UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance
<UmbralRaptop> note to self: a single misplaced } does weird things to irssi's config
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<darsie> The Duna relay flew by Munvey Kerman and told him he hat to jetpack from LDO to Kerbin. There he rendezvoused with a rescue rocket who decelerated him and dropped him off at the orbital station where he refuelled his jetpack and deorbited, making a bad parachute landing at the runway.
<darsie> had*
<darsie> Oh, he used an Ike gravity assist.
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<transit> Hoi
<Althego> a-hoi :)
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<darsie> .
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<Althego> ·
<JVFoxy> yo
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<Althego> what a quiet friday
<darsie> .
<hatrix> ok, so I reinstalled my OS and everything's running smoother
<hatrix> including KSP :)
<hatrix> ok nvm, kernel panic
<Althego> lol
<hatrix> there must be a fishy driver somewhere
<darsie> Some recommend not to update drivers unless necessary.
<darsie> IIRC I read that about seti@home.
<hatrix> well I reinstalled my OS, I can't do different
<Althego> yoy can always get a neer kernel
<Althego> newer
<darsie> Let me guess, it was Windows, right? :)
<hatrix> I'm already running 5.5.7 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Althego> windows wouldnt have kernel panic
<Althego> 5.5.8 is the stable :)
<Althego> but that is pretty new
<hatrix> not yet available for my package manager it seems
<Althego> :)
<Althego> but i doubt that small difference would fix it
<hatrix> I remember having that issue once and I fixed it
<hatrix> but I forgot how
<Althego> hehe
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX's CRS-20 Mission to the Space Station: What's On Board
<kmath> YouTube - CRS-20 Mission
<Althego> hehe it is already delayed, shows in 11 hours, while on nextrocket it is in 8.5
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<hatrix> [ .. 10 reboot later .. ]
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<hatrix> aaand it's working!!
<kmath> YouTube - Working!! Op 1 Full
<hatrix> turns out I needed legacy drivers
<Althego> sounds kind of bad
<hatrix> it's a graphic card from 2011
<hatrix> wow the game is so smooth
<hatrix> weird
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i thought this kind of slow downs are endemic to windows and linux is immune to them
<hatrix> I've been installing too much stuch through the years
<hatrix> also what's happening with the periapsis with Gilly?!
<hatrix> why is it in the middle of the orbit
<darsie> Eve should be in the orbital plane. Can't be outside the orbit.
<hatrix> ok I should have packed more reaction wheels, using RCS around Gilly is a nightmare
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<hatrix> I'm left with ~1.3 km/s of Δv
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<hatrix> landed my miner on a spot with nothing to harvest :)
<hatrix> and once again over engineered
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