Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<packbart> those XL3 wheels reach ridiculous speeds in a curve. 70+m/s with a 40t rover/mobile base
<packbart> the antenna was destroyed by aero forces m/
<UmbralRaptor> o_O
<packbart> ah, it even says so in the wiki. "the tank steering doesnt work the way it should (e.g. stopping the left wheels to turn left). Instead, they boost the speed of the other side (e.g. boosting the right wheels to turn left)"
<UmbralRaptor> eek
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<hatrix> hey, I've got a design question. I'm trying to make something like that but I've got problems with the tri-coupler as it will only attach to one cabin. Is there a better way?
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<Mat2ch> hatrix: yes and no.
<darsie> hatrix: Attach the cabins to the tricoupler?
<Mat2ch> darsie: then the cabins aren't attached properly ;)
<hatrix> but then I'd have to put a tricoupler on the other end no?
<UmbralRaptop> parts with looping connections are a hassle
<Mat2ch> hatrix: the way KSP manages the nodes makes it hard to do such a design
<Mat2ch> you can use docking ports though
<UmbralRaptop> ^
<Mat2ch> so add two docking ports to each node
<Mat2ch> there will be one that is the main and connected from the start, the other two pairs will connect themselfs when loading the craft
<Mat2ch> *themselves
<hatrix> that's the kind of hack I was looking for
<hatrix> are docking ports sturdy enough though?
<Mat2ch> Multi-node crafts would be nice. Would make it easier to built huuuuuuuuge things. :D
<Mat2ch> well, three pairs are. :D
<Mat2ch> and you can add struts, if you don't trust them
<Mat2ch> But I sometimes even attach boosters with them...
<hatrix> would putting a tricoupler and move it inside the rocket also work?
<darsie> You could make a string of cubic struts and attach the cabins there.
<hatrix> from the side then?
<darsie> Can you attach the struts in the center of the tricoupler? Then you could attach the cabins to the tricoupler and whatever is below to the string.
<hatrix> ok my last screen doesn't work, it's well aligned but not attached
<hatrix> something like that Mat2ch?
<hatrix> I'll add some struts to be sure
<hatrix> definitely easier than docking ports
<darsie> There's no central attachement point on the tricoupler, so you might have to use fine adjustment of EER to get the strut well centert.
<darsie> centered
<hatrix> EER?
<darsie> editor extension redux mod
<hatrix> I'm stock
<darsie> Can show you part coordinates and allows fine position adjustment.
<hatrix> I placed the tricoupler upside down and flipped it 180°
<darsie> You can center it manually as good as it gets, but there may be some imbalance left.
<hatrix> and move it up
<Deddly> There's also a great mod for this called ReCoupler
<hatrix> yep saw that, but I'm good with stock
<hatrix> I only play every two years, it's a hassle for mods
<Deddly> I also stay with Stock, but man that mod is tempting
<Deddly> Craft made with that mod will actually load and play fine in a stock install, I believe
<hatrix> one mod I'd really like for is to have perfect orbits, I can't make constellations easily in stock
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<hatrix> that's an ugly space station but it works, thanks guys :)
<darsie> Why so many antennae?
<hatrix> symmetry
<hatrix> I've got a relay network around minmus, a small one would have been enough
<darsie> Symmetry for aesthetics or balance?
<hatrix> first one :p
<darsie> ok
<darsie> Communotron 16 is so will not shift COM if attached to a central part.
<hatrix> ah, good to know
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<Mat2ch> hatrix: yes
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<darsie> hatrix: My space station :)
<hatrix> ahah
<hatrix> never thought of those seats for a space station
<darsie> Took some tuning to get it to orbit.
<kubi> how many kerbal died during the experiments?
<darsie> None. Unkerbed.
<darsie> Launch angle, prograde speed, SRB thrust, staging altitude (that was constant at 40 km), final attitude.
<darsie> 3 TWR, 15°, turn prograde at 30 m/s IIRC, stage at 40 km, at 10° hold 10°, prograde after Ap comes ahead.
<hatrix> I hope you wrote that somewhere
<darsie> No. I only do that for rockets I launch several times.
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<Black_Eagle> why are lf only sstos so hard
<darsie> lf?
<Black_Eagle> liquid fuel, no oxidizer
<Black_Eagle> wish we had more .625m parts
<Black_Eagle> engines to be specific
<Althego> and tanks
<Black_Eagle> and tanks
<Althego> i hate that you need to add so many tanks that increases the part count
<Black_Eagle> yeah and it all gets pretty wobbly at some point
<Black_Eagle> struts are bad for aero, mm
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<packbart> The comments on the forum weren't quite clear whether struts are draggy or ignored
<Deddly> Struts are draggy, autostruts are not
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<darsie> My SSTO has 2501 m/s left after reaching LKO :).
<Black_Eagle> darsie, picture? which engines did you use?
<darsie> I guess it should make a Mun landing and back.
<darsie> One engine. It's an SSTO ;).
<UmbralRaptop> 2501 m/s sounds scary
<darsie> Or 4 if you want :).
<UmbralRaptop> Like, my "have decent margin" rule of thumb is 2700 m/s
<UmbralRaptop> Wait, you can do *what* with a mammoth?
<Black_Eagle> hahah it's a rocket ssto i zee
<darsie> Orbit and have 2501 m/s left.
<Black_Eagle> how do you land that thing?
<Black_Eagle> back to kerbin, that is
<darsie> Hmm, the map says 2640 m/s. I can do it in 2501 :).
<darsie> Black_Eagle: crash :)
<Black_Eagle> :D okay
<darsie> I could put a small payload with a chute there.
<UmbralRaptop> crumple zones
<darsie> Or I could add another tank.
<darsie> TWR wasn't great, but there's space for a bit more.
<Black_Eagle> rocket equation is a... pain
<darsie> It's ok. But now it's in stock.
<darsie> Several stages ... is tedious.
<Black_Eagle> nobody wants that
<UmbralRaptop> What if we used more power?
<darsie> I only have a built in antenna, but a great pod with lots of buttons :).
<darsie> Yeah, I have lots of power, so my gravity losses should be low.
<Fluburtur> I got myself a UV torch
<darsie> wavelength?
<darsie> BLB probably shows you more on money etc.
<darsie> and is only 2 USD. Or 4?
<UmbralRaptop> *torch?*
<darsie> BLB tube
* UmbralRaptop is assuming that Fluburtur is setting things on fire with a UV laser
<estorado> how can I turn on the helmet light of my kerbals while they are on a EVA?
<UmbralRaptop> either U or L
<estorado> must be U, L isnt working ...
<estorado> is it shift + u or only u?
<UmbralRaptop> (at least with en-US QWERTY)
<UmbralRaptop> just u
<darsie> Or with the light button next to the vertical speed indicator.
<estorado> thank you
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<UmbralRaptop> yay
<darsie> sup?
* UmbralRaptop pokes KSP with a booster
* UmbralRaptop suspects that their 1.8.1 download is bad
<darsie> Wow, my pod has 75% signal on the Mun.
<darsie> No external antenna.
<darsie> I downgraded to 1.7.3.
<darsie> Started a new game, cause the 1.8.1 files were incompatible.
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<darsie> 769 m/s left landed on the Mun.
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<UmbralRaptop> whelp
<UmbralRaptop> wait, jetpacks and parachutes exist
<darsie> No crew.
<darsie> Also this would be staging.
<darsie> 201 m/s in orbit
<darsie> Need 272
<darsie> I could try a Mun flyby :).
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<JVFoxy> lol.. ended up with a rather colourful launchpad base..
<JVFoxy> ya for graphics glitches
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