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<NGC3982> i found the alien head!
<NGC3982> this jool mission will probably exceed 10k science
<NGC3982> and it's my first time visiting it
<NGC3982> made a way, way to expensive ship with overkill dV
<NGC3982> what a wonderful little craft
<darsie> mhm :)
<darsie> I love ion thrusters :).
<NGC3982> i did a refuel on minmus, went to pol and then bop. now im off to thylo
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<NGC3982> and sorry, i should have put spoiler alert on my url.
<darsie> It's in the url.
<UmbralRaptop> It's been around since 0.17 IIRC
<UmbralRaptop> (late 2012? 2013?)
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<NGC3982> hm, i dont think i have the engine power to land on tylo
<NGC3982> because im at 2100m/s at 30k
<NGC3982> with four vacuum engines
<UmbralRaptop> Mind the high gravity
* NGC3982 holds his breath
<NGC3982> nope, not even close
<NGC3982> 1000m/s left at 0km
<NGC3982> will starting a burn higher up help me?
<darsie> There's an ideal altitude.
<darsie> You could burn retrograde till you stop and see how much altitude you lost. That's about it.
<NGC3982> i see
<darsie> At lower orbits you need more, since you're faster.
<NGC3982> i see. i climbed to 200k and started calculating. i think i have enough dV to slow myself down if im down to 10-50m/s too high up
<darsie> Lowering one side as much as possible would make you a bit slower at a
<darsie> Lowering one side as much as possible would make you a bit slower at Ap, so that might give you a few m/s.
<NGC3982> speed started climbing again :(.
<NGC3982> ap was 10k
<darsie> land at ap.
<darsie> That's where you're slowest.
<darsie> But it doesn't make much difference if ap=10 km and pe=5 km.
<NGC3982> yes
<NGC3982> nope, not possible
<NGC3982> can't get under 600m/s before speed starts climbing when braking
<NGC3982> but that's allright. i hope i have dV to leave tylo tho
<UmbralRaptop> Tylo is evil like that
<darsie> if speed starts climbing when you brake then your TWR<1.
<NGC3982> TWR = thrust to weight ratio?
<darsie> yes
<NGC3982> 0.56 in this stage
<darsie> lol
<UmbralRaptop> whelp
<NGC3982> no worries, time to see if i can leave and visit vall
<UmbralRaptop> Guess you'll need to lithobrake that last km/s
<darsie> Try a soft landing at a slope that matches your trajectory :).
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<estorado> good morning, I am playing career mode: how can I activate manoever nodes?
<Althego> have to upgrade buildings
<estorado> which one?
<Althego> it is there in the description
<Althego> Using them requires upgrading both the Tracking Station and Mission Control.
<estorado> thank you
<Althego> however you dont need the nodes to go to the mun, there is a trick to it
<estorado> I am trying a orbit right now :)
<Althego> you dont need node for that either :)
<estorado> yes I know, but it would be easier
<kubi> morning
<kubi> is there a way to change the font size in mechjeb?
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<NGC3982> vall wasn't that easy to land on either
<NGC3982> only had 1300dV left from tylo exit :(.
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<NGC3982> so far i have traveled kerbin > mun (refuel) > pol > bop > tylo > vall > pol (refuel) and im on my way to eeloo. i have no idea if i have panels, antennas or dV for this :<
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> solar panels dont reall work there
<NGC3982> but wow, one thing that really opened up this game again for me is the career mode. being forced to do new stuff to get funds made the game so much better
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<Althego> it is nice once in a while. you need to do stuff you would never do normally
<NGC3982> yes indeed. when i first installed ksp 2-3 years ago i jumped into sandbox directly. that was a huge mistake :/
<Althego> what i enjoy is juggling 20 missions in parallel
<NGC3982> that's cool
<NGC3982> i try to combine as much as possible
<NGC3982> and now when i have find a somewhat good refueling (and recently learned to rendezvouz and dock properly) that works better
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<packbart> some Schrödinger Debris passing through my physics bubble. with a 30km Pe, it should have burned long ago
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<Mat2ch> packbart: I hope for KSP2 we get degrading orbits for stuff that skims through the atmosphere ;P
<darsie> We have that in 1.8.1 already.
<Mat2ch> We do?
<Rolf> for outside physics?
<darsie> sure
<Mat2ch> I should read the patch notes more carefully
<darsie> Aerobraking is a think in KSP.
