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<Eddi|zuHause> so, irrespective of all the unupdated mods, should i try salvaging my last carreer save? otherwise i'll start over and get exactly as far as every time, which is i'm never reaching duna/eve or any other place outside kerbin SoI
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<packbart> I know that problem
<hatrix> that's why I'm playing stock
<hatrix> and struggling with everything
<Eddi|zuHause> "last played: 27. Okt 2018", that can't be right
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<Eddi|zuHause> so, starting up the game it complained about FAR more than all the other mods... anything i should know?
<Deddly> Eddi|zuHause, why not just continue with your old save until the mods have been updated, and only then upgrade KSP?
<Eddi|zuHause> nah
<Deddly> Eddi|zuHause, what version is FAR officially compatible with?
<Eddi|zuHause> so, load menu still not sorted by file date...
<Eddi|zuHause> also, i click "load" and it doesn't do anything
<Eddi|zuHause> console just says "nullreferenceexception"
<Eddi|zuHause> according to CKAN FAR Continued is compatible with 1.8.99
<Eddi|zuHause> i try without it now
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, loading now
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<Deddly> 1.8.99??
<Eddi|zuHause> i assume that means 1.8.*
<Eddi|zuHause> as in "we're confident that no 1.8.x update will break this"
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<UmbralRaptor> sounds right
<packbart> the version thing has become more confusing than useful, I think. linuxgurugamer doesn't even set the max version anymore
<Mat2ch> I guess for some mods there's just no reason to set a max version
<Mat2ch> as long as the API is not changing they will just work fine
<Eddi|zuHause> anyway, i'm declaring FAR as "known broken" for 1.9
<Eddi|zuHause> nothing else seems to have any immediately obvious problem
<packbart> Eddi|zuHause: the forum thread says you should try the pre-release if you want FAR
<Eddi|zuHause> now, last thing i was doing is trying to get my minimus base further uphill to get out of the one spot on north pole that doesn't get any sun
<Eddi|zuHause> packbart: have a link?
<packbart> https://github.com/dkavolis/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/releases/tag/v0.15.11.4_Mach https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/179445-18-ferram-aerospace-research-continued-v015113-mach-271019/&do=findComment&comment=3740621
<Eddi|zuHause> anyway, i'm assuming i don't need FAR outside the atmosphere, so i'll just continue like this for now
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: well, if you only build bases an Minmus no wonder you never get to Duna ;)
<Eddi|zuHause> tipping over sideways and rolling on minimus is so silly, but seems to be working :p
<Eddi|zuHause> but i never know which of the WASD keys turns me the direction i want
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<hatrix> I got the same problem :D
<Eddi|zuHause> i REALLY need the load game window sorted by date :/
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: write a bug report :)
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<Eddi|zuHause> huh, i loaded an autosave and my rocket disappeared
<Eddi|zuHause> and now it crashed
<Eddi|zuHause> the game, not the rocket
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<hatrix> why does it look weird?
<Althego> argh, space after paren
<hatrix> would creating a modular base, assembling it in space and land it on Eve work?
<hatrix> from a structural point of view
<packbart> hatrix: it needs to be adjusted for every new version. since new changes aren't predictable, I'd test for >= 8
<Althego> the question is, would it work from heat point of view
<hatrix> packbart: I see it as a limiter for which version of KSP it works, no problem there
<hatrix> but I didn't look at the code
<hatrix> Althego: with enough heatshields I guess
<hatrix> I just wanted to know if docking ports are sturdy enough
<Althego> probably
<Althego> you can turn on autostruts in flight after assembly
<hatrix> yep, I was thinking about this
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<hatrix> I'll make some prototypes in sandbox, I'm tired of spending money on garbage crafts
<hatrix> (oh, hi)
<darsie> I had a docking port on a long pile of 200 EC batteries. It flexed insanely. Switched to cubic struts.
<packbart> hatrix: those limits often lead to confusion and are not necessary. imho, ymmv. it works with 1.9 even without that change
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<Althego> a rare find
<Eddi|zuHause> i kinda wish i could tell SAS a heading and keep it on that
<Althego> there used to be a mod for this
<Althego> some pilot something
<Althego> for airplanes
<Althego> actually for the shortest route you dont want to keep heading
<packbart> MechJeb and others
<darsie> Althego: An asteroid randomly takes its final shape/size etc. when you get to within 2.2 km. So I stop beyond that, save, then approach it as often till I find one I like.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> s/size/mass
<Althego> the good old save and retry method
<darsie> ore content ...
<darsie> This time I wanted a lightweight magic one.
<darsie> Easier to push.
<Eddi|zuHause> FAR has "flight assistance toggles" but i have no clue what they do
<Blu3wolf> @Althego: not always true. For points directly north or south of you, a constant heading is the shortest route.
<Althego> that is why i said it. unlike really specific scenarios you must change heading for shortest route
<Althego> in the general case
<Blu3wolf> Technically, you dont need to change heading so much as that your heading will change on its own. You are still going the same direction.
