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<packbart> "Payload Integration Complex has a business module. Assign kerbals to it and it farms funds and pays for itself in 3 years with 1 kerbal or 1 year with max kerbals." - well, somebody's got to produce all those flags stuck in every moon and crater
<packbart> ( )
<packbart> "Continuing with the engines revamp, take a look at the Rockomax Conglomerate RE-15 "Skipper". Are you excited about it?" - the yellow stripes are gone :/
<packbart> well, ok, they probably didn't belong there in the first place. I liked them, anyway
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<darsie> "The outpost must be on motorized wheels." Does it suffice to have any wheel somewhere, or do the wheels need to lift everything else off the surface?
<Ezko> yes
<darsie> The latter, it seems.
<darsie> And some symmetry is required, it seems.
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<darsie> Or not. Seems a bug didn't let three wheels count. It now works with three wheels.
<packbart> Interesting. I never got a contract with that requirement, yet
<darsie> The on wheels detector seems glitchy, but even one wheel seems to count:
<darsie> Only wheels may touch the surface.
<hatrix> I want Duna missions :(
<darsie> Get one.
<darsie> Have you been there?
<hatrix> only in orbit
<darsie> That should suffice.
<Althego> you get duna missions even before going there
<hatrix> i don't :o
<darsie> If there's non, wait till the contracts expire, like 7 days.
<Althego> probably with low probability
<Althego> i treat those as a form of loan, i get a lot of money for doing nothing
<hatrix> I went there with my own funds because I needed science
<darsie> If there's none, wait till the contracts expire, like 7 days.
<darsie> then check again. Repeat.
<darsie> Doing the Kerbin/Mun/Minmus missions gets you Duna missions, too.
<hatrix> maybe I just didn't do the right one
<hatrix> I've been several times to Minmus and the Mun with tourists
<hatrix> several stations in orbit too
<darsie> Mun and Minmus?
<hatrix> yes
<darsie> If there's none, wait till the contracts expire, like 7 days. then check again. Repeat.
<hatrix> will do will do :)
<darsie> How often did you try that?
<hatrix> never
<darsie> Try 5-10 times
<hatrix> I'll try this evening when I get home
<darsie> no, hit max time warp and enter mission control after 7 days
<darsie> ahh, evening. nm.
<hatrix> :D
<darsie> I read every evening.
<darsie> I can't get a minimal Duna surface station contract. Always something extra like a research lab, fuel or pilots.
<hatrix> I hate those with pilots
<hatrix> I always need to plan another mission to get them back
<darsie> You can leave them there.
<darsie> I left my Minmus research lab scientists there.
<hatrix> I just have the original four
<hatrix> + 2 I rescued from space
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<darsie> You can hire or rescue more.
<darsie> Wanna know an easy way to rescue Kerbals from LKO?
<hatrix> go ahead
<hatrix> I usually rendezvous with an unmaned pod with parachutes
<darsie> I have a wake up satellite in orbit. Just an Oscar B with an ant etc. close flyby with the Kerbal, switch over, EVA, jetpack to ~70.5 circular orbit, 3.1 EVA fuel burn to deorbit, land with parachute, or skydive horizontally to a low altitude, ideally sea where terminal velocity is low and impact survivable.
<hatrix> kerbals can actually survive reentry?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> Try my recipe.
<packbart> turn them sideways during reentry
<darsie> no
<packbart> in my tests, they overheated otherwise
<darsie> Burn retrograde and leave them until the heat is over.
<darsie> 3.1 EVA fuel
<hatrix> I think I'll stick with a rocket though, I prefer to be kinda realistic
<darsie> Who says it's unrealistic? This is not Earth.3
<darsie> For Earth they thought of
<hatrix> really
<darsie> They never did it, but it might work.
<packbart> there's nothing like solid, expendable drop suits ;) ( )
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<packbart> he's got Bill's helmet sticking in his face
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* darsie sends Valentina and Jerbin on a one way mission to Duna surface.
<UmbralRaptop> Will they survive impact?
<darsie> Probably. Initially I wanted to use one or two cubes as crumpling zone, but I would have to dump the tank and engine first and thought ... why not use the engine? So my great idea turned into a conventional mission.
<darsie> There's a parachute, too.
<darsie> Will they survive entry?
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<JVFoxy> wee.. experiments with ground stations
<JVFoxy> seeing what setups work and can reach geostationary satellites with reasonsable signal strengths
<NGC3982> darsie: you can do it!
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<UmbralRaptop> Ablate is real
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<packbart> even shorter days than on Earth? I'm not moving there
<packbart> in other spacey news: solar power induces current in norwegian soil:
<packbart> Tesla Aurora Charger
<JVFoxy> Ablate... well ouch 3480 k...
<JVFoxy> lol.. ground.. power.. whats the diff
<UmbralRaptop> "days" it's tidally locked
<packbart> oh wait - it's year is less than a day long if I read that right. Impressive, too
<UmbralRaptop> … wait, isn't 3480 K like M0, or something
<packbart> its year. funny how those typos happen
<UmbralRaptop> wikiality says ~M2. hrm
<JVFoxy> m0 m2.. eh? not familiar with those
<UmbralRaptop> I'm being silly by applying stellar spectral classes to a planet
<UmbralRaptop> OBAFGKM etc
<JVFoxy> ah the spectral classes, got ya
<UmbralRaptop> yeah
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<JVFoxy> a little something that came up in a chat else where....
<darsie> NGC3982: Was no problem:
<JVFoxy> a while back I came across a little program that helped figure out day, year cycles, planet/sun masses. Used it to figure out a fictional planet for something i was writing up on.
<JVFoxy> like to really do something else with it. Although, how difficult is it to replace the solar system in KSP with a custom?
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