Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Starlink 3 delayed due to weather
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<Fluburtur> yes
<Fluburtur> trying to make my long range plane work and trying to somehow make money
<Fluburtur> why does burning lithium smell like cake icing
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<UmbralRaptor> related https://youtu.be/RJh9yTIBY48
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<Flayer> oh, i like the re-entry modules
<Flayer> i'm gonna put them on the space hotel as escape pods
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<Althego> 5 launches in the next two weeks. but starlink 3 was moved to next week
* darsie fetched a lot of fuel from Minmus and brought it to LKO: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot122.png
<Flayer> damn
<darsie> :)
<darsie> gn
<Flayer> i've been thinking about making a refueling station on minmus
<darsie> The port on the rocket is a bit too high, but I managed to wiggle up there.
<Flayer> i've been thinking about designing a large vessel that can go from minmus to duna, using refueling stations at both
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<Flayer> oh right that will need a ladder
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<packbart> "I fell asleep during de-orbit and failed to deploy chutes." - such things happen. ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/191105-kerbal-forensics/ )
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Elon wants KSP for Tesla https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1219882329335902208?s=20
<Mat2ch> I'd like to know how much dV it has and it they could just straight deorbit it...
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<Althego> it may be geostat
<Althego> no?
<Mat2ch> It is
<Mat2ch> but being so high up means that it's easy to fall down...
<Deddly> Wow, engaget has some serious hoops you have to jump through if you don't want to consent to tracking and ad cookies
<Deddly> It takes a fair bit of fuel to deorbit from GEO
<Deddly> It's a circularised orbit, not elliptical
<Mat2ch> engadget is a nasty tracker. So nasty it was on a block list for a few weeks once.
<Deddly> The law is quite simple in that respect: A simple on-off toggle, defaulted to off
<Deddly> After going through all the hoops, it seems that they are, indeed, off. Maybe I've been on that site before
<packbart> explody sat is a Boeing, too ;)
<Deddly> If I remember correctly, the problem with GEO is that it takes so much fuel to get down from there, most don't bother trying - they just change to a graveyard orbit
<Mat2ch> 105000 m/s?
<Mat2ch> Sounds too much
<Deddly> More like 1500, I think
<Deddly> That's 1.5 km/s, which seems a big budget to have to keep if you are planning on deorbiting the satellite some day
<Mat2ch> True
<Mat2ch> but the sat has a lot of fuel left it seems
<Mat2ch> And you don't need to stop it, just get slow enough to drop into the atmosphere
<Mat2ch> Another calculator said 3.5 km/s
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<Althego> hehehe, when legends meet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7s1sr4JdlI
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<hatrix> :)
<Mat2ch> Starlink 3 launch postponed to 27th
<Althego> yes, i said that this morning. ok i said it was moved to next week
<Mat2ch> SpaceX just tweeted that ;P
<Althego> yes it was on nextrocket
<Althego> the only issue with that site is that suborbital launches are not on it
<Mat2ch> https://youtu.be/Wfle0FgmZ1c?t=302 Most interesting weld
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> 4 minutes ago
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<Deddly> Ok, new SSD arrived and installed, also recognised by the device. So far woo hoo
<Deddly> What's the recommendation these days for file system?
<Deddly> I would like to use it mainly for Windows, but I'm tempted to add a Linux partition, too
<Mat2ch> ext4 ;P
<Althego> windows is obviously ntfs
<Althego> on linux you have a lot of choices
<Althego> but i stick to ext4
<Deddly> But one drive can only have one file system, no?
<sandbox> what type of SSD?
<Althego> what no
<Althego> the fs is on a partition
<Althego> not on a drive
<Deddly> sandbox, m.2 SATA III
<Deddly> Althego, oh yeah. Man I haven't done this for years
<Althego> you need to have partitions for the two oses anway
<Deddly> OK, so NTFS for now, then, and when I install Linux, it'll give me all those juicy options later
<Althego> probably there is an efi partition already, windwos might add another 2, linux can lve on one if you turn off swap
<Althego> other 2 or more for linux
<sandbox> someone I know was raving about their new NVMe drive
<Althego> the point is, if you go above 4, you cant have it as primary partitions
<Deddly> This is my second HD, so I don't think I want to have lots of partitions. I see no need for that
<Althego> it happens without you wanting it
<Deddly> So far, it's just 477 GB Unallocated
<Althego> i have 4, and all were created by windows
<Althego> cant imagine why
<Deddly> I can't initialize or format this...
