Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Elon wants KSP for Tesla
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<Althego> hehe, elon changed his name on twitter to Sphere-Earthers Rūl
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<Mat2ch> not bad, not bad
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<Flayer> alright, i guess my kerbals aren't coming back from duna for a few years to come...
<packbart> 2 years is the average return window cycle, according to the dV map
<hatrix> do you actually plan severals missions at the same time or do you always time warp?
<hatrix> I'm thinking about that kerbal clock mod thingy, but I'm not sure I'll use it that much
<Flayer> i am utterly dependent on it
<Mat2ch> Kerbal Alarm Clock is nice if you have several missions running
<Mat2ch> otherwise it's nice to have, but not necessary
<hatrix> what kind of use case?
<hatrix> i try to finish my misisons before going for another one
<Mat2ch> Well, if you want to explore a planet in depth you may want to send several probes on different rockets
<packbart> I'll try to go to Duna this career
<hatrix> aah
<hatrix> "and not warp past important times."
<hatrix> that thing right here :)
<Mat2ch> Like sending a surface scanner, a antenna network and then a crew carrier
<packbart> I abandonded the last save again with probes en route to Duna, Moho and Eve. but Kerbalism's time-warp weirdness put me off
<packbart> so I'll restart without Kerbalism this time. Going to Minmus and back with less than 50 EC and no solar panels. Yay :)
<Mat2ch> and every single ship has a slightly different angle to the target and will need flight path corrections somewhere in flight
<Mat2ch> and with KAC you wont miss any of the important manouvers needed
<hatrix> I sometimes need to switch between vessels and I'm afraid of being too late for another one i need to check
<Flayer> yeah it's very nice for that
<Mat2ch> Three hours to Starlink launch, btw
<hatrix> that could be fixed with the alarms
<Mat2ch> exactly :)
<hatrix> also for asteroids, I don't want to timewarps years just for an encounter
<hatrix> but I'd like to still have an alarm to remind me it's here
<hatrix> also contracts expiration, nice
<packbart> I set alarms for returning capsules, 15min before Kerbin periapsis and pausing the game
<Flayer> ^
<hatrix> ok nice
<hatrix> what are the mods you couldn't do without anymore?
<Flayer> KIS/KAS
<hatrix> I hear a lot about KAC and Redux
<packbart> yeah, I'd say KAC and Station Parts Expanded Reduxed. KER, too, if you like HUDs with various telemetry
<packbart> Chatterer, maybe ;)
<Flayer> chatterer is so much part of my standard install i just assume its part of the game
<packbart> I added the samples of Gene from Mission Control. The "contract declined" sounds are fun. Val: somethingsomething. Gene: *siiiigh*
<hatrix> oh nice
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<Flayer> sigh
<Flayer> starting a new job tomorrow
<Flayer> i'm nervous
<Mat2ch> oh, what are you going to do?
<Flayer> nothing interesting
<Flayer> house to house installing stuff
<Mat2ch> Well, that can be interesting. Meeting many new people a day
<Mat2ch> hopefully getting some coffee and cookies on the way... ;)
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<Flayer> i'm just happy not to be stuck in an office with the same people every day
<hatrix> that's not so bad either
<Mat2ch> Depends on what you like
<Mat2ch> I'd like to have from all options a bit
<Mat2ch> maybe being stuck for a day or two in office
<Mat2ch> then being on the road
<Mat2ch> would never get old
<Mat2ch> Ah, new Linux kernel. That means I now have a good excuse to play KSP all day. Unity managed to trigger a graphics driver bug. Should be solved in 5.5
<Mat2ch> And 95 minutes til launch!
<Mat2ch> and the prognosis for this summer is: HOT HOT HOT. Who would have thought? I expected polar bears. ;P
* Mat2ch needs an AC...
<Flayer> i'm going to dock all my 4 ship designs to the station
<hatrix> where do you live Mat2ch?
<Mat2ch> hatrix: GMT+1 northern hemisphere ;)
<hatrix> that could be anywhere in wester europe
<hatrix> n
<Mat2ch> wikipedia says it's Central Europe... I always thought we'd be in Western Europe. Interesting
<Mat2ch> Another clue: Elon is building a factory here soon :P
<hatrix> Slovakia or around?
