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<JVFoxy> weee prop spinners
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<Tonkers> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Tonkers ovltmjdwbdph
<Tonkers> lol oops
<Tonkers> nice beginning space
<raptop> oops
<raptop> (change your password, etc etc)
<JVFoxy> blrp
<JVFoxy> thought to share some plane pics but then fighting with bluetooth, ended with pc stuck in self fix loop.. reinstalling bluetooth, removing services didn't need, or couldn't find online while automatically installing everything.. >.<
<JVFoxy> ya.. a little burnout at the moment
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<Althego> it is wednesday, yet no wintergatan video yet
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch Althego this could interest you
<kmath> YouTube - commands test
<Althego> nice
<Althego> what isthat, a led faced furry
<Althego> daft punk durry :)
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: indeed. That's great!
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<hatrix> are the metalic struts of fairings rigid? i.e. can I pass through?
<hatrix> the two on the side when having interstage nodes
<hatrix> this one's going to be fun
<Althego> hehe why is it upside down
<hatrix> I wanted mass at the top
<hatrix> the bottom one we don't really care about that's true
<hatrix> I'm going to expand one station I have in orbit of Duna and go twice to Ike to mine some ore to bring it back to the station
<hatrix> I wonder how that will work out
<hatrix> I got doubts about the TWR
<Althego> i never figured out the difference between the shcock cone and the ramp intakes
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<raptop> high mach performance I think?
<raptop> Also the shock cone might be a bit worse at 0ish m/s
<JVFoxy> oof... I've sometimes wondered other than weight, the diff between the rounded cone thing and the square intake
<JVFoxy> also a bit of a gripe about the massive wings snapping off at the slightest bump. Though, I've yet to test in latest version if that is still a problem..
<raptop> It's obvious if you look at the config files in terms of area, mass, low speed performance, high speed performance, etc
<raptop> well, probably obvious
<JVFoxy> actually I hadn't really gotten around to digging /that/ deep.. more just went with whatever looked good on the design I had
<raptop> ah
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<JVFoxy> Although, all the intakes in the world isn't going to help the engine if it still conks out at 23-24km regardless
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<hatrix> looking good for now
<JVFoxy> huh
<JVFoxy> considering this 'stuck at home' thing.. I should probably put some more consideration into doing a few recordings for once...
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<hatrix> where are you stuck at?
<hatrix> I'm not up to date with every country quarantine style
<JVFoxy> oh heh.. west coast Canada... for moment there thought you were asking if I was stuck in the game. ^_^;;
<hatrix> :)
<lordcirth_> Ontario here - my job hasn't changed much...
<hatrix> there are a few canadians here I recon
<lordcirth_> But I get distracted even easier
<JVFoxy> I go through temp office for work. Seems, at the moment they are open too. Though, part of me wondering if they doing it just so they can rake in as much money as they can
<hatrix> we went full teleworking, the servers are barely holding, it's hard to work
<lordcirth_> My last in-office day was spent upgrading our OpenVPN from 3 backends to 12
<JVFoxy> I could technically work at home, on commissions. Just up till now I hadn't any funds for some supplies to finish a few things up
<raptop> lordcirth_: Ontario CA, or Ontario CA?
<lordcirth_> Canada :P
<raptop> ah
<Althego> basically the whole company is in home office now
<JVFoxy> ya I hate that sometimes...
<JVFoxy> Vancouver, but is it BC or WA..?
<hatrix> there's an Ontario in California?
<JVFoxy> yup.. appearntly
<JVFoxy> oops
<JVFoxy> sorry about that
<hatrix> np
<hatrix> you really need to stop having all those cities with the same name
* JVFoxy smacks google's crazy links
<raptop> There's also a Sevastopol
<JVFoxy> eh.. could be worse. try looking up silly city names
* raptop used to live in the Kansas City metro area. And this was actually in Kansas!
<JVFoxy> Quebec and Mexico City... not exactly original but eh..
<hatrix> lol, is this city over two states raptop?
<raptop> Yeah, kansas and missouri (mostly missouri)
<hatrix> well, we have this here,_Aude :)
<raptop> Compare with Saint Louis (mostly Missouri, some Illinois), New York City (New York, New Jersey), and Washington DC (District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland)
<hatrix> that's weird
<raptop> At least, that's cities that cross state lines
<raptop> Let's not get into how many are named "Springfield"
<JVFoxy> think Simpsons did that on purpose? ;P
<hatrix> the only weird thing I'm aware in France is that Paris is a whole department
<hatrix> everything else is tidy :)
<JVFoxy> department... so like one big shopping district?