<Althego> in fact i lost 1 gig to some windows magic partitions
<Althego> and 100 megs to efi
<Althego> the remaining is the one that the os is on
<Deddly> Althego, I can see that, here too
<Deddly> 260 MB EFI, 1000 MB "WinRE_DRV"
<Deddly> But why aren't I seeing the option to initialize the disk?
<Althego> what do you mean? if it is during the windows install it will do everything it needs to
<Althego> i cant reproduce that because i dont have any disk needing initialization
<Deddly> Althego, I'm not doing it from install, I'm doing it from this machine. It's a 2nd SSD, I'm not installing anything to it
<Althego> whateevr that means
<Althego> then just create single partition and format it
<Althego> i think this disk management thing can do all of this
<Deddly> I right-click on the drive from Computer Management and the only options I get are: New Simple Volume, New Spanned Volume, New Striped Volume, Properties and Help
<Deddly> I guess "New Single Volume" then
<Althego> probably
<Deddly> I mean Simple, not single
<Althego> the others sound like raid
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<Deddly> Althego, Best to use the whole disk now and then let Linux play with it later, or set aside space now?
<Althego> you can shrink the partition
<Althego> later
<Deddly> OK cool
<Althego> if not with windows, then with things like gparted for sure
<Althego> but it can be a bit painful
<Deddly> NTFS or exFAT are the options. NTFS, I assume
<Althego> like you boot on a linux, start gparted. it says go back to windows and repair the filesystem
<Althego> i dont see any point in exfat now
<Althego> maybe on an usb disk
<Deddly> Last time I installed Linux years ago, partitioning was incredibly painless
<Deddly> Allocation unit size?
<Althego> and adter it starts shrinking it, it can take a long time
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<Althego> hmm i am not sure. this can impact performance
<Althego> it usedto be 4k, but lately everything is 512 bytes
<Althego> or something like that
<Mat2ch> I thought the other way round. To be able to have those huge devices?
<Mat2ch> But usually the device itself tells the os how big the allocation unit size should be
<Deddly> I mean, there's "default", I guess...
<Althego> probably defaults to 4k
<Althego> cant hurt you that much
<Althego> on an ssd
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<Deddly> Yeah, seems default is the way to go
<Deddly> Quick format OK or no?
<Deddly> File and folder compression?
<Deddly> I tell you what, Linux is so much easier for this kind of thing
<Althego> well, fdisk is not the tool i would ever want to use if i has a choice
<Althego> i have
<Althego> parted is a bit better, gparted is for me :)
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<Althego> just click and drag the things
<Deddly> Yeah, I loved that
<Deddly> I'm actually really looking forward to maybe having Linux again. Do most distros still use Grub for the bootloader?
<Althego> grub2 for debian
<Althego> i hate all that autogenerated config files thing
<Althego> you have to fumble around in etc and run some commands to regenerate the grub config
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<Deddly> If I do get Linux again, I want it to default to Windows on startup. Is that easy these days?
<Althego> the windows has a boot loader too
<Althego> so you can jsut chain in the linux bootloader
<Althego> in a separate menu
<Deddly> OK I'll hold up for a bit on that, then
<Althego> or you can choose the linux to take over
<Althego> and default to windows
<Althego> it has been a while since i did this
<Althego> linux would probably recognize the already installed windows and put it in the boot menu eanyway
<Mat2ch> If everything is implemented correctly there is no boot loader necessary anymore and everything managed by UEFI
<Deddly> Huh
<Althego> which is even more horrible
<Althego> if you have an efi
<Althego> machines from the last 10 years or so have one :)
<Althego> (u)efi, the os in your motherboard
<Althego> because they had to have one
<Mat2ch> bios wasn't any better in its later stages
<Althego> then poettering decided you need an os for your init sisytem
<Mat2ch> are you shaming systemd? :P
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<Althego> so first efi starts up, then it starts systemd, and then the 3rd os to boot is linux
<Mat2ch> It was finally a solution to the sysinit stuff, which was painfully slow and outdated
<Mat2ch> nonono
<Mat2ch> first efi, then the kernel, then systemd
<Althego> yes it was old
<Althego> it worked
<Althego> maybe wasnt that fast on an ssd
<Mat2ch> it wasn't fast on a hdd either
<Deddly> I can't get over how fast SSD are
<Althego> and with systemd you got anyther spaceship you have to maintain
<Althego> and the best is yet to come
<Althego> pcie4 ssds
<Althego> 6GB/s
<Mat2ch> but having to write a shell script for every single service is not a good way to start things.
