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<JVFoxy> quiet
<JVFoxy> so... attempting to build a space station with no runway/launchpad or assembly building upgrades...
<JVFoxy> why? Cuz I'm cheap
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<kmath> <✔elonmusk> Raptors
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<hatrix> wow nice
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<Mat2ch> those raptors look bored.
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* darsie put a sat in Mun orbit and had exactly the amount of fuel left for it.
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<hatrix> only broke a solar panel when landing at 25m/s
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<Althego> it seems spacex is reusing the remnants of the bottom part of sn3
<umaxtu> surprised Elon hasn't started referring to Boca Chica as "The Shipyard"
<Mat2ch> Althego: source?
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Starship News, SN4 to reuse thrust section, Starship Users Guide surprises and Tesla Updates
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<Mat2ch> ah, he tweeted it
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure if reusing is a good idea
<Mat2ch> it's bent pretty bad in some places
<Mat2ch> and getting a straight cut on those parts seems much harder than just rebuilding it
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<Mat2ch> Marcus House talking about the varieties of starship and I'm waiting for the "there's this warp version of star ship" :P
<kmath> YouTube - Luis storytelling scene : Ant-Man 1 & 2
<Althego> i'M looking for a ship that warps
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<raptop> With or without Geller fields?
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<Mat2ch> I'm looking for a warp ship. Doesn't have to be new, a used one, even heavily used, is ok.
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<Althego> i take the one with the humanoid navigation system / waifu :)
* darsie upgraded his station with batteries and Gigantors for research:
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<darsie> The new booster has a Spark now instead of a Terrier.
<hatrix> cute
<darsie> :)
<Althego> is that some chairs on top?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> That's the initial station. Space for 5 Kerbals :).
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i didnt know it countead command seats
<darsie> yeah :)
<darsie> Somewhere in orbit is another bunch of seats I dock and undock if there's a seat upgrade contract :).
<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> This contract was science data from LKO. I chose to research that data with the lab, thus the upgrade.
<hatrix> ahah convenient
<hatrix> I usually just expand the whole thing to have a huge base
<darsie> Sending an eva report would have been easier.
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<Althego> and this day is gone
<Althego> and havent done anything
<hatrix> perfect for a sunday
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<JVFoxy> So...
<JVFoxy> got to thinking, with regard to spending on upgrading buildings in KSP
<JVFoxy> cheaper to launch several small craft to build a station, or upgrade VAB+Pad and do one giant launch?
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<mib_wbccq4> helllooooooooooooooo
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<raptop> akfdlsj;
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