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<Guest14335> hello?
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<Guest14335> ok bye
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<packbart> ok
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<packbart> "Some posts have been removed. ... This includes making comparative references to past political events." - *now* I'm curious how a graphical revamp thread could turn so political
<packbart> on the Internet, everything does
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<kubi> eve ladies and gentlemen
<packbart> Congratulations. Did you tell Jeb it was a one-way trip? ;)
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<kubi> *ning I meant :)
<Althego> still a one way trip, you cant go back to morning :)
<kubi> the morning is always after the evening
<kubi> and this means that light is slower than darkness
<kubi> Q.E.D.
<Althego> was it a veritasium video, the speed of dark
<Althego> no, bdsauce
<Althego> vsauce
<packbart> photons are an illusion created by the absence of darkons
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> darkons
<Althego> i like this
<packbart> there was a joke essay on this once on the Internet. can't find it anymore
<packbart> light bulbs were darkon absorbers
<Althego> hehe
<kubi> and we all know that the absence of something moves slower than the thing (see electrons and holes)
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<Althego> the lovely flat earth litmus test. 3 questions. 1. triangle with sides 1, 1 and 1, what are the internal angles, 2. what is the result of 5/0 3. is 10^-17 positive or negative
<Althego> they cant answwer these
<kubi> well
<kubi> most ppl can't answer these
<Althego> sadly. a failure of the general education
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<kubi> there was a blogger/journalist asking student at the civil engineering dept of the univerity about physics
<kubi> "what happens if I drop a pen on the Moon?"
<Althego> the first should be obvious. the second, yes, there might be an issue with that, the third is funny because they use that number as 10^-17 torr pressure of the space around earth
<kubi> ... stays there?
<Althego> ah yes taht is classic
<Althego> i laughed so much
<kubi> but ffs, these monkeys will plan a house and a bridge!
<kubi> I would not even let them to mix the concrete with their bare hands
<Althego> i thougth that would give you chemical birns
<Althego> burns
<kubi> more importantly it may poison the pigs who should eat them :)
* packbart vaguely remembers that the sum of internal angles in a triangle is 180°
<kubi> the question was what
<packbart> I didn't have to use that knowledge in years. more often back when I was playing with POV-Ray
<kubi> not how much
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<packbart> ah. I couldn't even find the characters on the keyboard
<packbart> (this keyboard is extremely bad. no pipe or angle brackets)
<Althego> soft keyboard?
<packbart> no, it's a weird combination of US physical layout with german key caps. It's one key short
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> true
<packbart> not my laptop. I just use it for IRC and KSP ;)
<Althego> and the german has 3 important characters on one key
<Althego> i would lose í on the hungarian, that is not too important
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<packbart> I want the direct brain interface I was promised years ago
<Althego> they exist
<Althego> you need surgery to implant wires in your brain
<packbart> I've seen some that linked to face muscles
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<Althego> scott
<kubi> or, you just have some servants typing what you want them to type
<kubi> similarly to that there is a big fuzz now about self driving cars
<kubi> Rolls-Royce had that for ages
<Gasher> just hire a personal driver
<kubi> that car went to the carwash, took the grocery, parked, came for you etc
<Althego> remember the vr craze in the 90s? and it is still not ready yet. maybe this is just the first popular phase of self driving cars and it is not going to happen just yet
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<kubi> I was drank in the 90's
<Althego> lol
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* sandbox remembers that VR show with Craig Charles
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<sandbox> almost no trace of it exists
* packbart remembers VRML
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> "Charles presented the virtual reality game show Cyberzone (1993) on BBC2" - funky!
<sandbox> yep
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<Althego> lol
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<hatrix> if I want probe control, do I need a path to KSC or is having a pilot with a relay in orbit enough?
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<Mat2ch> you need a direct path to the KSC
<Mat2ch> well, to Kerbin
<Mat2ch> to be precise
<Mat2ch> there are multiple stations placed on Kerbin, so you have coverage all over it
<Mat2ch> but go behind the Mun and you will loose contact
<Mat2ch> So bring your own network
<hatrix> ok, I think I don't have unlocked powerful enough antenas :(
<hatrix> either I need a stronger relay network around Kerbin, or I need powerful antenas on the probe
<Mat2ch> or you bring many antennas ;)
<hatrix> yep, that was my initial problem
<hatrix> vessel in orbit : 2 antenas, fine
<hatrix> lander detachs: 1 antena left, no control
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<packbart> actually, you don't need a path to KSC if you bring enough pilots
<packbart> the "probe control point" thingy in pod and probe core descriptions
<darsie> A communotron 16 is enough for the Mun. On the far side you need a relay to Kerbin, or a pilot on board.
<darsie> you have basic control of your craft without comm, though, like full/no throttle, and the SAS control buttons.
<darsie> You can set your thrust limiter before you lose contact, if necessary.
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<JVFoxy> shame the terrain at the munar poles are so jagged.. would have landed a control or relay station up there for stuff in orbit
<packbart> it's not *that* bad. there are some flat-ish areas
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<packbart> what I did once: Install KAS and send an engineer on a rover with a relay station kit (ground pylon, girder, dish and solar panels)
<packbart> it worked. it wasn't very useful in the end ;)
<packbart> or is that just the KIS part? I can never tell the two apart
<JVFoxy> Packbart: suppose.. though sorta noticed with the way the light plays with things that far towards the poles, makes judging slops kinda hard
<JVFoxy> got a mission lined up but its just an orbital of minmus... was hoping to twitch it but.. name already taken there. :(
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<JVFoxy> oh almost forgot... on friday's 90's at noon on the radio, they did a space theme...
<JVFoxy> was going to say something but was stuck helping out a convention all weekend. :\
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