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<Rolf> enjoy
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<kmath> YouTube - Boeing Starliner Orbital Flight Test Landing
<Althego> in 6 hours
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<Flayer> what would be a more accurate name for the 'starliner'
<Flayer> it doesn't go to the stars
<Althego> neither does the starship
<Althego> i dont like these names
<Althego> same for astronaut
<Althego> nobody ever was an astronaut
<Althego> stream on
<Althego> maybe they will have an off nominal landiong too :)
<kubi> do you think they miss Earth somehow?
<Althego> they are doing it now
<Althego> the secret of orbiting :)
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<Mat2ch> so, when will be the landing now? :P
<Mat2ch> SpaceX would provide us with some nice graphics
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<Firsty_Kerman> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Firsty_Kerman
<Firsty_Kerman> is there a mod that has thing like modular coridors?
<Firsty_Kerman> for like conecting docking ports that are away from each other?
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<packbart> SSPXr has exensible corridors with claw-like docking
<Mat2ch> too late
<Mat2ch> already gone :(
<packbart> hmmyeah. I ignore joins/quits on this channel, maybe should reduce that just to joins
<Althego> i guess just aas with the launch they are just going to show the room with people instead of the event :)
<Flayer> packbart: nicknames turn grey when they leave for me
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, 15 min till deorbit burn
<darsie> Flayer: Maybe we should find an alternative to moviestars, too. They're not really stars, either.
<Althego> another dumb phrase: meteoric rise. meteors fall :)
<darsie> Never heard that. What context/meaning?
<Althego> for example with movie starts. they can have a meteoric rise to fame :)
<darsie> ic
<darsie> Well, when bodies fall up, they do rise.
<darsie> The sun rises, too, in a way.
<Althego> but meteors never rise
<darsie> Rarely, yes.
<darsie> They might, if they just graze the atmosphere.
<Althego> at that time they are still called ejecta
<Althego> when something launches them into space
<Althego> like martian meteorite on earth. at one point they had to rise
<darsie> Jupiter could redirect a meteoroid to graze Earths atmosphere.
<Mat2ch> bad music + voice over bad
<Mat2ch> Boeing needs to learn a lot...
<darsie> So that capsule missed the orbit insertion burn? Why didn't they do it "manually"?
<Mat2ch> darsie: no com link
<darsie> k
<Mat2ch> they were pretty unlucky there.
<darsie> There are com sats.
<Mat2ch> Mission timer in the capsule was wrong, so it did the wrong manouver
<Althego> jsut lieki n ksp
<Mat2ch> and they were in a spot with the capsule where they had no coverage
<Althego> when during ascent you have that annoying blacjout at just around insertion burn
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> well, I hope KSP 2 also features a flight computer mode, where you can program your whole rocket
<Mat2ch> like, ascend, roll, turn to 15°, when reaching 5k m height, turn slowly over to 45° with a rate of 1° per s
<Mat2ch> then you can program things like doing the orbit insertion and everything
<packbart> they didn't check their staging and activated the upper stage together with the boosters
<Althego> very cool light show
<Althego> and thy dont show it
<Althego> but they do have a camera on board
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<packbart> well at least the Mission Control Center Photographer is keeping busy
<Althego> even the soyuz launches are better than this, because of the new onboard camera
<packbart> and they're not even showing the angle with the mission control screen
<Althego> exactly
<Althego> they could, but they dont
<Althego> low res downlionk
<Althego> i thought at this point they wont even show the landing
<packbart> well, they did promise interior views
<Althego> with a gravity indicator plushie
<Althego> warm parachutes
<packbart> they did pack the chutes correctly, this time
<Mat2ch> I guess they're reflecting just pretty good
<Althego> hehe in ksp typically the heatshield presses back onto the lander :)
<Althego> ok, on eve
<Mat2ch> drop it after you pull the chutes ;P
<Althego> even then
<packbart> don't jettison the shield before the chutes fully deploy ;)
<Althego> other possibility is that it starts to spin faster and faster alog a horizontal acis
<packbart> (ok, I just don't jettison it ever)
<Althego> you cant deflate the inflatable
<packbart> apparently, the inflation can be tied to a controller axis
<Althego> at least they can avoid the lame water "landings"
<Mat2ch> well, SpaceX wanted to land under power, but wasn't allowed to do so...