<sandbox> Berlin?
<Mat2ch> Luckily not, but same country ;P
<Mat2ch> Nobody wants to go to Berlin
<hatrix> Deutschland ist central europe? :o
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<sandbox> it's what came up when I searched for elon musk factory europe
<Flayer> well, they and hungary-austria were part of the central powers
<Mat2ch> hatrix: I was suprised as well
<Mat2ch> but Wikipedia is rarely wrong
<Flayer> typically i don't bother separating europe into three parts
<sandbox> right...
<Flayer> its just west and east
<Flayer> but if i do add a 'central' then germany might fall into that
<Mat2ch> Nobody wants to go to Berlin, not even Elon Musk. GF4 will be in Brandenburg, a federal state. It is all around Berlin. With cheap property prices a enough cheap workers to keep the factory running
<Mat2ch> Flayer: they even add a south and south-east Europe! ;)
<Mat2ch> and North
<Mat2ch> Norsk!
<Mat2ch> Looks like the Starlink launch was pushed back. 70 minutes still left
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon/Starlink launch
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<Deddly> Delayed 25 hours
<Deddly> D'oh
<hatrix> oops
<Deddly> Strong high-altitude winds
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon/Starlink launch Tues 14:28 GMT
<Althego> starlink delayed again
<Althego> eh
<Althego> but there is a mitsubishi whatever launch in 11 hours
<Mat2ch> live in 24 h :(
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<Deddly> Mitsubishi?
<Mat2ch> H-2A • IGS Optical 7
<Deddly> Ah yeah, so there is
<Deddly> Do they have good streams?
<Mat2ch> You have to wait for Althego to come back
<Mat2ch> I never watch those launches
<Mat2ch> Only F9s and Vega (because of the booster lifting of like a firework rocket)
<Deddly> Seems to me that SpaceX like to put on a good show.
<Deddly> Plus there's more to watch, since the booster lands as well
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<Flayer> someone give me a heads up when there's another falcon heavy launch
<Mat2ch> Later that year
<Flayer> i'll watch two of them landing at the same time again, that was epic
<Deddly> The "problem" is that F9 outperforms the original specs of the FH
<Flayer> they need to add fuel lines from the outer ones to the center one
<Deddly> That was the original plan
<Deddly> Next FH launch is currently scheduled for October.
<Flayer> although i suppose there's not much point in doing that when they've got that bigger one coming up
<Mat2ch> Starship has still a loooooong way to go
<Deddly> They gave up on the idea because it was too complicated to pump the fuel through the lines fast enough.
<Deddly> Mat2ch, I think he means there's not much point spending R&D time on the FH
<Flayer> especially if the original one outperforms the expections of the FH
<Deddly> The basic idea is that fully reusable if better than partly reusable. By that metric, Starship/Super Heavy will outperform the FH by far
<Deddly> is* better...
<Flayer> now that the reusability of rockets has been proven, we have to go 100% reusable
<Flayer> there is no other reasonable course of action
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<Deddly> Depends.
<Deddly> As far as things are progressing, I would agree with you. But what if someone were to develop something new and cheaper? A consumable rocket, for example.
<Mat2ch> That has to be very very cheap
<Deddly> SRB or hybrid rocket that burns itself up as fuel
<Flayer> that is at least half a century away, probably several centuries
<Mat2ch> I see a few problems there
<Mat2ch> you will need a nozzle
<Deddly> Yeah, that's the biggest problem
<Mat2ch> and something to hold the nozzle in place
<Deddly> It might be possible to make it burn from one end, like a candle, keeping a bell shape as it burns
<Mat2ch> I'd have more hope in something that defies gravity...
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<Flayer> you guys have no imagination talking about nozzles
<Flayer> the rocket would burn in a way that the end of it is its own nozzle while it burns
<Flayer> anyway, several centuries at least
<packbart> self-forging nozzles
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<packbart> "squad releases updates wayy too soon and it's ruined the experience for me" - can't please everybody. others complain if there are no regular updates
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<Deddly> Who says that?
<packbart> "The-Doctor".
<hatrix> I don't have KSP on steam, I'm never aware of updates
<hatrix> I have at least 5 differents folders on my drive and always forget which one I've been using last
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<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> Yeah, updates do kinda ruin the modding experience for some.