<darsie> thing
<Rolf> well yeah thats why I asked if it works outside physics sphere
<darsie> no
<Rolf> ie it predicts effects by atomsphere and adjusts orbit after it
<Rolf> too bad that'd be very cheap way to fake it outside physics
<darsie> during time warp?
<Rolf> or any other time
<Mat2ch> jep
<darsie> Would we get n-body physics?
<Mat2ch> probably not
<Althego> hehe doubt it
<darsie> That would require a stable solar system :).
<Rolf> we cant do 3 body problem, let alone more
<darsie> Would it help to calculate it on graphics cards?
<Althego> no, not really
<Althego> since there is no closed form solution it has to simulate all the time
<Althego> not to mention for the future in caase of orbit predictions
<darsie> Uncertainties would add to realism.
<Rolf> man if we ever solve 3 body problem
<darsie> Is there proof it's unsolvable?
<Rolf> btw three body problem is first book of AMAZING hard sci fi trilogy.
<Rolf> yeah poroven to be ircastically chaouc
<darsie> ircastically?
<Rolf> just like 2 segement pentalium (cant spell it)
<Rolf> yeah really basic part of how math works out
<Rolf> "There is no general analytical solution to the three-body problem given by simple algebraic expressions and integrals.[1] Moreover, the motion of three bodies is generally non-repeating, except in special cases.[5]"
<darsie> 1337
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<darsie> If you're still bored, throw relativity in it :).
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> read the trilogy I menioned
<Rolf> by end you will wish you could wipe your memory so you can experence it for first time again
<darsie> Liu Cixin?
<Rolf> yeah
<darsie> I don't read books, though ...
<Althego> :?
<Rolf> too bad, though that trilogy is like injecting pure scifi drug and never used any before
<Rolf> very very strong sci fi
<Rolf> very hard sci fi
<packbart> darsie: well, there seems to be a german audiobook version of it on youtube.
<kmath> YouTube - Cixin Liu – Die drei Sonnen cd 1 - hörspiel, hörbücher komplett deutsch fantasy
<darsie> I found the english on tpb.
<packbart> ah, that's where I was going too look next ;)
<darsie> Komplett? All 3 parts?
<packbart> don't know. says "cd 1" in the title and is only 2.5h long
<darsie> Says Hoerbuecher ...
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<NGC3982> i just noticed something strange
<NGC3982> the atmosphere gauge actually goes up a tiny bit on eeloo
<darsie> Up from the top? Or left of total left?
* darsie has a ship landed on Eeloo.
<darsie> NGC3982:
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<NGC3982> darsie: left from total left
<NGC3982> going to load save and try to catch video of it
<darsie> NGC3982: That's just total left.
<packbart> Congratulations to all the crew
<packbart> where did that solar panel go?
<Althego> hehe yes the one that would point towrds us is missing
<darsie> NGC3982: It's on the leftmost mark.
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<NGC3982> packbart: a crew RCS malfunction.
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<Guest38117> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest38117
<Guest38117> wazzzup
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<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> after years if playing i got it twice in a month
<Althego> and never again
<Buster> it's a 1 in 40 percent chance
<Buster> so it's kinda rare
<Buster> Althego 1st time i got it
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<NGC3982> my god i did it
<NGC3982> this mission took three days
<NGC3982> 34 ingame years
<NGC3982> just got home from eeloo directly to kerbin. had to figure out how to handle 4km/s at 35km periapsis at kerbin
<NGC3982> but it actually worked out (read: everything but the science and the kerbonauts exploded)
<UmbralRaptop> \o/
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<NGC3982> <- 179 experiments and like ten flags planted. im so happy.
<NGC3982> it equals.. 16 358 science. \o/
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<darsie> NGC3982: So you take the hard road to complete the tech tree.
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<NGC3982> yes
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<Mat2ch> NGC3982: you can remove the science from the containers and reset them :)
<NGC3982> Mat2ch: where do i store the science if not in the containers?
<NGC3982> i thought that was the point :)
<Mat2ch> NGC3982: well, you send out a scientist to collect the containers and then either store them in the crew cabin or in a science container :)
<NGC3982> oh i did
<NGC3982> on the screenshot you see the containers :)
<NGC3982> i used many, many of them
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<darsie> Do tehy have a limit how much they can store?
<NGC3982> yes, they cannot store identical objects afaik
<NGC3982> that i still get science for
<NGC3982> "Experiment Storage Units can not collect or store duplicate experiments (the same type done in exactly the same biome)"
<UmbralRaptor> yep
<NGC3982> but still get science points for duplicate experiments done in the same biome, as long as haven't recovered the craft at least once