<darsie> I don't use heat shields for entry from Mun. Or Minmus, I guess.
<Althego> they were allwoed but the regulations on that were so bad they decided to just not take that route
<Mat2ch> well, I thought NASA didn't want the landing legs going through the heat shield
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<packbart> they could use the time to replay the interior views, assuming they were already transmitted
<packbart> maybe they'll need to retrieve a USB stick from the capsule for that
<packbart> it does look cute with its balloon ring, though :)
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<Althego> lol they őpőut a tent over it
<Althego> "environmental enclosure"
<darsie> To contain the hydrazine ;)
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<Mat2ch> Althego: ok, they ditched it in favor of Starship
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* darsie put a cheap little sat in polar Mun orbit with 233 m/s left:
<Althego> hehe that is small
<packbart> so, no interior views then? meh
<darsie> Sorry, no cam in the fuel tank.
<darsie> SpaceX has to be good for something :).
<Mat2ch> Oh, I love those small sats and builing them myself
<Mat2ch> It's sometimes sad we don't have even smaller parts
<darsie> There's a tiny port mod.
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<kubi> why would one do a powered landing instead of parachute?
<Althego> generally you cant slow down with a parachute, so landing is rough, you cant designate a small landing area, and you have to repackage the parachute
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<kmath> YouTube - This Rocket-Powered Car Is Engineered to Break the Sound Barrier
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<estorado> hi, I bought ksp in the ea phase, the addons are worth to buy them?
<UmbralRaptop> ea phase?
<estorado> early access
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<estorado> at
<UmbralRaptop> ah
<estorado> havent played ksp for years
<UmbralRaptop> Depends on how much you expect to use them? IIRC, the consensus is that breaking ground does more than making history?
<estorado> I can play both addons without using stream?
<estorado> and whats the difference between breaking gorund and making history?
<estorado> and the stopped development on ksp?
<Althego> supposedly they didnt stop development even with ksp 2 in progress
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<kubi> the addons do not give too much
<kubi> mods are better
<kubi> the new robotic parts are just a joke compared to infernal robotics
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<UmbralRaptop> I have both add-ons through the store, though I got ksp so early that they were free
<Althego> making history adds a lot of historical soviet and american parts and a whats its name, challenge editor. breaking grounds adds a lot of interesting parts, some robotics and electric props
<kubi> maybe that deployable science
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<estorado> ok, mechjeb are requiered to play ksp
<Althego> hehe lol no
<estorado> the differnt languages still mods or already implemented?
<UmbralRaptop> not at all, and recent versions of KSP now show ΔV, TWR, and some orbit info
<UmbralRaptop> (er at mj)
<UmbralRaptop> uh, there are localizations in a bunch of languages. don't know what yours is, so I don't know if they cover it
<estorado> can not find the language switch ...
<Althego> i dont know about steam
<Althego> but the store bought version has different downloads for languages
<estorado> I dont use steam
<sandbox> estorado, when and where did you buy ksp? you might still be able to get the expansions for free
<estorado> on the ksp store
<Althego> so there at the last step you can chose which language you want
<Althego> for the dlcs too
<estorado> oh ok, I missed that, only saw the big blue Download button
<estorado> unfortunatly, I can not choose languages
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<UmbralRaptop> IIRC, it's download, then you get a list of versions and languages. scrolling down may be necessary
<estorado> ah, now I found it!
<estorado> more Downloads: Language Patches
<UmbralRaptop> yay
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<Flayer> alright, bringing a manned science lander to minmus
<Flayer> this is the big one
<kmath> <DavidBerardo_> Many things besides exoplanets transit, and especially this time of year you have to watch out for seasonal sources…
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<Althego> hehe
* raptop sort of wishes you could place 5 seats in stock
<raptop> uh, 5x symmetry
<Althego> i was wondering about 7
<Althego> but i heard there is some mod to do these
<raptop> yeah, EdX, or something
<raptop> (insert cliche about how the Delta 79xx is unrealistic)
<darsie> EER, I guess.
<raptop> The new accomodations are somewhat spartan
<darsie> Bring your own diapers.
<darsie> Ahh, Kerbals are plants, I forgot :).
<darsie> Powered by a Kickback and a Flea.
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<Althego> hehhe
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<Flayer> man, i am liking this game
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