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JVFoxy has joined #KSPOfficial
<JVFoxy> humm... so geo sat in orbit... wondering what next
<Alanonzander> Science!
<JVFoxy> well, eventually mun orbit mission.. leave a relay there too. 4 of those little pop up dish things seem to be loosing some signal between sites.
<JVFoxy> I guess I could upgrade to the slightly larger static relay dish..
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<Althego> the pressure is on. or rather will be soon
<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 Cryo Proof Test LIVE From Boca Chica
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Dutchy45 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Dutchy45> Hey guys, noob with 2 questions here. (1) I'm on the launchpad, did some science and tried to send it prior to take-off. I've set the antenna to "allow partial" but it is still aborting when I run out of electricity. What am I doing wrong? (2) Although it is night at the KSC (I have photovoltaic cells) my batteries are still recharging after the ab
<Dutchy45> ort. Why do they do that?
FLHerne has joined #KSPOfficial
<Althego> i think that means something else
<Althego> you need the battery charge for transmission
<Althego> batteries should only charge with the sun visible in case of solar cells. but in older version i could get them to charge during the night on duna
<snow> yeah, I think it's a setting to let you transmit data that would give you more science if you brought it back, right?
<Althego> can be
<Althego> there is a reverse case though, the sun is shining and yet the panels are not producing power. there is an eclipse, but it is not correctly simulated in the scene lighting
<snow> it's been so long since I actually played >.>
<Dutchy45> I'll warp to next morning and see what happens then
<Dutchy45> damn, same result!
sandbox has joined #KSPOfficial
<darsie> Dutchy45: Are you sure you set allow partial? Sometimes the buttons show action, sometimes setting.
<darsie> Dutchy45: Check the antenna RMB menu for antenna recharge.
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<Dutchy45> darsie, thanks!! I've done it before so I don't understand what went wrong here, but "I flipped the switch" and now it's doing what it's supposed to do
<hatrix> I undocked from an orbital base but it's still one vessel
<hatrix> how is that possible?
<FLHerne> All vessels are but mere tools of the Great Kraken
<packbart> multiple docking ports? I've read about "stuck" docking ports on the forum, though
<hatrix> only one attached to this vessel
<hatrix> when I detach, the vessel goes away as intended
<hatrix> but I can still interact with it, eg 'control from here', 'aim camera', etc
<hatrix> and when I roll, it also rolls
<hatrix> despite not being attached
<packbart> huh. magic. I haven't heard about that one before
<Althego> hehe, that is age old
<Althego> i had problems like this in somhere, hmm, what was it 0.9 or so
<hatrix> is there a way to fix it,?
<Althego> no, may have been 0.25
<Althego> i never found a solution
<hatrix> lol
<sandbox> I used to break the game all the time when using symmetry on fuel pipes or struts
<Althego> an annoying huge fly is flying around here
deadmind has joined #KSPOfficial
<deadmind> woo
<deadmind> i just got an nvme ssd to use as my KSP drive
<deadmind> I fully expect to regain several percent of the time i stare at ksp loading every day :D
<deadmind> i'm going to measure the difference (vs. a 2016 sata ssd) after i install it, based on KSP.log, if anyone has a way of measuring more performance metrics please let me know
<deadmind> so far i'm just collecting initial loading time (time until the first "ShowUI" entry in the log)
<Althego> dont
<Althego> it wont help
<deadmind> i restart ksp probably 15+ times every day to avoid the deteriorating performance problem. so even small gains can add up
<deadmind> that said, I'm not under any illusions that it will be transformative :D
<Althego> i usually dont restart it, or maybe in the evening when i cant stand the huge waiting times
<deadmind> do you revert a lot? i suspect it's the reloading where a lot of the memory leaks happen
<Althego> yes, i thought so too
<Althego> design is try and revert all the time
<deadmind> i tend to spend more time with design trial and error, you can tell the difference between 1st run and even the 3rd run
<deadmind> btw, do you know the MemGraph mod? it can help a bit
<Dutchy45> that warpology thing is ...bizar
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* Flayer throws JK into the pit
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<Flayer> ik ben zo moe
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: uh, I remember that one ;)
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<Flayer> sigh
<darsie> .
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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