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<darsie> Finally my Mammoth rocket splashed down, or what's left from reentry:
<darsie> It landed single stage on the Mun and came back. I tried soo many times to fly by the Mun to get to Kerbin, but I had to land more efficiently to get enough dv to pull it off. That also took many attempts.
<darsie> 7:46 am now.
<darsie> Mammoth on the Mun: Eventually I had 801 m/s left there.
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<Althego> it is so ahrd to land tall objects on uneven surfaces
<Althego> although it seems elon thinks it is possible
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<estorado> hi Kerbals, I like to build a CommNet, any tips for a good construction or where could I found some?
<Mat2ch> Althego: Elon does a good scan and land on the even parts.
<Mat2ch> And then they unload a bulldozer and make more even parts.
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> related
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<darsie> You can comment now on my single stage Mun mission :).
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<Althego> i thought chatzilla stopped working a while back
<Althego> oh wait 2015, probably od firefox
<Althego> old
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<NGC3982> darsie: rapier?
<darsie> Mammoth, I said.
<Althego> because bigger boosters are better i guess
<darsie> It has an outstanding TWR.
<NGC3982> could you return to kerbin orbit on the dV you have left?
<darsie> yes
<Althego> with 769 it would be even possible to land
<NGC3982> that thrust limiter and a little smudge on the shift key would be enough i guess
<darsie> Had to redo the landing more efficiently, then boosted to SOI and from there took a Mun flyby to Kerbin.
<NGC3982> i would never work out the landing with a tall piece like that
<darsie> Kerbin SOI
<Althego> water
<NGC3982> darsie: cool. good job.
<darsie> Well, It splashed down hard, half of it. The rest exploded during reentry.
<darsie> I just plugged together a huge rocket and then it became a mission after I had 2501 m/s left in orbit.
<darsie> Rocket kept falling over at landing.
<darsie> For a "real" mission I'd add some more fuel and a payload with parachute.
<NGC3982> that's always my problem
<NGC3982> i build to tall
<NGC3982> too*
<NGC3982> i wish the robotic parts would be sturdier when extended so i could build really, really wide landing gear setups
<NGC3982> can that be solved with the dampening option?
<darsie> I transferred the little remaining fuel to the lower tank for the improved landing. Didn't make much difference.
<Althego> no, the way is to build a flat lander
<darsie> The 4 big reaction wheels were not too much.
<Althego> add an "erection mechanism" :)
<NGC3982> :)
<Althego> maybe solids
<darsie> Solids? For landing?
<Althego> no, for making the rocket vertical agian
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<darsie> Make the rocket vertical again :).
<darsie> No pun other than Trump intended :).
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<NGC3982> i was thinking. can docking ports be connected if already attached to one machine?
<darsie> That's the point of docks, right?
<Althego> hehe
<NGC3982> no, but neither is transformer robot jet space planes on eve
<NGC3982> but people build them
<NGC3982> and that's ksp for you
<NGC3982> if i for instance wanted to build something that moved parts with hinges and 'locked them' with docking ports that could potentially
* darsie is confused. Or is it NGC3982?
<NGC3982> ..solve what im looking for
<Althego> so about that transformer, you have a link for that?
<NGC3982> lol. "What is being shown is scale, what is not being shown is my pc melting"
<NGC3982> :D.
<Althego> hehe classic macross
<darsie> Is that page loading slowly?
<NGC3982> yes
<NGC3982> <- holy smokes
<NGC3982> my pc can't even handle those gifs
<Althego> the gif that keeps on gifing :)
<NGC3982> <- i think this is the one i remembered
<NGC3982> it had like 100k upvotes on reddit
<NGC3982> "You don't actually have to have same vessel interaction enabled to have two docking ports (junjors only?) on the same vessel dock to each other."
<NGC3982> cool, it seems to be working
<NGC3982> that would be a cool way to robotisize vessels without lowering stability
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<darsie> Ohh, btw, I saw a ... handle on the Mun.
<raptop> How did you think the Great Kraken placed the Mun in its current orbit?
<raptop> (More seriously, the arches have been there since a terrain revamp ages ago. I think after the 0.14.2 one?)
<darsie> Are they bugs or eggs?
<raptop> eggs
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<darsie> Well, then, SPOILER WARNING. I found a handle on the Mun:
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* darsie built a new surface outpost on Minmus :)
<darsie> Ohh, it's rolling :)
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