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<Mat2ch> NASA wants to land on the Moon in 2024
<Mat2ch> not bad
<darsie> Land what?
<Althego> probably one of the third party landers
<Althego> blue origin, boeing whatever
<Althego> by that time elon is going to be there, with or without nasa :)
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<darsie> Humanned?
<darsie> (wo)manned?
<darsie> Does Elon need a permission to go there?
<darsie> Will Elon use renewable methane?
<Flayer> 2024 seems a pretty reasonable timeframe for anyone to land on the moon
<Althego> permission to launch. i dont think you need permission to land on the moon
<Althego> wheter methane comes from a renewable source or not, probably the energy cost of (not) building the rocket again is way more
<darsie> Energy can be renewable.
<Mat2ch> well, I have the feeling that Starship - Moon edition will not return to Earth
<darsie> How many tanker launches would that require?
<Mat2ch> I guess three
<darsie> That's not so bad.
<Mat2ch> a tanker for refueling Starship in orbit, a tanker for the Moon base and a tanker to refill the tanker in the orbit
<darsie> A tanker for the Moon base?
<Mat2ch> or they do Earth orbit -> Moon Base -> Moon Surface -> Moon Base -> Earth orbit (refill)
<darsie> I don't get it.
<darsie> What's Moon base?
<Mat2ch> not sure if last approach would be feasible
<Althego> is it easier to land on mars than on the mun?
<Althego> err moon
<Althego> probably not
<Mat2ch> Uh
<Althego> based on the statistics
<Mat2ch> no Moon base? I thought they wanted to build one
<Althego> the atmosphere helps you a little
<darsie> Mars requires less dv, I guess. Moon is probably easier.
<Althego> but that is only the delta v
<Althego> it seems it is notoriously hard to land on mars
<packbart> Moon Base Alpha was still in the brochures, two years ago
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX 'BFR' Spaceship to the Moon - Elon Musk Explains
<Althego> so one tanking for a round trip
<Althego> that is basically earth orbit rendezvous
<Althego> lot simpler and safer than the moon orbit rendezvous, just less efficient
<Althego> but this was based on the old design
<Althego> i like what zubrin said about musk (not exactly with these words). by doing himself what corporations didnt do for decades, like electric car, and reusable rockets, he showed that there is a way to move forward, so now there are some fusion startups, so he did more for fusion than anybody else, despite never working on fusion
<packbart> sooo... it's only ~20 years until flying fusion-powered cars? :)
<Althego> you mean fusion powered spaceships
<Althego> hello there expanse :)
<packbart> any personal transport vehicles, no matter how they're called
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> finally the corsair ironclaw wireless mouse broke
<Althego> i have to go back to the bloody, that being a lot older still functions properly, although after this time leaving it there i am not sure the battery is in top shape
<Althego> the middle button started to work less reliably, which is usually the death of all of my mice, but the final problem is what i have never seen before, the wheel unhinged and even after putting it back now does not scroll
<Althego> a pity because the mouse was somewhat more usable than the old one, just riddled with software bugs and a bit big
<Flayer> haha, i made it!
<packbart> broken axle?
<Althego> i have to take it apart tomorrow, for that i have to remove the what are those, sliding pads, because the screws are under those
<Althego> and i have to replace the isb cable, because the new one does not fit the old mouse despite being the same standard, stupid specially shaped plastic part
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<Althego> maybe a few decades until ai completely replaces human workforce
<Mat2ch> Nah
<Mat2ch> AI is still not intelligent and the current design will never be
<Mat2ch> but we could already use it for some jobs that are currently down by workers
<packbart> well, I hope to have virtualized my brain by then. digitized human intelligence + virtual machines. take a snapshot, spin up a few hundred copies to ponder a problem or learn something new, then shut them down again. unless they fight...
<Althego> i just found this
<Althego> it's aliens
<Althego> but x-files
<sandbox> trust no one
<Althego> scott
<raptop> More air combat?
<Althego> no
<Althego> a rocket inside a rocket
* raptop vaguely gestures at preburners >_>
<Flayer> exactly 700 science! not a bad return for 4x20k kredit launches.
<Althego> and also sls vs starship video from everyday astronaut. 50 minutes long. the aerospike video also became a documentary
<Althego> good that i watch yt 2x speed
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<kmath> YouTube - Artemis Announcement: NASA Selects Human Landing Systems
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<kmath> YouTube - SLS VS Starship: Why do both programs exist?!
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<Flayer> a 536 ton vehicle to bring 30 tons of fuel into orbit, lel
<Black_Eagle> rocket equation in action
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<UmbralRaptop> Tsiolkovsky the Tyrannical strikes again
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<JVFoxy> hmm... anyone here put a lot of stuff in kerbin geo stationary orbit? Been mulling over DV costs when it comes to launching into the orbit. Direct launch vs using some kind of parking orbit
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