Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Elon wants KSP for Tesla
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* darsie made an improved tanker with heat shielded solar panels, an additional battery for attitude control during aerobraking and I put the docking port for the fuel truck at the correct height.
<FLHerne> ...and then it exploded?
<darsie> no
<FLHerne> Aw, no fun
<darsie> Well, yes, when I tried aerobraking at 40 km.
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<Fluburtur> I could set up my laptop to do math for einstein@home but it would take like 2 weeks to do one task
<Fluburtur> but I rarely use it anyways
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<darsie> Keep it running.
<darsie> I'm getting a GTX 750TI card.
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<darsie> 6.5 times faster than my quadro FX 1800, if passmark is correct.
<darsie> We'll see if it makes KSP faster. IIRC you said it's cpu bound.
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<transitbiker1> bwoop
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<transitbiker1> chatting via my dual usb iBook ^-^
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<transitbiker1> poor UR, having trouble staying on the wagon
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<raptop> Walking around campus with WiFi does not end well
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<nate> especially if you plan to commit crimes on campus :P
<Flayer> i don't feel well
<darsie> Flayer: Did you play too much or too little KSP?
<Flayer> i don't think there is a right amount of KSP to resolve this matter
* raptop mainly just commits bird crimes
<raptop> (jay walking and sci-hub)
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<transitbiker> bwoop
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<transitbiker> i joined, eh?
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<transitbiker> there we go
<transitbiker> i do not understand asparagus staging with practical craft
<darsie> never heard about that.
<transitbiker> its where bits that you jetison have more fuel the closer to the core stage ? or something
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<raptop> It's less important now than it used to be, given that engines have higher TWR, and the souposphere is gone
<Flayer> i just put 3 jumbos next to each other and feed into the center one
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<Flayer> ahh the moment has passed
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<Althego> 1.9 is out
<Althego> if this is true
<Althego> or is this just a preview
<Althego> ah no release yetú
<Flayer> oh bugger
<Flayer> i'll never get to jool
<Althego> not that hard
<Flayer> it is if i keep starting over every patch
<Flayer> before i get there
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you dont need to
<Althego> but even if you do, it is possible to max out the tree before the next one
<Flayer> the tree isn't the problem
<Flayer> but i'll withhold from upgrading this time unless the two inventory systems become merged
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<Mat2ch> The new screenshot function sounds nice
<Mat2ch> And the drain valve sounds nice
<Mat2ch> And I think they will be very practical on SSTOs
<Mat2ch> on reentry you want to have as few fuel as possible to be as light as possible...
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<Flayer> i kind of want to try a game without quicksaves or reverting, but it's so easy to forget things
<packbart> "Rotor blades in the Breaking Ground Expansion are getting some improvements by adding cyclic and collective deflection controls." - ohh
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<hatrix> some screens of yesterday's mission to Duna's ground
<Flayer> rofl
<Flayer> i walked away from the launch of my shuttle
<Flayer> just as it had exited the atmosphere
<Flayer> when i came back it was splashed down in the ocean. intact.
<Flayer> i'm gonna call this design a success rofl
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<Flayer> i think for the next version they should fix the lights of the LY-10 small landing gear shining through the plane's body
<packbart> all lights shine through all parts, as far as I know
<packbart> only suns throw shadows
<Flayer> oh, i've only noticed it with that
<Flayer> they should just be unable to turn on if tucked away then
<packbart> ack, the lights look a bit weird when stowed
<Flayer> it lights up my station thoroughly when im docking
<Flayer> far more intense than anything else i've seen lol
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<Flayer> so when the timer goes yellow, that's a sign of too many parts, right?
<taniwha> more too many part modules
<Flayer> removing excessive parts like control probes, antenna. rcs thrusters will help?
<taniwha> a little, but just getting used to it helps more
<Flayer> i'm still going to do what i can
<packbart> it depends on where the bottleneck is with your system
<packbart> mine is RAM. 8GB is not enough. so I get better performance when I let KSP swap out everything else by allocating a large chunk of memory once
<packbart> (and I do that by switching texture quality from full to half, press Apply, change back to full and press Accept)
* raptop wonders if this means that my wintendo will have trouble with KSP after 1.9 or something
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<Flayer> one of these days i will figure out how to make a helicopter
<Althego> and after that you have to figure out how to fly it :)
<Flayer> well, that's kind of the point where I'm at... possibly. Maybe I'm not making it right.
<Flayer> It looks like a helicopter. Sometimes it takes off. Sometimes it doesn't. If it does, it veers off course pretty fast.
<Althego> since 1.9 adds cyclic and collective, that would help tremendously
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<hatrix> ok, that orbital station with a Δv or 27 000 will go anywhere :D
<hatrix> of
<hatrix> ok 44 600 now, wtf
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<Althego> ions?
<Althego> ionic, doric, corinthian? :)
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<hatrix> nuclear
<hatrix> I guess that's just a glitch somewhere
<hatrix> actually not, just a lightweight payload and a lot of fuel
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<JVFoxy> derp... noticed the new little alert when you log in.. hopefully its been helpful. Although, I log in two channels at once, got me a little mixed up with my channels for a moment. :\
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