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<Althego> according to the internet the gingerbread man living in the gingerbread house... is living in a house made of gingerbread flesh
<Althego> next up is, whether eyebrows are facial hair or nor
<Althego> not
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<Althego> hehe sn1 exploded
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Starship SN1 Pressure Test February 28 2020
<Althego> now you see it, now you dont
<Althego> almost like the joker pencil trick
<Althego> no comment from elon
<Althego> but there is an announcement for a falcon heavy launch
<Rolf> no crater so it was a fauilure
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<Althego> remember when they were testing their anti ship missiles? none of them sunk the ship. what a failure
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I somehow expected that. :(
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<kmath> YouTube - KSP - Single stage spaceplane to Tylo and Laythe: stock, non-refueled, round-trip
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<Althego> why twice the legs?
<hatrix> I thought it was a good idea
<hatrix> the kraken didn't
<hatrix> I also need some struts between the tanks apparently
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<Mat2ch> one of the best videos so far of it
<Mat2ch> they should also have used more struts. :D
<Althego> like for the tank thing? :)
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<hatrix> my ISRU dropped to "zero efficiency" for LQ + Ox, why is that?
<hatrix> liquid fuel*
<packbart> too hot?
<packbart> or maybe full tanks ;)
<Althego> temperature might be a critical part there, especially on eve
<Althego> i dont see radiators
<hatrix> oh right
<hatrix> oh the problem is the temp indeed
<hatrix> how many radiators would I need?
<packbart> you can calculate that with the "cooling required" values
<packbart> one or two panels are enough, iirc
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<hatrix> that mission really is a challenge, why did I pick that :D
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> we chose to go to eve and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard
<packbart> and purple!
<hatrix> :)
<kmath> YouTube - Unreal 2 music by Purple Motion of Future Crew
<sandbox> purple is a fruit
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<hatrix> I got another problem, I always land on the heatshields I jettisoned
<hatrix> how can I avoid that?
<Althego> jettison sooner in th upper atmosphere and glide away
<Althego> maybe also sepratrons
<Althego> but those dont work in the lower atmosphere of eve
<hatrix> Ok so I would need more control surfaces to tilt and land a bit farther?
<Althego> with high enough angles even the tanks should make a little lift
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<Althego> now that you can teleport to any planet, not just into orbit, it is easy to test
<hatrix> I'm not using the 1.9 yet
<Althego> ah that reminds me, need to update to 1.9.1
<hatrix> I remember updates always breaking stuff
<hatrix> I'm not even sure I'm using 1.8
<hatrix> I can't jettison the heatshields without opening the chutes first, otherwise everything collides
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> then jettison it sideways
<hatrix> that's a big sideways I would need
<hatrix> I'll add some thrusters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Althego> so where is the scott video about the geostat satellite docking and the sn1 explosion?
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<Althego> at least there is one from marcus house
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<Althego> forgetting parachutes
<Althego> (startup text)
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<transitbiker> bwoop
<UmbralRaptop> dooʍq
<transitbiker> o.o
<transitbiker> how is everyone?
* UmbralRaptop falls off the ceiling
* transitbiker orders new desk for umbral
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<transitbiker> bbl
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