Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon 9 Starlink 3 mission: Tues 16:59 GMT/UTC
<Azander> hehehe
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* darsie 's gas station on Minmus: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot110.png
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<darsie> Had to split the departure burn over three passes since the Spark is so weak.
<darsie> But fine for landing on Minmus.
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<transit> Bwoop
<darsie> .
<transit> It’s amazing how many active buildings still have lead paint, asbestos, and other toxic & dangerous stuff
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<darsie> Mercury lamps.
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<Judge_Dedd> <Althego> originally spacex wanted to do it with the heavy
<Judge_Dedd> FH, according to Wikipedia, can deliver 18 tonnes to Mars
<Judge_Dedd> Sorry, 16.8
<Judge_Dedd> They were going to use an uncrewed variant of Dragon v2 called Red Dragon
<Judge_Dedd> It was going to land propulsively using its thrusters on a one-way mission.
<Althego> i thougth we were talking about trip around the moon
<Judge_Dedd> Oh sorry, my bad
<Judge_Dedd> I must have gotten confused reading the scrollback
Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Starlink 3 delayed due to weather
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<Althego> hmmm, electron with nrol-151
<Althego> is it from the second launch site?
<Althego> no, still the first
<UmbralRaptop> smol unamused octopus?
<Althego> i didnt expect a secret american satellite launch from new zealand
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<UmbralRaptop> 5👀
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<Mat2ch> Althego: maybe a dummy sat or something unimportant to qualify the rocket?
<kubi> time flies
<kubi> not here
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<packbart> time flies like a Kerbal rocket
<Althego> sometimes backwards, sometimes exploding?
<packbart> "Rapid Acquisition of a Small Rocket contract" - that sounds dangerous
<Althego> yes, you might gt a paper cut
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<Althego> oh no
<Althego> well, i guess it is a learning experience
<Althego> the next one can be better
<UmbralRaptop> not again
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