UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance
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* TheKosmonaut finally has a new computer
<packbart> I'm hoping for more sales on Steam
<kubi> what kind?
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<packbart> well, specifically, I'm waiting for a Stay-at-home Sale on Plague Inc. ;)
<Althego> hehehe
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<kubi> I meant TheKosmonaut's computer
<TheKosmonaut> kubi: Zephyrus GA502
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<Deddly> Any good, Kosmo?
<TheKosmonaut> Hard to say. Haha. I haven’t used windows in earnest in yeeeears, since vista
<Deddly> I do a lot of tying/writing, so I always gravitate towards Thinkpads
<TheKosmonaut> I wanted a thinkpad but the cost of laptops in japan is very much higher than the US
<Deddly> Thinkpads are generally expensive everywhere... they sure do last, though
<TheKosmonaut> A dell G15(?) I forget the exact name, but in the US it is 980 or whatever dollars, here it’s 1500
<Deddly> Kosmo, does the US price include sales tax?
<TheKosmonaut> Yeah
<Deddly> Oh, unusual
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<TheKosmonaut> Deddly: japan has very high tariffs/surcharges for computers not made in japan really
<TheKosmonaut> I had to buy this one on Newegg and send it over
<TheKosmonaut> People used to tell me to build a PC but even their modest build lists were 1,500-1,700 dollar builds
<Deddly> Oh right. I heard that China also has something like that. Luxury item import tax
<TheKosmonaut> For builds that would be <1,000 in their country
<Deddly> Yeah, building a PC isn't as financially viable as it used to me. The advantage, though, is that they can be upgraded
<Deddly> used to be*
<Deddly> But eek, that's a lot of money. So you spend at least 50% more for the same stuff
<TheKosmonaut> Yes
<TheKosmonaut> Which is unfortunate
<TheKosmonaut> so I ended up with a “gaming laptop” but it’s not hideous
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<darsie> YIL Kerbals speak reverse Spanish.
<Althego> well known fact
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<Deddly> Lies
<Deddly> They speak Shinaps
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<Althego> scott
<Mat2ch> Althego: ah, Simple Rockets. Or the blueprint for KSP2 ;P
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: that visor is sick!
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<Althego> eh starlink launch moved again, now to sunday
<Althego> my guess it is going to move into the next week too
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<Fluburtur> thanks
<Fluburtur> I will get the fur stuff done next week
<Mat2ch> I'm a bit jealous ;P
<Mat2ch> but more curious how it'll look
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<Fluburtur> and im working on a fundraiser to cover the final expenses
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