<Althego> yes, but if you have a heading setpoint on a compass, that must move
<Althego> so for long distance navigation that would not be a good solution
<Blu3wolf> Correct. There is a (now obsolete) workaround for this problem.
<Blu3wolf> You plan your flight in legs of 100 miles or so, and take up a new heading for each leg.
<Blu3wolf> this lets you maintain a compass heading, while gaining the benefits of great circle navigation.
<Althego> hah, i dont believe you. nobody would use miles :)
<Eddi|zuHause> well, i could do that, but i'm not travelling that far anyway
<Blu3wolf> Actually, pretty much everyone uses (nautical) miles for aviation.
<Althego> yes, nautical miles
<Blu3wolf> China and Russia being good counter-examples
<Althego> not miles
<Blu3wolf> miles != statute miles
<Blu3wolf> miles is the set that contains nautical miles and statute miles
<Althego> the only non si unit i can think of as making some sense is the nautical miles. maybe knots along with it
<Blu3wolf> and just for the heck of it, it also contains country miles
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm also not technically doing aviation :p
<Blu3wolf> Over a short distance, you can safely ignore great circles as having an appreciable impact on your navigation
<Althego> obviosuly
<Althego> thus flat earthers are born
<Blu3wolf> people who dont navigate long distance? Makes sense. People can travel a long way these days without having to think much... hmm.
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<Eddi|zuHause> my current problem is that i'm rolling constantly (intentionally) and that means correcting for heading needs a different WASD key at every moment in time, so i can only do that if i stop rolling
<Althego> ah yes i know that problem
<Althego> but i dont use that for longer distances than from the launchpad to the vab area :)
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<Eddi|zuHause> distance left is about 2.5km, not sure how precisely i have set the waypoint
<Althego> will martian settlers use km or martian mile for navigation? :)
<Blu3wolf> Id vote for km
<Blu3wolf> Im sure at some point aviation will end up moving to metric in the rest of the world outside the former soviet republics + China
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: depends on if they elect a "mars first" guy as a leader that, whatever everyone else thinks, does the opposite.
<Blu3wolf> If we have a multiple planet society, it makes sense to have standards common everywhere
<Blu3wolf> And taking nautical miles and using them elsewhere takes away all the usefulness they have on Earth
<Eddi|zuHause> Blu3wolf: politics on that level rarely happens based on "it makes sense"
<Blu3wolf> Depends on who is setting the standard. If its a politician, then of course. If its an engineer/scientist....
<Blu3wolf> Note that NASA is using metric.
<Eddi|zuHause> it'll never be an engineer/scientist
<Blu3wolf> I have to say, it feels weird flying an aircraft with metric instrumentation
<Althego> trust me i'm an engineer :)
<Blu3wolf> Ive got a little time in a CJ-6A and its just weird flying at 330m instead of 1000ft
<Althego> never flew in any cockpit that was not a simulator :)
<Eddi|zuHause> but that's only because you got taught it that way, not that one way is better than the other
<Blu3wolf> thats the point Im making :)
<Althego> si is better. defeated by a single question. how many feet in a mile?
<Blu3wolf> 6000
<packbart> NASA uses a mix of systems and can use "meter" and "feet" in the same sentence
<Althego> also all units for electricity are si, probably doesnt mix well with imperial units
<Blu3wolf> Didnt know that about NASA, but its true in aviation
<Althego> if they used millimiles for altitude i would be content
<Blu3wolf> vis is in meters and kilometers, altitude is in feet, separation is in feet, distances are in nautical miles...
<Althego> but no, they use feet
<Blu3wolf> except in the US, where vis is in statute miles (!)
<Blu3wolf> really dont understand that. Why mix nautical miles and statute miles!??
<Althego> souls on board and fuel remaining
<Althego> fuel in pounds, kg, tonnes, minutes
<Blu3wolf> fuel is a PAIN
<Althego> at least counting people is not that complicated
<Eddi|zuHause> 1.9km
<Blu3wolf> aircraft are american, so the manual will have fuel in pounds. But the placards are local, and the ops manual is local, so the limits are in litres
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> still better than timezones :)
<Blu3wolf> and technically: fuel isnt measured in minutes - endurance is
<Blu3wolf> whats wrong with timezones?
<packbart> the one NASA text I thought of was talking about Curiosity's skycrane extending a 20ft rope 6m above the surface
<Althego> nothing. except they change their location and offset from time to time
<packbart> can't find that anymore
<Blu3wolf> I mean, Id argue that the timezones themselves dont move
<Althego> their edges move
<Blu3wolf> Just that some areas decide to observe a different timezone from time to time
<Althego> ther are also half out and quarter our offsets too
<Blu3wolf> they arent a geographic concept to have 'edges'
<Blu3wolf> watch is set to zulu time, no matter where I go. Keeps it simple for me
<Althego> hehe
<Blu3wolf> although I might need to set it because it looks a couple minutes fast :/
<Blu3wolf> showing 1557 atm
<Althego> only 56 now :)
<Althego> (in a same timezone)
<Blu3wolf> tis not a terribly expensive watch :/
<Althego> *sane timezone
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<Rokker> guess what ima go see one last time before it goes back to Washington
<Althego> trump's hair?
