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<packbart> "But to help find discoveries in these surveys we need to carefully identify the boundary of every galaxy. Computers are pretty good at this, but they don't always get it right. That's where you come in! We need your help to inspect each galaxy and make sure we have the right result." -
<packbart> "That's where you come in!" oh, oh...
<Althego> needles to say, this is where you come in
<packbart> well, a Kerbal Contract would mean "go and inspect each galaxy" :)
<darsie> :)
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<UmbralRaptop> galaxy boundaries are confusing and possibly fake
<UmbralRaptop> (This is my opinion from undergraduate research with galaxy morphology and interactions)
<darsie> galaxy bounderies are fuzzy.
* UmbralRaptop recalls being confused by Petrosian radii
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<hatrix> needed 5 trips from the Mun to refill this station
<hatrix> I should have designed a bigger lander
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<Althego> you gonna need a bigger boat :)
<Althego> it is already quite big
<hatrix> the contract wanted 6,000 units of fuel, that's quite a lot
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<Althego> i hate those contracts
<hatrix> well, I made that refill station on the Mun just before
<hatrix> it was a perfect timing
<hatrix> also good to practice rendez-vous
<Althego> i found out what caused the vtol one sided rotator malfunction. i limited the rotation angles for convenience so that i dont create negative lift by accident. obviously the game doesnt tolerate that, so without limitation it works just fine
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<hatrix> are you using the dlcs?
<Althego> yes
<hatrix> are they worth it?
<Althego> making history not so much. but the breaking ground has all these cool gizmos
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<kubi> boooring
<kubi> no screenshots for two hours?!
<raptop> Nope, just drilling
<kubi> bah
<kubi> I need to write a report
<darsie> Crew report?
<kubi> I hope I finish it this week, then I can play KSP
<kubi> I mean, work from home
<kubi> nah, final report for my MBA cousre
<raptop> Apophis delenda est.
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