UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs
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<lordcirth> HA, I just landed a probe on the Mun with 5 m/s left. I think that's a personal record
<lordcirth> I think my previous was ~25 m/s
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<lordcirth> Heh, and the second one pancaked at 10 m/s, but the important bits survived
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<hoglahoo> what do you mean 5 m/s left?
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<UmbralRaptop> that would make getting back slightly difficult
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<hatrix> What's the lowest orbit for Ike? I thought I had 10km but when I landed I couldn't find the craft in orbit anymore :(
<hatrix> I think it crashed, any way I can check that?
<darsie> The map says Low orbits are 10 km above obstacles or atmosphere and gives 10 km for Ike, but Ike isn't a perfect sphere ...
<hatrix> rip my spacecraft
<hatrix> luckily, bad designs allows me to get back to Kerbin with the lander
<darsie> 10 km sounds safe, though.
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> 3 000m/s is enough for a Ike -> Kerbin, right?
<darsie> Use the map, Luke.
<hatrix> the maps says it's ok
<Althego> more than enough
<Althego> with around 800 you can get back to kerbin from duna
<Althego> low orbit
<darsie> Usually you can get away with less, if you have an efficient design and fly well.
<darsie> There's a large spike on Ikes north pole, but I don't think it's >10 km.
<hatrix> ok nice, from Ike I should only need 630 to get an encounter :)
<hatrix> well, 10km is pretty low for some spikes
<Eddi|zuHause> iirc you don't crash into planets if you don't have the physics bubble loaded
<Althego> no, you can totally lose crafts by leaving them in a wrong orbi
<Eddi|zuHause> or maybe that was just atmosphere?
<Althego> that has such an effect too
<darsie> I had a ship disappear at 13451 m on Duna:
<hatrix> oops
<Althego> that is too low lol
<Althego> oh wait it is not even in orbit
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<darsie> That ship even disappears wiht 10 km Pe while the focus is on a ship in solar orbit and 100x warp.
<darsie> KER didn't predict an impact.
<darsie> My 1.7.3 setup has some bugs, though.
<darsie> Like missing the 'focus camera here' menu item.
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<Eddi|zuHause> wasn't there a setting for "show advanced options"?
<Eddi|zuHause> haven't played the game in ages
<Althego> advanced tweakables
<darsie> Yes, you're my hero :).
<darsie> That was it.
<darsie> Reinstalled KSP in vein.
<darsie> Now I gotta reinstall my mods ...
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<hatrix> is that ok for an Eve lander?
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<hatrix> yeah it worked, first try :)
<hatrix> made an album
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<Althego> i usually hide the drogue under the main
<Althego> 4, even 2 is normally too many
<Althego> nice mission
<hatrix> I figured it was too many but I prefered to be cautious
<Althego> did you do the measurements in atmosphere high, low and ground?
<hatrix> nope, only one :/
<hatrix> I didn't have anything to store the data or transmit
<Althego> conclusion: you have to send an other one for those too :)
<hatrix> next mission will be a mobile processing lab
<Althego> selection process for the crew: must like purple
<hatrix> thos scientifs are never coming back you're right
<hatrix> but now I need money, that mission was 300k…
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<UmbralRaptop> I mean, you could launch a rescue mission in a decade or 3
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<hatrix> now that's a shitty relay network I have around Duna
<hatrix> My craft -> Orbital station around Duna -> Network aroudn eve x2 -> Kerbin
* UmbralRaptop fines hatrix for violating the verbal morality statue
<UmbralRaptop> statute
<packbart> the wonders of Magic CommNet :)
<hoglahoo> the fine for violating the statue is even higher
<Althego> lol
<hatrix> touchdown on Ike with 0 fuel left at 15 meters high!
<hatrix> perfect design
<UmbralRaptop> \o/
<hatrix> earned roughly 600k with a craft that cost 70k :)
<UmbralRaptop> Seems like a decent ROI
<hatrix> I like to create albums
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<hatrix> boom, got a contract for an outpost on Eve, I'll use this one for my mobile processing mission :)
<hatrix> wtf, 6000 units of fuel on an outpost :o
<hatrix> how am I supposed to land that kind of thing
<Althego> hehe i hate these fuel requirements
<Althego> i usually ignore these
<Althego> you land and mine it later
<hatrix> you still need an empty tank no?
<Althego> but that is not heavy
<hatrix> I need to find a design that is both stable and won't burn
<Althego> inflatable heatshield solves everything
<hatrix> I need 11 kerbals, 6000 fuel and mobile lab
<hatrix> that's going to be a nice outpost
<Althego> 11 prisoners
<hatrix> they don't require anyone on board, I'll just toss a scientist
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