<Rokker> huh, I thought politics was still banned
<Althego> hair is not politics
<Rokker> the Columbia module
<Mat2ch> Althego: one question that bothers me is still if it is sentient or not.
<Eddi|zuHause> 1km...
<hatrix> where is it now Rokker?
<Althego> it can be only one place :)
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<packbart> they totally should put wheels on it and use it as a bus
<hatrix> where is it? :o
<packbart> oh right, I was thinking of a Shuttle, not a Module
<Althego> use what? rocker? or the columbia module? not really a bus with place for only 3 people
<packbart> hatrix: "As of September 28, 2019, the spacecraft is on display temporarily at the Cincinnati Museum Center."
<Eddi|zuHause> not quite there yet, but at least i got sunlight here to recharge
<packbart> Althego: name collision. and I remembered that the Columbia shuttle did not make it back
<Althego> too few labels and too many things :)
<Althego> maybe we should just number everything like astronomers do :)
<Althego> we could use say 256 bit unique hashes :)
<packbart> like TMA-nnn?
<Eddi|zuHause> that sounds not nearly enough
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<hatrix> uuid4
<packbart> names should be human-readable
<Althego> tha we just need to change humans
<Althego> then
<packbart> that's overdue, anyway
<Eddi|zuHause> packbart: if they sold us "XML is human-readable", then surely hashes are
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> thousand other formats, json, yaml, toml
<Althego> and none work well :)
<darsie> To bring a class E asteroid in Eve orbit I planned an Eve flyby to change plane *and* get another encounter a few years later: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot12.png
<hatrix> ahah nice
<darsie> I wonder if it saves delta-v. The new orbit is more eccentric. But I want an equatorial orbit. We'll see how well the asteroid tolerates aerobraking. I'm afraid not enough.
<hatrix> can asteroids desintegrate in atmospheres?
<packbart> yes, they can overheat
<packbart> maxTemp = 2500 // way hotter than the melting point of "Ore" but oh well.
<hatrix> hmmm
<hatrix> would it be easier to capture an asteroid and use it as a heatshield to land on eve?
<Althego> melting point of ore. what is the melting point of boku? :)
<hatrix> in contrast of using regular heatshields
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<Eddi|zuHause> almost at the peak now
<packbart> great. I had to restart Firefox and now the ranty posts on the forum that I were about to read have already been redacted :)
<packbart> someone didn't like JNSQ
<Deddly> Redaction for the w
<Althego> lol elon and the evangelion tweet
<darsie> If I manage to pull off this maneuver, I'm the master of chaos, because this is literally a chaotic situation. And by literally, I literally mean literally.
<darsie> Not like ... "She literally broke my heart." ...
<Althego> chaos is everywhere
<packbart> Chaos wins. Einstein said so.
<Eddi|zuHause> chaotic neutral, chaotic good or chaotic evil?
<darsie> Mhm, but tiny variations in the first flyby have a strong influence on the second flyby.
<packbart> Like tears of a unicorn, lost in the rain
<Eddi|zuHause> chaos theory only has an impact over many flybys
<Althego> a cant yet quote gloryhammer
<darsie> irl maybe, where real rocket scientists calculate real trajectories.
<Althego> but i wanna set the universe on fir
<Althego> e
<Eddi|zuHause> over few flybys you just need good precision
<darsie> It's still chaos, cause tiny variations have large effects ... so you need good precision.
<Eddi|zuHause> no, chaos means "precision doesn't help you at all"
<Althego> tiny variation having a huge effect is not chaos. it is just a very steep function
<Althego> chaos is when tiny amount of deviation cause completely different history from the predicted one
<packbart> chaotic hashes
<Eddi|zuHause> chaos means no amount of precision will stabilize your output
<Rokker> packbart: Fun fact the Cincinnati Museum Center is the basis for the Justice Leagues place
<darsie> I'd say it is chaos, but not very deep into it.
<Eddi|zuHause> i think i have found a "good enough" spot for this base... now need to actually assemble it
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<Althego> hmm, cygnus in 2 hours 20 minutes?
<Althego> it was delayed several times already
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<kmath> YouTube - Knight Rider Theme on an Electric Toothbrush, Card Machines and a Typewriter
<Althego> this reminds me, there was no wintergatan video this week either
<Mat2ch> yep
<Mat2ch> I'm withdrawl syndromes
<Mat2ch> *getting
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<Deddly> Mat2ch is withdrawal symptoms personified
<Mat2ch> Oh yes
<Mat2ch> when I show up, you suddenly feel like you're missing something all the time
<Deddly> Hehe
<Deddly> It's true! I need chocolate!
<Mat2ch> that's what you think, but the feeling wont go away with it
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> in a kerbal t-shiort
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<Althego> and cygnus moved to tomorrow
<Althego> that was exzpected
<Althego> good, i want to go to bed anyway
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<Eddi|zuHause> so, using KAS still causes random things to be catapulted into the sky
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