Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Darpa challenge scrub
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<Flayer> crazy
<darsie> Hmm, Minmus to LMO is 180 m/s, so jetpacking to the other side and back may be >600 m/s.
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<Webchat897> e
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<raptop> hi
<raptop> is anyone on
<Mod9000> Hello, raptop
<raptop> guess not
<raptop> bye
<raptop> <_< >_>
<darsie> .
* raptop does silly things sometimes
<darsie> raptop: IRC pro tip: Ask your (real) question. ;)
<raptop> darsie: question \cdot question^{\dagger}
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<Black_Eagle> what could one do with 1970 m/s dV...
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<Mat2ch> Black_Eagle: go to Jool
<Black_Eagle> AND BACK?
<Black_Eagle> sorry caps
<Mat2ch> If you do enough gravity assists it should be possible :D
<Black_Eagle> heh :P
<Black_Eagle> my SSTO planes always end up with 1500-3000 m/s dV and it's barely not enough for a Mun landing, with my skills at least
<Black_Eagle> 3000 that is
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<hatrix> at least you've got a plane
<hatrix> I've never made one and I'm not sure I ever will
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<Mat2ch> hatrix: oh, planes are easy
<Mat2ch> hatrix:
<Mat2ch> all you need to know!
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<hatrix> oh thanks
<hatrix> I just don't see the point in making planes
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<hatrix> what do you use them for?
<Black_Eagle> i use them for shuttling between my kerbin orbital station and kerbin
<Black_Eagle> super cheap and efficient
<hatrix> why do you need to do that though?
<Black_Eagle> kerbals, refuel
<hatrix> if there were contracts to send scientists in the station yeah sure
<Black_Eagle> don't use them then
<Black_Eagle> also i think it's fun to design and fly them
<hatrix> maybe I just need to try then :)
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<Mat2ch> hatrix: I use them just for the fun of it
<hatrix> that's a perfectly good reason to me
<Mat2ch> It's quiet satisfying to fly something into space.
<Mat2ch> To build something that works on such close margins
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<Black_Eagle> well, now i have bouncy landing gear
<Black_Eagle> man i sometimes hate ksp
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> Reduce the spring tension
<Althego> isnt there a dampening value too?
<Althego> a correct gear should contain a spring and a shock dampener
<Althego> the two are not exchangeable
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<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> spring tension down, dampening value up
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* darsie tries to rescue a Kerbal by waking him up with a flyby with the Duna relay, jetpacking to Kerbin flyby, and capturing him.
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<Black_Eagle> ok, got a little over 4000 m/s dV in orbit now
<Black_Eagle> that should be enough for a landing on Mun
<hatrix> that's more than enough to go almost everywhere :p
<packbart> yeah, I calculate about 3k for it. 900 for the transfer burn, 300 for circularizing at the Mun. 800 to land, 600 to ascend, 300 to get back to a return orbit into Kerbin's atmosphere
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<darsie> Could do a little biome hopping. Perhaps you can find a triple border with skynet.
<darsie> umm ... Kerbnet.
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<darsie> 592 m/s from LDO to Kerbin encounter.
<hatrix> I always forget duna is so close
<Althego> so close. it just takes months to get there :)
<hatrix> what's usually the next step after Eve? I'll do some science missions on Gilly but that's quite easy to land and get back
<Mat2ch> Jool...
<packbart> Dres ;)
<Althego> you could go to dres, but nobody ever goes there :)
<Mat2ch> But pack enough fuel
<hatrix> ahah why?
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program - Why You Never Visit Dres
<packbart> Dres got new textures
<hatrix> I'm still in 1.8
<Althego> just as most planets now
<hatrix> but I'll be reinstalling my OS tonight, maybe I'll update KSP
<Althego> hehe the sad face of the kerbal on eve :)
* darsie downgraded to 1.7.3.
<hatrix> I'll make a fucking base on Dres
<hatrix> this rock is going to be happy to have some visitors
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<Althego> dont say that
<hatrix> a docking base
<hatrix> typo
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> A pleasure base.
<hatrix> ok so Kerbin -> Dres -> Kerbin would need some refueling somewhere
<Althego> hehe martin and the marble beats
<hatrix> unless nuclear engines
<hatrix> I'm look at a 10k Δv though
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<Mat2ch> Just build a huge ships with multiple types of engines, so you can land the whole thing on Dres. :D
<Mat2ch> and be efficient as well
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<darsie> 543.3 m/s from LDO to Kerbin encounter with Ike gravity assist.
<darsie> plus plane change
<Althego> that is very nice
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<TheKosmonaut> hatrix: you have violated the law. Pay a fine or face my blade.
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<TheKosmonaut> But please, don’t use bad language
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<kubi> is english a bad language?
<Althego> no, but ada is
<hatrix> sorry TheKosmonaut, I get emotional rather quickly :|
<hatrix> can I pay in toblerone though?
<packbart> you need a V-Chip
<packbart> oh, I didn't even know there was a real-world version. "In the real world, a V-chip refers to any technology which is installed in a television set that allows parents to monitor and censor programs based on their rating."
<Althego> hehehe... why is it tuna fish, but not beef mammal or chicken bird? :)
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<UmbralRaptop> ginea fowl
<Mat2ch> Althego: maybe there'S a tuna cat and if you only say tuna nobody knows what you exactly mean. ;)
<packbart> according to my internets, because "tuna" is descriptive, meaning "rush, dart along".
<Althego> these silly questions came from the ufd tech yt channel
<Althego> some of the previous ones were, are eyebrows facial hair and is cereal soup
<Althego> i think it is not a soup
<Althego> i am not sure about eyebrows
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<packbart> cereal is just entropy-reduced flour soup
<raptop> high entropy breakfasts
* raptop eyes coffee
<Althego> the bed is getting more interesting by the minute
<kmath> YouTube - Mars Rover 2020's Name Reveal
<Althego> finally
<Althego> i was getting fed up with the temporary 2020 name
<raptop> ...and the name is?
<Althego> we will know in 15 minutes or so
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<raptop> stabbity
<Mat2ch> Name reveal party! It's a... rover!
<Mat2ch> Yay!
<Mat2ch> Now balloons for everyone!
<raptop> gender reveal laser
<Althego> lol
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<Althego> they really made a show out of it
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<Mat2ch> and 7000 people watching
<Mat2ch> nerds united or so. :D
<Althego> not too many
<Althego> perseverence
<Althego> or rather perseverance
<Mat2ch> The QI guy yay
<Mat2ch> I seem to lag behind for a few 10 seconds
<Mat2ch> eh
<Althego> but you are closer :)
UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance
<Mat2ch> The QI guy says that the newest reactionless drives produces thrust and in range he calculated... hrm. I'd like to see this as a paper
<Mat2ch> lol
<Mat2ch> just after the name dropped the stream lost 1000 viewers. :D
<UmbralRaptop> if it gets posted to vixra…
<Mat2ch> well, it's not him this time writing the paper, but some people with a bit more reputation.
<Mat2ch> and the more interesting part is, if it's true, what it would tell about our universe. And maybe about how we could go faster than the speed of light ;P
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<Mat2ch> I mean, reactionless drives are a nice thing, but you still need ages to get anywhere (also the thrust they get is very small. 100 nN right now. And that's why they are very careful not to jump the gun here, because there could be different explanations)
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<Althego> lol rovie
<Althego> a small version
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<raptop> Hm, MOLEK-SYNTEZ is 50% off
<raptop> er, on steam
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* darsie jetpacked from LDO to a good Kerbin encounter with 52 m/s left.
<darsie> Building a capture rocket.
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