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<Lewie> heyyo
<raptop> hi, Lewie?
<Lewie> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Lewie
<Lewie> are there any players here that play on PS4?
<Lewie> hi Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<Lewie> bot bad
<Lewie> how are things with you?
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<Lewie> I need some help
<raptop> Afraid I only have the PC version, but depending on what the question is, we may still be able to help
<Lewie> well ok
<Lewie> y'all know that little box in the left corner that shows your pitch, yaw and roll with small orange arrows?
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<raptop> yeah
<raptop> well, pitch/yaw/roll inputs anyway
<Lewie> well sometimes when I'm playing for a while pink arrows will pop up in those boxes with the orange ones.
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<raptop> Not on the navball?
<Lewie> and whenever I move the thumbstick, themovement will go towards the set pink marker. ea, if my pitch has a pink arrow in the top of it, No matter if I move my tumbstick up or down, the orange marker will move to the pink one, thus causing my craft to pitch up
<Lewie> no on the navball
<Lewie> not on the nav ball, sorry
<Lewie> and I don't know how to get rid of them, so I will have to revert my flight that I have just put the last hour or so into.
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<Lewie> sorry for rambaling
<raptop> it's fine
<Lewie> thanks
<Lewie> does anyone else have this problem?
<raptop> the pink arrow thing sounds like a revised trim UI. on a PC, I'd suggest hitting alt+x, but not sure what they are on the PS4
<Lewie> maybe dinking around with the little circle things on the left of the nav ball could help? (sorry I don't know what it's called even though I often times use the retorgrade one for landings
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<Lewie> what are those little badges that users have in the forum?
<raptop> In signature blocks, or...?
<Lewie> yea. That signature badge thingy
<raptop> There are some from different competitions etc
<raptop> well, more challenges than competitions
<Lewie> huh
<Lewie> thanks
<Lewie> how do you enter those?
<raptop> I'd start with
<Lewie> thanks
<raptop> uh, lots are very voluntary (do the challenge yourself, post relevant screenshots in the relevant threads, add the images to your sig)
<Lewie> ok
<raptop> The 'circle things on the left of the navball' are various SAS modes. What's available depends on pilot skill and what sorts of probe cores are attached.
<Lewie> I won't be able to post screen shots though. I play on console. :(
<Lewie> ohh thank you that's incredibly useful to know
<raptop> I thought modern ones had a screenshot/share button?
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<Lewie> they do
<Lewie> but I don't know how to add those to the forum
<raptop> hrm
<Lewie> yea
<Lewie> hey, does anyone know the amount of delta v required for a duna trip and the transfer window? the only way I can intrept those are by degrees(for me the mun transfer window is 90, so when the mun is 45 degress to my right I burn till I get an encounter)
<raptop> There's a ΔV map in the /topic
<Lewie> ok
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<raptop> oh, good, and are still around
<Lewie> thanks that's really helpfull
<raptop> What I recall for Duna is that you want it to be 44 degrees ahead of kerbin give or take
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<Lewie> thanks man
<Lewie> so when Duna is 44 degrees ahead ish I burn till my aproispis interscets with Duna's orbit?
<raptop> yeah. Though it would also be worth finding a maneuver node tutorial
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<Lewie> ok
<Lewie> thanks
<raptop> Are you playing in campaign mode? Because if so, it's worth upgrading the tracking station to unlock patched conics
<Lewie> nah. I play in sandbox for the time being just so I can practice and get good(ish) at the game
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<Lewie> and not screw things up
<raptop> Fair enough
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<Lewie> yea
<Lewie> so far I'm only able to get to the mun and back
<Lewie> so yeah.
<FLHerne> That's a step up from the "get to the Mun and crash into it, killing Jeb" that I was stuck on for a while :P
<raptop> hah
<raptop> Oh, uh, watch out for Ike
<raptop> (We may be going over the magic of course corrections soon, depending on how the initial Duna trips pan out)
<Lewie> well...I killed Jeb roughly 12 times on my first Mun shot...thank the kraken for quicksave
<raptop> Good thing kerbals respawn by default
<raptop> (And of course, there's an endless supply of graysuits)
<Lewie> nice bro. You a fellow Trekkie?
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<raptop> apparently I was tabbed out for too long
<raptop> (Incidentally, Abrams killed Star Trek for me, so...)
<FLHerne> Eh. Into Darkness was awful, the others were silly but fun IMO
<FLHerne> Not especially Trek-like though
<raptop> (Note that he did not make the 3rd reboot movie, which I'd call silly but good)
<raptop> Also, I only saw that one because I was at a friend's house, and he insisted that it was worth watching <_<
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<JVFoxy> not intentionally trying to min/max my career funds.. more curious more curious how little I can get away with and still get an orbit around the mun..
