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<Judge_Dedd> Playing with the Dv maps and the Dv indicator is so much more fun
<Judge_Dedd> It's been a long time since I built proper rockets - for years I've been messing around with spaceplanes. So this is actually new for me, even though it came out several versions ago
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<Althego> sometimes the stock indicator failes and doesnt have indication. maybe it was fixed since then, but was very annoying
<Judge_Dedd> Huh. I haven't experienced that yet
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<hatrix> it's been a long since I've made something really ugly
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> call it utilitarian
<hatrix> yeah same problem, I'm doing the Δv calculations by hand
<hatrix> I don't trust the stock game
<Althego> it is ok most of the time in the editor
<Althego> the problem is when it loses the indication during flight
<darsie> hatrix: Do you use a slide rule to calculate the ln or do you taylor series on paper? :)
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> i used to put the numbers to apcalc
<hatrix> by hand I mean a python script
<Althego> but back then the mass was only available in flight map
<Althego> so you had to actually fly it and write down the numbers
<hatrix> ahah not convenient
<Judge_Dedd> hatrix, I'm a little concerned about the angle of those landing legs. Doesn't it bounce around?
<hatrix> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<hatrix> we'll see
<Judge_Dedd> Hmm, come to think of it, a great QOL improvement to the landing legs would be if we could rotate them without the base moving. Maybe that's too nuanced to be worth the devs' time
<hatrix> yep, it's ugly as of right now
<hatrix> but that's the only problem
<hatrix> also, why is the "extra large -> large" adapter in fuels and not structures like the other ones?
<darsie> Because it's a tank.
<hatrix> ah.
<hatrix> might explain some things
<Althego> originally it didnt have fuel
<Althego> but it was a player request
<Althego> so fuel was added not long ago
<hatrix> oh ok, I should read the changelogs I guess
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<Judge_Dedd> Would have been good to have it is both categories
<Judge_Dedd> in
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<hatrix> what are your scanner designs?
<hatrix> I've got this but not nearly enough solar panels
<Althego> i think for a long time now you can d your own categories
<Althego> add
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<hatrix> :o
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<hatrix> TIL that plane changes are really long with ion engines
<Mat2ch> jep
<Mat2ch> use physics warp...
<Judge_Dedd> hatrix, Quickest and most efficient, I believe, is to extend orbit to highly elliptical, and do your plane change at the highest (slowest) point of the orbit. Even if you then circularise the orbit again, the total game time and fuel used should be less.
<hatrix> oh, that's smart
<hatrix> I circularized and then did the plane change :/
<Judge_Dedd> Doh
<hatrix> ok so the Δv calc in the VAB is not the same as in flight
<hatrix> some fuel doesn't flow to the engine in flight
<hatrix> so less Δv, but the VAB displayed it…
<hatrix> or is there an option somewhere to activate that flow?
<hatrix> I don't see the in/out buttons
<Judge_Dedd> Could the VAB setting have been calculating for in atmosphere?
<Judge_Dedd> No wait, that would have been the opposite problem
<Judge_Dedd> hatrix, do you have some screenshots for that?
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<hatrix> or maybe I was doing it by hand and forgot that kind of thing?
<hatrix> :|
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<hatrix> finally :)
<Mat2ch> link not working :(
<hatrix> yeah my internet is not working anymore
<hatrix> it's not uploading
<Mat2ch> now they're there
<hatrix> I'll add more and some text though
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<darsie> You can set the VAB dv for vacuum?
<Althego> the calculator thingies?
<lordcirth_> darsie, yes, you can
<raptop> You can, though I think you can't change the default
<Althego> in fact that should be the default
<darsie> I use KER.
<lordcirth_> KER is better, thoug
<Althego> a little bit
<packbart> it defaults to atmospheric dV, iirc
<packbart> oh, right. I was lagging a bit
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<darsie> Easy to change, though.
<lordcirth_> Do you guys have terrible internet this week too? Must be overloaded.
