UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance
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<darsie> The Duna relay flew by Alice Kerman and told her she hat to jetpack from LDO to Kerbin. After a gravity assist from Ike she rendezvoused with a rescue rocket at Kerbin which decelerated her and dropped her off at the orbital station where she refuelled her jetpack and deorbited. Missing her parachute she splashed down near the KSC and swam to the beach.
<darsie> Guys, bring a parachute to space, even if there's no air.
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<UmbralRaptop> idea: solar sailing with parachutes
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<packbart> how do your Kerbals get to Duna without a parachute?
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<Eddi|zuHause> i'm assuming it was a rescue mission, so the kerbal just spawned in LDO?
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm finding it hard to do EVA stuff like this, as there's no maneuver nodes to play with
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<FtForger> Hello, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or not. I'm experiencing an issue in KSP 1.8.1 with BG 1.3.1. The issue is prossibly a mod issue, possibly related to Tweak Scale, and/or B9 part switch, but may not be. It is related to jet eninges not having required resources, and the air intake getting closed and refusing to open.
<Azander> can you reproduce it with tweakscale not installed ?
<FtForger> very simple jet craft...just an air intake, cockpit, fuel tank (tank modified to be all fuel) a jet engine, wings, control surfaces and wheels. Tried multiple different intakes, and jets. All have the same issue. I have not tried it with tweak scale removed, BUT I have not tweaked the scale of anything.
<Azander> have you tried it in a stock verion of KSP ?
<FtForger> I did try it with a copy that is one version behind on Tweak Scale ( vs and that seems to work
<Azander> I did not ask that
<FtForger> I know you didn't, I was giving a break point. I'll have to make a copy of my install and pull Tweak scale ( don't want to break my current game that does have scale tweaked ships in flight) or do a full reinstall of 1.8.1 with BG 1.3.1 to get to stock.
* Azander nods
<Azander> I keep a stop version of each 1.x.x on hand since 1.4.x came out.
<Azander> err stick
<Azander> GRRR stock
<Althego> hehe
<FtForger> :) II get it.
<FtForger> I'll give that a try. I was hoping to see if anyone else had run into this or not.
<FLHerne> FtForger: If it works with the previous TweakScale release, why not just keep using that?
<FtForger> and if they had any other suggestions before I try.
<FLHerne> (and report the issue)
<FtForger> To 'back out' to the previous version, can I just copy the Tweak Scale folder under Game data from the working one to the broken one?
<Azander> don't forget to clear the MM cache file too
<FtForger> ok, thanks. Not sure if I'll get to this any more today...need to spend some time with my son and grand kids before they have to go home.
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