<Deddly> The few times I have installed mods, I don't bother replacing them after an update
<hatrix> that's why I'd like to stay stock :|
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<packbart> I didn't have much trouble with the (not so many) mods I use. The unity.dll redirects calls from old mods to the new DLLs and only a few shaders broke
<packbart> I don't use Kopernicus, though, so I'm not affected by its version lock
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<Flayer> my brain is tired
* UmbralRaptop thought for a moment that 1.9 had come out
* UmbralRaptop hands Flayer a pot of coffee
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<Flayer> alright, i think my 'bring transport and fuel to duna' mission is prepped
<hatrix> what's the point?
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<packbart> "if (FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody().atmospherePressureSeaLevel != 101.324996948242)" - magic constant in line 78? scnr. looks like Kopernicus is still being teaked. the Twitterverse hyped a Kopernicus release party for today ;)
<packbart> +w
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<hatrix> that's ugly code
<packbart> most code is
<Althego> 101.324996948242 lol
<Althego> not to mention it is never going to be equal
<packbart> I can't say I knew what it's meant to do. just looking at the last commit from 20 minutes ago. ( )
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<hatrix> no test commited, nice
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<Flayer> - all four vessels docked
<Mat2ch> Althego: except... when there's such a constant in KSP itself
<packbart> well, it's a mod, no MCAS ;)
<hatrix> taht's crowded
<Althego> so basically it wants to find out the body based on its sea level pressure?
<hatrix> at least define constants
<Mat2ch> Althego: there's a new Scott Manley video
<packbart> Flayer: so that's a famous tourist destination?
<Flayer> apparently so
<packbart> I should finally upgrade the tracking station
<Althego> the station announcements with the japanese accent interfering with the vide watching :)
<hatrix> I need to update the research center but I'm broke
<hatrix> and for a mission I need to hire 3 pilots, which costs more than what the mission pays
<Althego> hehe bsg viper simulation
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<transit> Bwoop
<transit> ‪Lunch movie: Steamboy!‬
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<Flayer> i've gotten to the point where i'm docking without rcs thrusters
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<Gasher> like, cancel the relative velocity, accelerate just a bit towards the target, switch control to target and rotate its docking port to the approaching ship
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<Flayer> yep
<Flayer> and i rendezvouz without using the nodes
<Flayer> just 3 burns typically
<Flayer> right down to 0.1
<Gasher> hm, if it's in equatorial orbit then you can just wait till it passes over certain point to launch your ship, but i forgot what point exatly
<Flayer> thats my next step of learning to play
<Gasher> i'm kinda lazy to do that, easier to circularize then wait for the right phase
<Flayer> omg, i get to launch the first rocket i designed for this game again -- i gotta get the seismic stuff from the mun, and i think i've figured out that you can get this by crashing something into the mun
<Gasher> yeah
<Gasher> opposite from the seismic station
<Gasher> and the higher the velocity is the better
<Gasher> idk about mass, whether its taken into account or no, i think it is
<darsie> KSP2 ETA?
<Althego> this year
<Althego> i think it was soetime in spring, but i am not sure
<Gasher> heh, looks like one of these 2nd parts has already failed me recently
<UmbralRaptop> it was delayed somewhat? not sure
<darsie> What's worse, delays or bugs?
<Althego> i can wait 10 more years
<Gasher> bugs and lack of content
<darsie> I have a lot of fuel in orbit. What shall I do with it?
<Althego> land it on eeloo
<UmbralRaptop> bomb vallgenge
<darsie> If I want a lot of fuel on Eeloo I'll put a refinery there.
<darsie> vallgenge?
<Althego> vallhenge
<darsie> vallhenge?
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> :)
<Althego> an easter egg
<darsie> What is it?
<darsie> hmm
<Althego> on vall
<Althego> it's a henge
<Althego> ok, there is probably no such word
<darsie> Hmm, I heard about Vall ...
<darsie> Is it at Jool?
<Althego> vall is a moon of jool
<UmbralRaptop> Vall is apparently the new Dres
<Althego> hehe no
<Althego> it has a vallhenge
<Althego> dres has a canyon and that's it
<UmbralRaptop> But has anyone been to vall?
