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<JVFoxy> oh?
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<raptop> You could probably go with light armor all the way through. Maybe mess around with ebony or daedric in the very late game if you have items to boost your strength
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<JVFoxy> I usually went medium but ugh... finding some early on is a bit of a struggle.
<raptop> You can totally steal bonemold from parts of Ald'rune
<raptop> ...or however it's spelled
<raptop> And yeah, once you have money, there are dreugar and adamantium pieces (mods permitting)
<raptop> OTOH, chitin is decent, glass is better than all but a few pieces of medium (and those are in official mods/expansions)
<JVFoxy> heh... I made something of a 'brute' one version, lot of strength, high skill on the long blade. Couple of hits knocked others down pretty fast. I was like. 'whoa.. usually I have hard time fighting with my other setups'
<raptop> And if you have Tribunal installed, you can get dark brotherhood (which protects orcish, but weighs almost nothing) almost by accident
<raptop> heh
<JVFoxy> <- heh xbox.. mods?
<raptop> bah
<raptop> wait, this would have been on the origional xbox. That's basically a Pentium III running a weird version of Windows, right?
<JVFoxy> I've had the game since early days. I thought I'd look at it again, used to have a hard time getting into it back then. Easier now with a lot of game wiki sites
<JVFoxy> I don't know... ha done of the clear green xbox editions, think it was one of the last editions to come out. The more recent playing around was on the 360 with original disk
<raptop> hm
<JVFoxy> was staying at a friends avoiding drama at home for a few months
<raptop> But at least on PC, there's some official mods (which add things like area effect arrows, dragonflies to the bitter coast, fill in some gaps in armor sets...)
<raptop> Also, you can just add mp3s to the folder for additional music :D
<raptop> ow
<JVFoxy> mod to at least make use of the negative affect potions other than for xp bulid?
<raptop> I wouldn't be surprised if someone has done that, but I don't know of one
<raptop> Ah, bungler's bane. How I don't enjoy you
* raptop assumes that there's a mod where you can convert moon sugar into skooma
<JVFoxy> would be nice... I know in either oblivion or skyrim they did let you make use of them on weapons
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* JVFoxy checking out a design in the VAB... wonders why Terrier engine is giving crap for DV. Then realizes setting was put to vacuum.. doh
<JVFoxy> ah there we go... 285dv, turn setting to vacuum, DV now shows 1047
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<raptop> oops
<JVFoxy> had a design up earlier but had to exit the game to deal with fixing the mouse. wheel was acting up. Turns out some contacts inside the sensor was bent. Fixed
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<Guest04329> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest04329
<Guest04329> what's up?
<UmbralRaptop> +∇U, usually
<JVFoxy> sun?
<Guest04329> nice
<UmbralRaptop> The sun's down here
<Guest04329> nice man
<Guest04329> what did you guys do in ksp today?
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<UmbralRaptop> …
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<UmbralRaptop> Oh, right. Tonight is Yuri's Night
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<X> @UmbralRaptop: can we talk about KSP2 yet?
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<raptop> X: you can, if you can come up with much to talk about
<Althego> hah one character nick
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<Webchat736> this dead?
<Althego> sometimes
<Webchat736> cool.
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<Althego> the patience is strong with this one. :)
<Althego> ok waited more than 30 seconds, that is more than the most
<kmath> YouTube - How To Catch A Rocket From Space With A Helicopter (Peter Beck Interview, Spring 2020)
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<hatrix> ok those satellites are working well
<hatrix> I put enough Δv to circularize around any body from a very high orbit around Jool to be safe, there's plenty left actually
<darsie> hatrix: One for each moon?
<hatrix> yep
<darsie> A single relay would have been enough, and a simpler antenna for the satellites.
<hatrix> i wanted them to act as relay also
<darsie> ok
<darsie> For further missions?
<hatrix> I've got no proper network around Jool
<hatrix> figured out those will be enough
<hatrix> yep
<hatrix> I've got a relay around Bop/Pol/Vall, but that's not enough
<hatrix> KAC really does wonders for such missions
<hatrix> I can plan multiple maneuvers nodes on multiple crafts and not miss anything :)
<hatrix> the Jool system is nice to practice gravity assists
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<hatrix> hop report
<kubi> why those ugly 1-to-2 modules?
<darsie> Fuel cells for Dawn :)
<kubi> use the fairings without the fairing itself, enable struts and interstage nodes
<hatrix> how do you put them side to side with interstage nodes?
<darsie> You can stack them on top of each other.
<hatrix> yes but I've got 5 of them
<darsie> The antenna and the scanner.
<hatrix> oh
<darsie> I'd use solar panels instead of fuel cells.
<hatrix> that would look ugly though
<hatrix> and not so much reallistic
<darsie> This is ugly, too.
<hatrix> less :p
<darsie> Aesthetics seem to be different ;)
<darsie> Anyways, it uses less diameter, which is better.
