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<JVFoxy> weee.. more planes
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<JVFoxy> huh.. thinking I should port my kerbinside stuff over from a previous game if I'm going to keep messing with planes..
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<Mat2ch> Oh, wow, no starlink mission until after Demo-2
<Althego> if they cant launch a few pizza poxes, why can they launch two living people?
<Althego> or is it from the west coast?
<Althego> no, tropical thunderstorm, cant be on the west coast
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<Mat2ch> I guess the storm would make it necessary for them to move everything a few days and then it's getting to close to the Demo-2 launch
<Althego> wait, are they using the same launchpad?
<Althego> i thought they have two
<Mat2ch> No, but probably using the same ground crew
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<Mat2ch> what I'm really wondering is how the CRS missions will work with the Dragon2 capsule
<Mat2ch> It's using the IDA afaik and there are only two(?) right now at the ISS
<Mat2ch> so when a Dragon Crew and Cargo ship are docked, there's no free port?
<Althego> probably one more is going to go up
<Mat2ch> When? And where do they want to put it?
<Mat2ch> and they need another adapter, because there are only two PMA adapters
<Mat2ch> oh, there's a third one
<Mat2ch> ok. Where? ;)
<Mat2ch> "This was one of the first components of the International Space Station and joins the Russian side of the station with the US side."
<Mat2ch> Well, someone will be not in a good mood, when you use that for an IDA...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> wait, didnt this go up not so long ago?
<Althego> no, not this
<Althego> then what do i remember as an addition in the near future
<Althego> maybe it was bigelow stuff
<Mat2ch> there should be another empty CBM at the Harmony module
<Althego> anyway next mission is kounotori
<Althego> but it does not carry babies :)
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<Althego> another day, another spacex static fire
<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 Static Fire LIVE From SpaceX's Boca Chica Launch Site
<Althego> or
<kmath> YouTube - [May 18] Let's watch SpaceX static fire Starship SN-4!
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<Althego> [16:32:33] <Guy-> one of my friends used to have Stroustrup as a colleague; now he has Pamela Anderson
<Althego> [16:32:39] <Guy-> I wonder if he's going up in the world, or down
<Althego> probably the drone ship availability is also a factor in the launch, that is why starlink is delayed
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<Guest09532> ive seen youtubers higlight nearby debris/crafts, so you see a little green box around it, along with the distance to your thing. how does one do that?
<packbart> select it as "target", maybe
<packbart> that would be a yellow box, though
<packbart> the Distant Object Enhancements mod does something similar, if I remember correctly
<Guest09532> ok thank you. yeah a mod could be it, because he had some and i dont.
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<packbart> oh, too late
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<packbart> the missing refraction problem seems to be related to the Spectra visual pack. without it, the ocean does the right thing
<kubi> interesting
<kubi> attaching with the magnetic grabber (KAS?) does not treated as docking
<Eddi|zuHause> there were changes in KAS where some types of connection count as docking and others don't
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<packbart> Grobal Construction also has a magnetic claw. I think it use some attraction magic like the docking ports
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<Mat2ch> whelp
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> so there was no static fire yet. but apparently something may be happening again
<Althego> oh no, viced rhino and pbs spacetime happened too
<Mat2ch> well, the methan burner is not running
<Mat2ch> so nothing noteworthy yet
<Althego> then these people just want to keep a stream running
<Althego> but it is running,m just barely visible in the daylight
<Mat2ch> That's why I said "yet" :)
<Mat2ch> looks like they cleared the pad again, so they're going for another test
<Althego> these take hours
<Mat2ch> oh, the metane burner is running, but very dim
<Althego> because of the cryogenics
<Mat2ch> they stream for hours!
<Althego> and i sleep for hours too
<Althego> what a coincidence
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> they complain about 30° C temps and the weather forecast says we will get that here in around two weeks
<Mat2ch> And I couldn't afford the AC in february and now they're all very expensive again :(
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<Mat2ch> uh, big flame, big flame
<Althego> at least we have this warning :)
<Althego> not for lonf
<Mat2ch> Siren?
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<Althego> there is a siren
<Althego> i never heard it in any stream
<Mat2ch> Only Mary hears it
<Mat2ch> and it's around ten minutes to test if the siren sounds
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<Mat2ch> the siren is for the people living in Boca Chica and tells them to get out of the house, because there could be a sonic boom that destroys the windows and they shall not get hurt by it
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<Mat2ch> nope, no siren I guess
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<Althego> big flare
<Althego> hyuge
<Althego> we have the biggest flares in the industry
<Althego> nobody makes bigger flares than us
<Az2> I take you you have a lot of Flare then
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<Mat2ch> hrm, seems the tanking stopped? No venting anymore :(
<Althego> tanking? i see no attack on anything :)
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<Mat2ch> Fueling ;P
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* JVFoxy attempts an old mod on new game... will it work?
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<JVFoxy> I guess not.. saw it on load but...
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