<JVFoxy> andno.. I'm not good enough to pull crazy miracles
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<Althego> what, wintergatan
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<kmath> YouTube - Expedition 63 Launch to the International Space Station
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<Althego> why is that bad distorted radio music playing
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<Althego> another 3 humans are in orbit
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<Mat2ch> Althego: yeah, Martin got into proper ASMR, after ToT screwed with us. :D
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<darsie> SPOILER WARNING! darsie glid to an anomaly on Kerbin:
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<Althego> you found the deserttemple, aka tut-un-jeb-ahn
<Althego> also the inland space center which has the old models from the very early versions
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<kmath> YouTube - Soyuz MS-16 Docking LIVE - ISS Expedition 63
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<Althego> wait this must be a second hand stream because there are two idiots talking
<Mat2ch> that's the NASASpaceflight stream.
<Mat2ch> and yes, one of them asks stupid questions...
<Althego> i didnt have tome to switch because the docking was imminent
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* darsie found a monolith.
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<packbart> is it full of stars?
<darsie> no. It's full of monkey.
<packbart> ah. Planet of the Squad
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> eh not this
<kmath> YouTube - 2001: A Space Odyssey, black monolith
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<darsie> :)
<darsie> Let's see what's on the crater rim ...
<Althego> if you turn on the radio signal green lines you will know
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<darsie> I know ...
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<darsie> SPOILER WARNING! darsie glid to an anomaly on Kerbin:
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<UmbralRaptop> 📡
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<Althego> satellite antenna emoji
<raptop> The comm network stations are somewhat disapointing
<Althego> baikerbanur :)
<raptop> Okay, that one isn't. I'm still sad you need mods to launch from it, though
<Althego> why was the sagan picture removed?
<lordcirth> What Sagan picture?
<raptop> The vallhenge?
<Althego> according to the wiki on one of the moons of jool there was a picture or sagan
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> actually it heas a built-in laser :)
<Althego> to evaporate targets
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> monolith productions used to run on lithtech engine, must be incompatible :)
* raptop blames Duke Nukem, Caleb, and/or Lo Wang
<darsie> one anomaly left ...
<Althego> that must be the ufo, because you didny show pictures of it yet
<darsie> I did, but you weren't here. I'll repost.
<Althego> iam here 16 hours a day :)
<darsie> Not long enough :)
<raptop> The only excuse for being here <24 hours a day is DST
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i could run an irssi on a server or bring in a bot, but would be hard to keep up with 8 hours of stuff
<Althego> each morning
<darsie> hmm, I guess you were right.
<darsie> SPOILER WARNING! darsie glid to an anomaly on Kerbin:
<darsie> Forgot to post that.
<darsie> raptop: How about leap seconds? :)
<raptop> That would be >24 hours
<raptop> So would ending DST (25 hours!)
<Althego> if the eu lasts that long at least the dst goes away next year
<Althego> and the uk, of course strategically leaving just in time to keep dst. worst of both world
<Althego> s
<raptop> aaaaaa
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<darsie> Last anomaly was a monolith in a magic valley magically surrounded by mountains:
<darsie> Gliding in there was nice :).
<Althego> why magic?
<darsie> Cause it's so secluded.
<darsie> Mystical creatures could live there, never seen before.
<Althego> some years ago somebody has discovered this
<darsie> Where evolution has taken a separate branch.
<darsie> A gray patch of land?
<Althego> no, that is water
<darsie> Or that flag?
<darsie> ah :)
<darsie> Unfortunately it's not a water biome.
<Althego> because water is rendered whenever the ground is below zero
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> A lake.
<darsie> A fountain.
<Althego> that is why duna has the minimum altitude of 500 m
<Althego> at least i think so
<lordcirth> I thought there was a per-body toggle of whether water exists
<Althego> can be
<Althego> but kind of silly to have a fictional sea level
<Althego> that is not reachable
<lordcirth> Well, sea level is partly fictional anyway
<Althego> around the south pole of kerbin there are some areas where you can land on water :)
<lordcirth> given that the Earth isn't a perfect sphere
<Althego> neither is sea level :)
<lordcirth> That's what I mean, "sea level" is a varying distance from the center
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<Guest36925> Hello, i need help.
<Guest36925> My KSP is stuck at version 1.5.1, what do i do?
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<darsie> upgrade
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