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<Black_Eagle> packbart that's really cool
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<Guest30269> Wondering if Kerbal will run smoothly on my iMac with OS 10.15.4?
<Althego> i doubt the os version has much to do with it
<Althego> rather cpu, video card, game version
<Althego> and mods installed
<Guest30269> 3.4 GHz i5
<Guest30269> Rad Pro graphics 570 4 gigs
<Althego> sounds good
<Althego> but of course i nevr run it on a mac
<Guest30269> Yeah... don’t blame you.
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<Althego> hmm wintergatan
<packbart> KSP "Free Weekend" on Steam, sadly not for DLCs ;)
<Althego> i always think of Cyrix 486DLC :)
<packbart> I had a 486DX2, so cannot relate ;)
<Althego> my first x86 was a 486DX2-66 with 8MB ram and 210MB hdd
<packbart> ah, well, that would have been a 8088, 10MHz for me. with 10MB HDD
<packbart> we've come a long way
<packbart> I paid 1000DM for 16MB RAM
<packbart> (for the 486)
<Althego> funniest mmx video yet
<Mat2ch> Althego: yeah. Martin is finally loosing all his marbles
<Althego> did you read the text on the helmet?
<hatrix> I'm running a 11 year old CPU with a 10 year old graphics card, so really KSP can run on anything :)
<Mat2ch> Althego: where or when in the video?
<Althego> so not. the text is: if found return to darth marius
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<Mat2ch> Ah :D
<Mat2ch> I thought that this was his helmet
<Mat2ch> I bet Marius is over with him
<Mat2ch> there were too many camera angles ;)
<hatrix> is that ok for a rover / miner / refiller?
<hatrix> I've never really made rovers
<lordcirth_> I would swap one of the ore tanks for fuel storage
<lordcirth_> Otherwise you'd have to attach it to a ship in order to start the ISRU
<hatrix> oh, right
<hatrix> oh do landing legs behave with different gravities? Like, am I guaranteed this will work on other bodies than Kerbin?
<hatrix> how do*
<Althego> different compression
<Althego> therefore the docing port altitude would change
<hatrix> could I compensate with spring strength?
<Althego> őrpbabéy
<hatrix> :)
<Althego> probably
<Althego> or jutst test it on the runway with the desired target gravity
<hatrix> I think I'll just ram into the base and hope for the best
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<hatrix> ok I can adjust the legs of the base also, it should be ok
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<hatrix> never thought that lander design would work
<raptop> upside down flying rover?
<hatrix> well, the antena isn't strong enough
<hatrix> launched it like that
<Althego> didnt you want to shift it a little bit up so t hat the com remains in the geometric center?
<hatrix> yep I did
<hatrix> you can see it's shifter at the base of the fairing
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<kmath> YouTube - SCIENCE MATTERS with Lawrence Krauss (EP06)
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<hatrix> I saw Matt Lowne's base design with wheels underneath and a rover that docks to it to move them though, might be a good alternative to what I have
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* darsie kicks kmath.
<darsie> Apollo: The Forgotten Films (2019)
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<hatrix> got a minmus encounter and a ike encounter on this mission, I'm unlucky
<darsie> hatrix: change prograde dv and compensate with departure time.
<darsie> Either on the same orbit or a different one.
<hatrix> the encounters aren't that bad though
<hatrix> but all my solar panels got blocked so I don't have any control anymore :)
<darsie> Gotta wait for the sun and hibernate your computer, like automatically during time warp.
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<hatrix> I always forget :/
<darsie> Hence "automatically".
<hatrix> there is an option for that in KAC?
<darsie> But yeah, dunno if that's default.
<darsie> KAC?
<darsie> Context menue of pods.
<hatrix> OH
<hatrix> "Hibernate in Warp"
<hatrix> thanks <3
<darsie> :)
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<hatrix> I think I should keep a notebook of all the stations of interest I have
<hatrix> like where I can refuel, get some or or expand a station
<hatrix> how do yall do it?
<hatrix> this kind of view always cracks me up :D
<darsie> :
<darsie> :)
<hatrix> ok wow, I forgot fuel lines from the tank to the motors
<hatrix> but the wheels managed to absorb the 15m/s
<hatrix> and I landed 750 meters from the base! :)
<raptop> \o/