UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Ξ”πŸ…… maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance
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<Ezriilc> I've been informed that IRC is for old people, but... I'm new to IRC, and I'm no spring chicken, so I feel old and new at the same time.
<VanDisaster> irc is for people who want to chat via their toaster
<Ezriilc> Robot overlord says: "We want you to enjoy toast during this transition."
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<Ezriilc> I know kung fu, er... I mean... rocket fuel injectors.
<TheKosmonaut> IRC > discord anyway
<TheKosmonaut> Give me IRC via carrier pigeon
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* TheKosmonaut sees Newegg finally shipped his computer
<TheKosmonaut> Wool wool
<TheKosmonaut> Woopwoop*
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<Mat2ch> It looks like SN2 passed the liquid nitrogen pressure test. Off to SN3 and hopefully no boop and a flight soon!
<Mat2ch> Somehow I have the feeling that Elon wants to escape earth fast and with as many people as possible. But why? ;P
<kmath> YouTube - UP CLOSE Delta IV Heavy Launch Pad Tour (Tory Bruno CEO of ULA) - Smarter Every Day
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<Deddly> Mat2ch, who wouldn't? ;)
<Mat2ch> Deddly: it could be nice here...
<Deddly> Mat2ch, if he takes enough of the flat earthers etc to Mars, it'll be very nice here indeed ;)
<Mat2ch> Well, I have the feeling that they are not the ones who want to leave ;)
<Deddly> Offer them free Teslas
<TheKosmonaut> Mars is a ball
<TheKosmonaut> According to the FES
<TheKosmonaut> Because it's been observed to be a spherical planet
<Deddly> Well, tell them the rocket will land on the top, then
* TheKosmonaut eyes roll softly
<Deddly> Kosmo, you can roll your eyes? I believe that eyes are not round but a flat dome. I have not observed otherwise therefore it must be true.
* TheKosmonaut has been exposed as a shill for ball-earth
* TheKosmonaut throws ball bearings at Deddly
* Deddly ducks behind the Antarctica wall
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<nate> Deddly: Anyone that legitimately, 100% seriously believes that earth in some odd possibility is flat despite every other visible thing in the universe either 1) Being round-ish or 2) Apparently being flat and simply magically managing to face directly at us all times to look round is never gonna change their mind
<nate> :P
<Deddly> nate, this is true, and the reason why we need to send them to Mars as soon as possible
<nate> Do you really want them to have their own world to repopulate? This is how intergalactic civil war begins
<nate> :P
<Deddly> Well, in that case, it would be best to send them all there first, and then allow Elon Musk to attempt to terraform the planet with nuclear explosives.
<nate> mutant flat earthers sounds by far even worse
<nate> kinda making me want to play red faction again
<nate> lol
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<Mat2ch> at that pace we will see a hop next week...
<kmath> <fael097> It's diagram day!πŸš€SN3 looks well underway and should be the first to Hop! ⏎ πŸ“Έ by @BocaChicaGal and @nomadd13 for…
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