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<hatrix> perfect ascent https://i.imgur.com/9eylEu0.png
<darsie> .
<JVFoxy> uh... whoops?
<darsie> I can do it perfecter ;).
<JVFoxy> surprised it hadn't snapped in half by that point
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<JVFoxy> I'm debating if I should just jump right into this mun orbit contract. Or, see about doing a little focus on relay network (no additional tracking stations)
<darsie> Debate with who?
<darsie> What's the Mun contract?
<darsie> orbit ...
<JVFoxy> stupid connection
<JVFoxy> sorry
<JVFoxy> contract to orbit the mun and return.
<Althego> specific orbit?
<JVFoxy> nah
<darsie> Easy contract.
<Althego> then it is just too easy
<JVFoxy> though... for a challenge, second level launch pad but only first level VAB
<Althego> do it on free return trajectory and slow down a bit when around the mun
<JVFoxy> heh.. I've always been doing free return trajectories now
<darsie> Don't even need an antenna. Might need to do orbital insertion with partial control.
<JVFoxy> was thinking to do a two launch. First is injection booster that would double as relay.. then the crewed vessel
<JVFoxy> dock in LKO, booster out to mun orbit. level it behind to act as relay. Come back on crew's own engine
<darsie> Do you have mods making this more complicated?
<JVFoxy> stock... I mean if I really wanted to, I could do it just with a probe core by itself. But I wanted to get the extra sci with crew out there. And a sci Jr for high and low orbits
<JVFoxy> lol... complicated huh? Well.. RO might be a bit taxing for my system..? I've yet to try
<darsie> You could bring a computer and a scientist.
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<darsie> Scientist can reuse Science Jr.
<darsie> And goo.
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<JVFoxy> computer... as in probe core?
<darsie> yes
<JVFoxy> you thinking to just use the 1 person crew pod instead of the 3?
<darsie> yes
<JVFoxy> flight out there, back.. 2-3 kerbin days right?
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> I'm a minimalist, often.
<JVFoxy> technically I could but...
<darsie> If you like 3 Kerbal crews, that's fine, too.
<JVFoxy> guess the whole idea of just the one going out there, isolated for so long...
<JVFoxy> I could have been a bit influenced by the stuff NASA has done
<darsie> Take one with high stupidity, they don't mind so much :).
<JVFoxy> the up side of the 3 person crew, since I don't have the additional tracking stations going. I can control the booster from the ship when I undock it to set it up for its new orbit around the Mun
<darsie> If you have to burn behind the Mun, without radio link, you can set your attitude before LOS and at the burn you only have full/no thrust, no fine control. You could set teh thrust limiter in the engine RMB menu for better control. When you regain signal, you can fine adjust you trajectory.
<JVFoxy> I know... trouble is, sometimes my burn is out of radio link from KSP for the first injection. I've noticed the burn heading marker to head out to the Mun shifts slowly while still in orbit in LKO
<JVFoxy> I suspect it might be something to do with how the node is referenced on the orbit, either to the stars or the solar system's sun
<darsie> Yeah. I didn't see that happening on Mun.
<JVFoxy> around mun, probably does something different. Could be because of tidal lock or discrepancy in the coding.
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<JVFoxy> videos of kerbals stuck in just their suit, strapped to a chair for 300 years while on full solar system tour... eh..
<JVFoxy> I know.. the game is what you want to make it..
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<JVFoxy> grr.... network here is getting annoying
<JVFoxy> by 'here' I wanna say at home..?
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<JVFoxy> eh...
<JVFoxy> messing around with a relay sat design. Noticing center of mass on the dish as same point as the attachment node...
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<JVFoxy> so.. either the dish is made of foam and lead weights at the base...
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<Althego> or physicssomething is 1
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<JVFoxy> some reason I like this design, though not so much if I gotta do any tweaking to stuff inside it: https://imgur.com/a/SkW3IlK
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<Mat2ch> aaaaaand we have liftoff! ;)
<Althego> what
<Mat2ch> the lifted it of the mount stand
<Mat2ch> onto the test stand
<Mat2ch> *they
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<FLHerne> There's a game "And yet it moves"
<FLHerne> It's a lot of fun
<FLHerne> Platformer, but you can rotate the world
<FLHerne> Or sometimes the world is just rotating itself
<Althego> otherwise known as fez
<FLHerne> If my vague memories are correct, this one came first
<FLHerne> Oh, no, not like that
<FLHerne> It's a 2D world, but you can rotate it (smoothly) so vertical surfaces are horizontal and vice versa
<Althego> hehe nice. i didnt know about this
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<FLHerne> It gets a lot harder than that in the later levels
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<darsie> hatrix: If I needed more fuel, I might get an asteroid to LKO and mine/make fuel.
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<hatrix> nice idea darsie
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<darsie> I've done it before. Have one at Eve now.
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<Guestksw> I was wondering, do I need a flight controller for the PC version of the game?
<UmbralRaptop> nope
<Guestksw> Thanks.
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, having a HOTAS setup can be fun, especially if you're flying planes built with FAR, but it's in no way necessary
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<Guest01612> wait there are people using this?
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* JVFoxy checks timer, "less than 2 minutes..."