<hatrix> translate that how you want
<JVFoxy> ah.. region
<hatrix> nope, région is one level above
<JVFoxy> well roughly speaking...
<hatrix> France > région > département > city
* packbart translates it to "county"
<raptop> ^
<packbart> "The term is derived from the Old French conté or cunté denoting a jurisdiction under the sovereignty of a count (earl) or a viscount" - it all comes back to french, anyway
<raptop> ah
<hatrix> in Switzerland they've got "cantons"
<hatrix> with is basically a department
<hatrix> whichù
<hatrix> *
<JVFoxy> no idea what they have up here in Canada... whole valley is just known as the 'Lower Mainland' c.c;
<JVFoxy> or... under that, closer to the big city, Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD)
<packbart> British Saskatchalbertatoba
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<raptop> Canada consists of Toronto, store brand France, Vancouver, and store brand Texas, right?
<lordcirth_> which one is store brand Texas?
<raptop> Alberta mostly
<hatrix> ahah
<JVFoxy> packbart don't knock it.. there had been talk about dropping Alaska, Yukon, BC, Washington, Oregon, and California into one country. Mostly because we are all on the coast and share quite a lot in common.
<hatrix> Québec is nowhere near France :)
<hatrix> your country is too cold
<JVFoxy> no but France does have a couple of islands just on our east coast
<packbart> JVFoxy: that's the name of a song by "Three Dead Trolls In a Baggie"
<kmath> YouTube - British Saskatchalbertatoba - Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie
<JVFoxy> em.. ok?
<JVFoxy> hatrix btw.. I'd rather deal with cold than blazing heat
<hatrix> me too
<raptop> I'd require both of those terms to be well defined before making a judgement
<JVFoxy> cold for me is at least some snow during winters
<JVFoxy> hot, anything about 22c I guess?
<hatrix> I live on the border of Switzerland, we have 18°C last week
<hatrix> I was dying, too hot
<hatrix> we had*
<Althego> heh
<raptop> Can you see CERN from your backyard?
<Althego> e
<hatrix> not fron the backyard, but when I go to work yes
* raptop is, uh, wearing a sweater and the thermostat says 70 F
<raptop> neat
<JVFoxy> 10c might a bit warm for me still if I've gotta go out and walk a good distance
<Althego> hehe next electron is called dont stop me now
<JVFoxy> hatrix: Would love to go back and visit Switzerland again. sigh
<Althego> wait wasnt that some launch yesterday
<hatrix> anytime JVFoxy, hit me up
<hatrix> my work office is there
<hatrix> quite close to CERN I'd say
<JVFoxy> last time I was there was briefly in '86.. think family was just driving through a small part of it
<hatrix> it was supposed to focus building 9 :<
<hatrix> stupid map
* raptop was in .ch for about a week last march
<raptop> yay, conferences
* JVFoxy watches the occasional train cab ride videos from over there...
<Althego> no conferences now
<Althego> because of voldemort, or human malware, as some youtubers call it
<raptop> 2020 is the plague year
<hatrix> direct payload delivery :D
<raptop> Quite the Duna orbit infrastructure
<JVFoxy> oof.. quite a big engine for space maneuvers though.
<hatrix> it was supposed to be the one doing the rendez-vous
<hatrix> and I'm left with 780m/s I don't have any use for
<JVFoxy> transfer the fuel to some place more useful..
<JVFoxy> crash the rest
<hatrix> argh, the craft isn't correctly centered
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<hatrix> I just need to refills to Ike now with the other ship
<hatrix> two refills
<raptop> Something something Tylo is unrealistic
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<JVFoxy> guess testing something will have to wait... called up to deal with something now
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<raptop> Welcome to Ike!
<hatrix> this isn't the first one to refill here, but eventually I'll have a really nice orbital station around Duna
<raptop> ah
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<hatrix> one more trip and contract complete
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<hatrix> I'm impressed I managed to do it without reverting to redesign
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<darsie> Much better rocket than the previous Duna tutorial.
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