie> And it does indeed have higher Isp. 320 vs. 315.
<darsie> heh
<darsie> Can you surface mount ants?
<Althego> there is the spider
<darsie> yeah
<Althego> but i always use the ultimate part in the game: cubic octagonal struts
<Mat2ch> darsie: TWR is not necessary if you have time...
<Mat2ch> *high TWR
<Mat2ch> ISP is much more interesting
<darsie> Mat2ch: If you land on Tylo, gravity losses are an issue.
<Althego> and with those you can put the ants anywhere you want
<darsie> Two ants directly on the Oscar B works.
<darsie> The Spider is not a vacuum engine. 260-290 Isp.
<UmbralRaptop> time is short on tylo
<Althego> "time is precious. times is fleeting. time is something you have very little of"
<Althego> tick tock prince tick tock
<darsie> I even went from 5 km to 124 km to be slower when doing the landing burn.
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<NGC3982> can kerbonauts enter vehicles with docking ports?
<Mat2ch> They need a door
<NGC3982> that doesnt seem to exist on its own, so i need to add a adjacent pod then?
<Mat2ch> but when crafts are connected by a docking port they can be switched around
<Mat2ch> Which pod are you using?
<NGC3982> im about to add mk1 crew cabins to a space station and i was looking for ways to make neat entry doors to them
<Mat2ch> Ah
<Mat2ch> Kerbals can only enter through the doors on the crew cabins
<Mat2ch> but it would be nice to have some kind of airlock to place
<Mat2ch> but this would mean that we need a better way of managing seats
<NGC3982> ok
<NGC3982> and not being able to board filled tanks
<NGC3982> :)
<Mat2ch> But you can move through them...
<Mat2ch> with the transfer helper ;)
<darsie> Can you "transfer" a kerbal from a command seat inside?
<NGC3982> no, not without a directly mounted pod/crew cabin
<NGC3982> but i solved it
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<NGC3982> at least i think so
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