<hatrix> depends, it's not so useful here
<darsie> And it's not uncommon to stack two satellites on top of each other.
<darsie> irl
<hatrix> regardless, I'm happy I achieved this :o
<darsie> Yeah, congrats :)
<hatrix> the next steps will be harder though
<darsie> What are next steps?
<darsie> Return surface samples?
<hatrix> first paragraph
<hatrix> a refill station in orbit
<hatrix> though I'm not exactly sure how it will play out
<hatrix> and I think I'm gonna buy the breaking ground DLC finally
<darsie> why?
<hatrix> to do more stuff I guess
<darsie> ok
<hatrix> surface samples could be nice also
<hatrix> but I'd like to have that refueling oportunity
<hatrix> I guess it's kinda hard to design a craft capable of making the round trip, even to Pol, right?
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<hatrix> ah nice, forgot the ore tank, only noticed when landed on Pol :)
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> landed with 200
<hatrix> m/s remaining also
<hatrix> I was a bit worried I'd make it
<Althego> that is overdesigned on pol
<hatrix> I'm talking from Kerbin
<hatrix> but I could have worked it through with the RCS I guess
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<Rolf> we should have diffulity levels
<Rolf> starting with small world and ending with earth size
<Rolf> last being hard (we barely can have space program!)
<raptop> In stock?
<Rolf> yeah
<Rolf> it dont exist sadly
<raptop> Also, max hard mode would be on a super earth just before runaway hydrogen accretion turns it into a mini-neptune
<raptop> (maybe a tiny bit so you get a largeish scale height)
<Rolf> above certain g you cant have space program at all
<Rolf> 1.2g I think
<Althego> why
<Rolf> impossible to get orbit speed high enough
<Rolf> lemme see if I can find article
<raptop> mass/circular velocity tends to go up fast compared with surface gravity
<raptop> Hence the max g being suprisingly low
<Althego> this would explain the fermi paradox
<Rolf> earth is pretty much "hard mode"
<Rolf> just a little more and we might not have landed on moon for probably anoher 100 years
<Althego> no, because there are a lot more super earths
<Rolf> alt i wasnt replying to you :)
<Rolf> ut maybe? dunno whats ratio of life on size of worlds?
<Rolf> smaller would outgas faster I would think, making it harder for life to keep going
<Rolf> while bigger makes space program "fun"
<Althego> others may be frozen over with liquid ocean inside, they wouldnt even have a sky
<raptop> Also, if you assume a planet with, say, twice as much water as earth, you get no land
<raptop> No exposed land -> lack of erosion bringing various ions into the water -> much less available for life
<Althego> most tars are also red dwarfs
<Rolf> kerbin is little weird. its quite small world for 1g and dense atomsphere too
<Althego> probably a different universe
<Althego> different laws of physics, they are just quite similar
<Rolf> yeah
<Rolf> from my link: "Up above 10g, something really interesting happens that is kind of a theoretical limit. The mass of the rocket reaches a measurable fraction of the mass of the entire planet it's launching from."
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> cant build civilization there
<Althego> because all living things would be necessarily small, so they cant have big brains
<Althego> unless they are simething like ant hives
<Rolf> unless its more like moving mountains
<packbart> right, Red Dwarf. that's a series I could watch again
<Rolf> havent watched that
<packbart> it's old and rather silly
<raptop> I mean, corvids are oddly smart for how much brain matter they have
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<raptop> And red dwarfs present, uh, interesting challenges to life. Please wait for JWST for additional data
<Althego> we have to wait more because of voldemort :)
<raptop> (We don't know if stellar activity tends to erode terrestrial planet atmospheres in that environment)
<Althego> but also red dwars live for a long time, so maybe in that time, if the planet is still there, there can be a chance for life
<raptop> possibly
<raptop> I'm more optimistic about K dwarfs than M dwarfs, really
<Althego> yes k sounds better
<Althego> i wonder if the chinese mars mission will be able to launch this eyar
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<FltAdmVonSpiz> eh
<FltAdmVonSpiz> you can have a space programme on a super earth
<FltAdmVonSpiz> it just requires you to do what is necessary
<FltAdmVonSpiz> ie. do not pass go, go directly to Project Orion
<darsie> Rockoons, mass driver suspended on balloons, launch loops, ...
<darsie> Dang, no sensor on my asteroid pusher. Can't science data from Eve.
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<Althego> scott
<hatrix> give the link already ;o
<Althego> you know where it is
<kmath> YouTube - The Talon-A A Mach-6 Hypersonic Test Plane From Stratolaunch
<Althego> i could catch it because i was still awake when normally not
<Althego> usually i can watch it like 16 hours later
<Althego> or more liek 18 hoursl ater
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<Althego> looks somewhat similar :)
<hatrix> is assiduous a proper english word to describe yourself?
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