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<hatrix> finished my album for the Mun mission
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<kubi> vegan leather
<Althego> smart flat earther
<kubi> this is actually great marketing
<kubi> poliurethane
<kubi> but this way it is cool, not cheap junk bag
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i looked it up. google: shop now women sexy pvc faux leather
<Althego> jsut why would it give this result. completely irrelevant
<Althego> although this still cant beat the german gothic lolita clothing shop ad on youtube
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<Althego> 30 seconds
<Althego> not a new record
<Althego> 30 seconds, not great, not terrible :)
<raptop> Never asked anything, so it could be a misclick
<Althego> possibly quit because of no observed activity
<hatrix> ok I'm bored
<hatrix> I'm going to Dres
<hatrix> I can't open the map anymore with M :(
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> even the game wants you to avoid dres
<hatrix> thing is, when I toggle the map via the button, I can't see my craft anymore, it still shows a frozen map
<hatrix> -> can extend antenna and solar panels
<hatrix> cant
<packbart> I'd look in the log for anything odd. even MiniAVC did cause some weird problems in the end
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* darsie wrote a Duna surface sample return tutorial for the wiki. Have to put it online, yet. bbl.
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<JVFoxy> oof... trying to come up with ok looking wings for small planes.. ugh
<JVFoxy> I guess I could stick with the A-4 Skyhawk style but.. eh..
<JVFoxy> then again.. I am pushing mach 1.6 with two wheezer engines on a small craft..
<raptop> whee
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<JVFoxy> just wish the ground is smooth enough to land somewhere. Got another contract to do surface research. Otherwise I'd land this speed-bird right now..
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<JVFoxy> welp.. made it back..
<raptop> Mmm... tasty fresh from the instruments science...
<JVFoxy> trio of inflight crew reports about 1/4 the way around Kerbin...
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