<darsie> I could see if I find an egg on Dres.
<Althego> i was, several times
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<Althego> hehe anton petrov about the solar system xkcd a few daysago
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* darsie refuels his Dres egg hunter in LKO:
<Flayer> 5 years into the program and i've designed exactly 27 crafts, launched about a hundred, and unlocked about half the tech tree with 75% of the Mun and Minmus done in terms of collecting data
<darsie> Very noble of you not to finish the tech tree by using a lab on Minmus.
<Flayer> yes i've got one orbiting the mun
<Flayer> but not minmus
<darsie> Why not landed on Minmus?
<Flayer> its just a small moon
<darsie> lol, ok :)
<Flayer> i'm going to build a low-tech base on duna instead
<darsie> But it has enough science to complete the tech tree.
<Flayer> i am severely penalized on science in my game
<darsie> How come?
<Flayer> cause you can tweak the settings
<Flayer> and thats what i did
<darsie> ok
<darsie> You'll have a lot more fun playing than me, then :).
<Flayer> i just wanted to give myself a reason to take the time to gather data on duna and jools moons
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* darsie departed from Kerbin at Dres AN/DN, at an angle that did the plane change.
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<JVFoxy> mmm... is it wrong to fly a single kerbal out to minmus.. or Duna alone just so can safe on money launching smallest ship?
<JVFoxy> safe-save... ugh, since when is KSP ever safe?
<JVFoxy> Or .. better question would be: anyone else care about their Kerbals enough, that flying one cramped in a Mk1 pod is like putting them through borderline torture?
<JVFoxy> .... at least beyond the Mun I should add... ugh not enough coffee I guess. >__<
<UmbralRaptor> Hm. Each leg of a Mün mission is what, <15 hours?
<UmbralRaptor> Longest Mercury mission was 1 day 10 hours
<UmbralRaptor> Longest Gemini was, uh, 2 weeks?
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<JVFoxy> @umbralraptor the 2 week Gemini mission was pretty cool I thought. It was more a test to see if people could actually survive that long up there in perpetration for the full Moon mission. Granted, it stayed in Earth orbit the whole time, so that had some affects on the design and requirements
<JVFoxy> I've always the idea in my head, the further out you go, you'd want at least a bit of extra space, and a couple of crew members so so things can be rotated through, give breaks, sleep cycles...
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<darsie> JVFoxy: I'm into minimalistic designs, so I flew a Kerbal on a command seat, Oscar B and an ant to Duna, where it would get out of the seat, aerobrake, slow down with the jetpack, impact and then stand up.
<JVFoxy> darsie: I known people who've done missions to Eeloo using nothing more than ion engines and a command seat for their kerbal. Something like 80 years in spacesuit.. eh..
<darsie> Umm, it was two Oscar B's. One should have worked, too, but then she would have had to finish the departure burn with the jetpack, which is possible, but then no more maneuver planning would have been possible.
<darsie> JVFoxy: Yeah, did that, too, I guess.
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<darsie> You know why Kerbals are green?
<JVFoxy> I guess I don't quite have the same mentality to that extreme limit of minimalist stuff...
<darsie> They're plants. All they need is light and CO2. They don't need diapers.
<darsie> and some water. And tardigrades.
<darsie> Or perhaps they're a plant animal hybrid, so they consume the glucose they make themselves. That also explains their mobility.
<JVFoxy> so.. not because of badass hex code for color and the fact the original idea was some people built cardboard spaceships and had little green figures they'd fly them in as kids?
<darsie> But yeah, nothing wrong with making more human realistic missions.
<JVFoxy> I'll just chalk it up to make believe, KSP being more an open idea, it is what you want it to be
<darsie> You can go for human realism, or minimal cost or whatever.
<darsie> I just flew a low delta v route to Dres, I believe, which took another solar orbit.
<darsie> or two
<JVFoxy> I tend to play things out, see where it goes. I've a few missions on older versions KSP that been put on hold for the moment, till I can record them better.
<JVFoxy> one of them is some gemini-agena style mission, with a Mk1 pod and robotic booster pair, to go around the Mun
<JVFoxy> challenge was that I didn't upgrade the VAB/pad and wanted to see if I could do docking creation in orbit and get out to the moon with small parts