<Mat2ch> Now there's a single piece of software managing all the services
<Althego> now you have to write a unit file for those
<Mat2ch> which makes life much more easy
<Deddly> Moving 26,000 files from one SSD to another, 50% complete already
<Althego> actually i have no problems with this
<Althego> the problem is that systemd has everythng
<Mat2ch> Have you ever written both? I love unit files, they're small and peaceful
<Althego> from dns to 3d barcode reading, why? beats me
<Althego> yes i did
<Althego> i like unit files too
<Althego> that is not the issue
<Mat2ch> well, they are going to far a bit, yes. But that's how people are with new tools. They have to play with them and figure out what's good and what's not
<Mat2ch> uh, where's the systemd barcode thingy at? I'd like to take a look ;)
<Deddly> Right, if I want Linux Mint that never needs reinstalling, that's LMDE, right?
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<Deddly> C'mon Althego you're about to convert me to Linux ;)
<Althego> lol why
<Althego> for everyday use it literally doesnt matter what your os is
<Althego> i guess mint is ok, since it is not rpm based :)
<Deddly> I always liked dual booting, and now I have the space for it. In the past, I have also repaired Windows from within Linux
<Althego> there are a bunch of live distros for rapir
<Deddly> Linux has a lot of great applications, as well. I remember some very good video editing software I used to use
<Althego> hehe, video editing used to be rocky seas for linux
<Althego> but i dont know what is its current state
<Deddly> So you're saying I should NOT get Linux?
<Althego> my main computer is on windows, for work i use linux
<Althego> i wouldnt want to compile anything on windows
<Deddly> Well in that case, maybe I should get Aros instead, :D
<Deddly> Oh the nostalgia! http://icarosdesktop.org/
<Althego> looks old school
<Deddly> Amiga
<Althego> i never had amiga
<Deddly> They were great
<Althego> so i have heard
<Mat2ch> Well, Psyonix just announced that Rocket League wont be supported on Linux much longer. And I remember a time, where Epic would be... epic.
<SnoopJeDi> Wow! Nice shot! OMG!
<Althego> what
<Althego> i make it non causal with this
<Mat2ch> SnoopJeDi: :(
<UmbralRaptop> blink
<Althego> comparator
<SnoopJeDi> Mat2ch, yea :(
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<Althego> hehe, action lab. air umbrella
<Mat2ch> SnoopJeDi: well, reddit is already hating very much
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<hatrix> wish us luck! https://i.imgur.com/5g0YPAq.png
<Mat2ch> Well, on the plus side now I have time to finish my Jool mission
<Deddly> Erbin looks like he's about to throw up
<Mat2ch> and then KSP2 will come out and have no Linux support as well.
<Mat2ch> Well, time to move on then
<Deddly> KSP2 has no Linux support? Huh. I'd forgotten that. Wine 5?
<hatrix> he has only been hired because he's expandable
<hatrix> no linux for KSP2? :o
<hatrix> I guess proton will work well
<Mat2ch> Deddly: It's not yet announced, but I bet it wont have
<Mat2ch> hatrix: not buying
<Mat2ch> Not for a game I like modding. Proton/wine will add a layer of pain
<hatrix> for sure
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<hatrix> I don't fully understand Δv maps, for Duna it takes me around 700m/s to be captured
<hatrix> on the map it's written 250m/s
<hatrix> what do I do wrong?
<UmbralRaptop> How did you do your capture? In practice these tend to assume a very low periapsis, and I'm not sure if they include circularization
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<hatrix> I'm high, roughly 4 000 000m
<UmbralRaptop> ah
<hatrix> should I try to be closer next time?
<UmbralRaptop> It's worthwhile to aim for an arrival with periapsis just above the atmosphere (beware of Ike)
<hatrix> I took enough Δv to be comfortable but I'm still worrying
<hatrix> how do you handle maneuvers when periapsis kicks?
<UmbralRaptop> I'm not sure I understand the question
<hatrix> with nuclear engines, my burn time is around 15 min, I'd like to burn for a few mins, do one orbit and burn again, etc
<hatrix> the maneuvers don't like that though
<UmbralRaptop> Ah, something like multiple maneuver nodes. Though with that sort of TWR with nuclear engines, I'd hope you have a few km/s to spare? >_>;;
<hatrix> the only way I found to make it work is to create a new maneuver node every node
<hatrix> it's painful
<UmbralRaptop> yeah
<hatrix> every orbit*
<packbart> there was a mod once (rather a kOS script, iirc), "MechVal" that set up a number of periapsis kicking nodes
<packbart> from an initial node
<hatrix> I'd prefer to stay stock though
<packbart> add moar boosters ;)
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<hatrix> this mobile processing lab does wonders :o
<hatrix> almost feels like cheating earning so much science at once
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