TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY!
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<darsie> Lander can, Oscar B and ant have just the right dv and TWR to land on the Mun, I wonder if they adjusted their parameters for this purpose.
<darsie> s/their/the
<darsie> no, nm
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<Mat2ch> So quiet in here. I could have sworn that we would get more traffic with all the quarantines and social distancing.
<Althego> human malware does not infect your computer
<Althego> but have to guard the paper
<sandbox> it is quiet
<Althego> i dont know if i got the virus or i am slowly turning into a hypochondriac
<lordcirth> I am working from home, and so in theory shouldn't be chattering here.
<Althego> taking a break is a part of the work :)
<lordcirth> Yeah, well, it's 12:36 and I've mostly been taking a break so far
<Althego> hege
<Althego> almost evening here
<sandbox> business as usual for me
<Judge_Dedd> I read about hypochondria and thought to myself "This is me!"
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<darsie> I'll refly my Mun can lander mission with an antenna.
<darsie> So I can transmit science.
<darsie> lander can*
* darsie forgot to write the manual for the rocket.
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<lordcirth_> That reminds me of why I play with Kerbalism and JNSQ
<darsie> why?
<darsie> define jnsq
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<packbart> it's a planet update pack
<packbart> because in Kerbalism, you can't jetpack from Duna to Kerbin and expect to survive the trip ;)
<Althego> #define jnsq 1
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<lordcirth_> darsie, Most relevantly, it's 2.7x scale
<lordcirth_> And therefore requires properly big rockets
<darsie> ok
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<Althego> <Guy-> 'A friend in Germany tells me everyone’s panic buying sausages and cheese. It’s the Wurst Käse scenario'
<darsie> Fools. I bought lentils, chick peas, noodles, rice, etc.
<Althego> no, it is a horrible pun
<Althego> worst case
<darsie> ah :)
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<Mostly_Deddly> That was a good one :)
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<Mat2ch> A_D: out!
<Mat2ch> A_D: ah, not you
<Mat2ch> I meant Althego
<A_D> ...?
<Mat2ch> But Althego is already out. :P
<A_D> oh
<Mat2ch> Autocomplete and too fast. Sorry
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