<Althego> didnt notice anything
<lordcirth_> I thought it was just my VPN to work (which didn't help). But even before I turned it on this morning, my internet barely works
<darsie> UPC looks ok in Austria/Vienna.
<Althego> supposedly there is an increased load because of the human malware
<lordcirth_> Canada has pretty bad internet in general, though.
<raptop> lordcirth_: all cell tethering for me right now
<packbart> as far as I know, internet backhaul is traditionally oversubscribed (or rather underprovisioned)
<darsie> On Kerbin your orbital velocity is ~2200 m/s, so you need ~2200*sqrt(2) m/s for a 90 deg plane change. But with ~700 m/s you can get to a high orbit where the plane change is cheap, and then circularize back.
<packbart> people staying home, watching streams and using remote desktops and video conferencing didn't fit the usage model
<darsie> Not sure about sqrt(2).
<packbart> I think remember a forum thread about optimal plane change maneuvers
<darsie> But I guess that's the sum of -2200+2200.
<raptop> I want to type that a 90 degree plane change without messing with your semi-major axis ends up being ~v (2200 m/s)
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<Ivanlol151> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Ivanlol151
<Deddly> Hey Ivanlol151
<Ivanlol151> you can do questions here?
<packbart> maybe
<Deddly> Of course :)
<Ivanlol151> How do I reply to a message on
<Deddly> Ivanlol151, do you have an account?
<Ivanlol151> yes
<packbart> I copy the text I want to reply to and click the "reply button" that shows up
<packbart> select, not copy
<Deddly> Ivanlol151, at the bottom of the page, you should be able to see "reply to this topic".
<Deddly> Ivanlol151, if you click there, you can type
<darsie> raptop: You can get a 90 deg plane change by stopping (2200 m/s) followed by 90 deg acceleration to 2200 m/s. These two vectors should add up to 2200*sqrt(2) m/s, hmm?
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> human resource management
<Ivanlol151> but i want to reply to the person that say a thing
<Ivanlol151> I do not know how to explain myself
<Deddly> Ivanlol151, In that case, in that person's post, click the blue text at the bottom that says "Quote"
<Ivanlol151> yessss thanks
<Deddly> You are welcome :)
<Ivanlol151> you are a good
<Ivanlol151> god
<Ivanlol151> my god
<Deddly> LOL I am a regular person ;)
<raptop> op, god, what is the difference?
<Ivanlol151> im going to leave and thanks
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<Deddly> Glad we could help, bye
* darsie is an irregular person.
* raptop chooses to interpret that as darsie being a small non-spherical moon of a gas giant. Possibly orbiting retrograde
<Althego> hehehe
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I'm about 6 nls tall, IIRC.
<raptop> nanosecond is a fun length unit
<darsie> nanolightsecond* ;)
<Althego> but you can measure time in meters :)
<raptop> Yes, and that always felt weird in my Relativity class
<Althego> for me too
<darsie> Must be m/c.
<darsie> Even if c=1.
<darsie> What's the average particle size in Saturns rings?
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<raptop> Uh, I'd poke arχiv or NASA ADS for something on the ring composition?
<raptop> I want to say small, since Voyager 2 and Pioneer 11 went through the ring plane just fine
* raptop wonders if Cassini's Grand Finale got some good data
<raptop> Feh, I'm going to have to use the good bird website for literature search purposes
<Althego> good bird?
<raptop> sci-hub
<raptop> contrast with Twitter, which is the bad bird website
<raptop> ...optical depth is nice and all, but not what I'm looking for >_<
<raptop> Some fitting required to work with the equations
<raptop> So if I'm understanding this correctly, max size ~1-10 m, number density is proportional to radius^-3?
<raptop> Particles skew heavily towards various ices instead of rock IIRC
<Althego> so it is some kind of pulverized ice cream
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<raptop> Don't tell Minmus
<raptop> hrm that power law makes it sound like equal amounts of mass in each size bin
<raptop> Sizes go down into the millimeter range, I'm unclear about smaller
<Althego> i am so sleepy i cant move to the bed
<raptop> oh no
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