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<Guest58894> When I load into the game everything works perfectly until I press start game then the game just doesn't work anymore. what should I do?
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<hatrix> miner landed on Laythe! https://i.imgur.com/NhzoSoW.png
<hatrix> now it's time to bring a plane there and some stuff :)
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<hatrix> ideally an SSTO and also a plane with a short takeoff distance
<Althego> so bright orange
<hatrix> it's the same design I've got on the Mun, Minmus and Duna, it's everywhere :)
<Althego> that tank used to be a different color
<hatrix> hmm
<Althego> i mean in older versions of the game
<hatrix> oh, right
<hatrix> I was weirded out by you remembering the color of my tanks
<Althego> hrhr
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<JVFoxy> oof... so brain storm on ship redesign.. or I guess upgrade... went from 36t to 40t. I was half expecting it to be quite a lot more.
<Althego> getting stranger all the time
<Althego> actually you cant even do that shape
<Althego> so how did you actually do it
<Althego> ships are trees, cant make a graph
<JVFoxy> lol... tank is actually connected to the command pod. I just displaced it to make it look like its connected to the sides
<JVFoxy> same with the docking port for the lander.. ya I know tree but there are some tricks you can do do to make it look otherwise
<Althego> there is a kind of copout way, you can start on the main tank with the engine, go to the pod, then from the pod back to the tank, you cant connect it there, but you can use a strut to anchor it to the tank
<JVFoxy> loop, perhaps, but I was having a hard enough time angling sections as it was. Had go go wider around cuz of lander being wider.
<JVFoxy> One of the roles I was thinking for the original design was to carry a cargo pod instead of the lander to other stations. second one could fit more, though might need extra fuel pods to keep the DV high enough
<hatrix> where is it going?
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<Althego> where we are going, we dont need roads
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<JVFoxy> kerbin-mun and return with lander.. technically could even do Minmus as well
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<JVFoxy> First mission I did a while back, took a couple of tourists on mun orbit. When I got back, got thrown a contract to rescue one on the surface. Only it was something like 45deg latitude. I ended up having to send out suplemental fuel and a refuel depot but yet to actually run the mission. KSP went through an update.
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<darsie> JVFoxy: If you're good and want to save fuel, fly over the stranded Kerbal within 2.2 km, switch over, jetpack to orbit and then pick her up. :)
<darsie> I even made it from the pole, without equatorial speed.
<darsie> JVFoxy: I hope you planned your orbital plane half way to the Mun, rather than changing plane from equatorial orbit.
<JVFoxy> kerbal on surface.. can't control till I'm within 2km.. if I recall
<darsie> So fly within 2.2 km.
<darsie> Preferably with an elliptic orbit, to avoid flying that low over much territory. Some peaks are higher.
<JVFoxy> I've already got some stuff flown out to mun orbit. Ship was going to go out there, meet with the station. Has a fuel pod for the lander waiting.
<darsie> Before I was good enough to jetpack from Mun pole to orbit I did suborbital rescue missions. Those were fun :).
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<JVFoxy> geez.. looking back at things, 1.20 4 years ago?
<JVFoxy> was when I worked on that mission last.. didn't realize it was /that/ long ago
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<JVFoxy> huh.. so it was.. only stopped that career cuz I wanted to wait till I got better recording setup.. sigh oh well
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<Althego> scott
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<Haddock> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Haddock
<Haddock> ksp crashes on the main menu for me
<Haddock> i've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, rebooting my pc, but it still crashes as soon as it gets to the start menu and i try to click anything
<Haddock> it's version 1.9
<Althego> usually it creates som kind of crash log
<Haddock> where is the crash log file?
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<Althego> on windows it puts a new dir into the install dir with some stuff
<Haddock> is it the KSP.txt file?
<Haddock> that looks like a log file
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<Althego> if it was in a dir with a date and time in the name it can be
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<Haddock> those are the more recent messages in that file
<Haddock> around the time it crashes
<Althego> who knows what this is. you have any mods installed?
<Haddock> nope, no mods
<Althego> there should be a ksp.log in the install dir too
<packbart> I think I've seen that message on the forum. Too much RAM ;)
<Althego> lol
<packbart> hmm. it seems to have been caused by MiniAVC in these cases. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/191081-tla_debug_stack_leak/
<Althego> i found that too
<Althego> but without mods there should not be any miniavc present
<packbart> indeed. there are reports of it happening without mods, too
<Haddock> yeah i don't have any miniavc files
<Althego> even if you start an official bug report i doubt it would be in less than a few months
<Althego> would be fixed
<packbart> hmm. I might have confused the "too much RAM" with something else t
<packbart> that was fixed by adding the Heap Padder mod
<packbart> but that only happened with >32GB RAM, I think
<Haddock> oh sweet i got it working
<Haddock> i launched it from the launcher in the install folder instead of from steam and it worked
<Haddock> thanks for your help
<Althego> you dont ned the launcher
<Althego> there should be an executable there too, which should start it directly
<Althego> the launcher never did anything in the last few years so it is completely pointless
<Haddock> just glad i got it working :)
<Haddock> nope, it froze when i clicked resume game
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<Lewie> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, lewie
<Lewie> What’s up?
<Lewie> Has everyone here been to duna?
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<packbart> no
<packbart> well, not the long way, anyway. "set orbit" ftw :)
<JVFoxy> attempted to fly-by once.. but was ages ago..
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