raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | HTV9 launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
<darsie> *sigh*, two tourists came home from the Mun, I let one get off the rocket earlier than the other so they would not come down simultaneously and I could land them separately, but then they drifted too far apart and one was 'killed'.
<darsie> chutes
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<darsie> Ok, so this time I let them parachute together: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot289.png
<darsie> Kathwell Kerman refused to leave the capsule on the Mun where she was supposed to recharge her jetpack and get back to orbit. So I got her a two seater where she could exchange fluids with Munvey Kerman: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot285.png
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<packbart> if a station still fits the VAB, it's not too big, yet. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo.jpg
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<packbart> a station to build bigger stations with Global Construction
<Althego> not even big
* packbart revisits some mods I removed to save RAM
<Althego> half of it is the solar panel structure, you could just fold it in
<packbart> yeah, it's just a MakerSpace station, housing 6 engineers and a few pilots and scientists. It needs lots of EC and MaterialKits, though
<packbart> the plan is to have it build probes and landers in Duna orbit and get materials from Ike
* packbart spends too much time thinking about scenarios in the VAB :>
<packbart> "what if I miss the docking port and ram the station? better move that fuel tank somewhere else"
<Althego> forget the guns. ramming speed!
<raptop> It's only too much if you're not having fun with the design stage
<packbart> well, I do simulate and revert quite often, too. yeah, it's fun
<packbart> but when I started thinking about escape routes and where shrapnel from exploding airlocks might go, I was thinking that was maybe too much ;)
<raptop> Only need to worry about that if one of your kerbals is Matt Damon
<Althego> matt kerman
<packbart> WASD Editor Camera is quite useful if it's not the default camera. get up and close with parts at the outer arms
<packbart> (and zoom far out to capture the craft within the VAB)
<packbart> (there are rooms sticking out the VAB walls - Kerbals...)
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<kmath> YouTube - Why We May Be the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe with David Kipping of Cool Worlds
<raptop> Oh, hey, Kipping
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<darsie> .
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<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Crew Dragon and Falcon 9 in the hangar at Launch Complex 39A https://t.co/l758CdYXNQ
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<kmath> YouTube - メジロ in 等々力
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<raptop> birb
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<Althego> tqt/routing/CAddressControlList.cc
<Althego> eh not this
<Althego> how did this remain here for so long
<kmath> YouTube - Falcon 9 static fire test for SpaceX's Demo-2 mission
<Althego> static fire after asembled?
<Althego> they could have just used the booster
<Mat2ch> Yeah, thought the same
<Mat2ch> that's dangerous stuff there
<Mat2ch> they already lost one payload to this
<Althego> hehe remember when the second stage exploded during the refueling trial run?
<flayer> well
<flayer> if its going to blow up
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<flayer> you want to do that on a test run, yeah?
<Althego> yes, but you dont need the sacrifize the payload too
<flayer> the payload is the humans
<Althego> in this case yes
<flayer> don't board the humans
<Althego> but also the capsule
<flayer> but put the craft on there
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<flayer> no, you want a proper test
<flayer> with all the equipment
<flayer> but not the precious goods
<flayer> if it blows up, they wouldn't have wanted to be in the capsule anyway
<Althego> that is another test, for the escape system :)
<flayer> sure
<Althego> hehe, this came in in recommendations because i play TA gain now
<Althego> *again
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<kmath> YouTube - Chris Taylor, Independent Expert - Total Annihilation – 20 years later
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<kubi> so kerbonatus
<Althego> kubernetes
<kubi> I want two Sol centric planets next to each other and they should look like the they orbit each other aw well
<Althego> isnt this what they want to do in ksp2?
<kubi> ehh, don\t work now
<kubi> k8s is my wok life
<kubi> ksp has snarkiverse
<kubi> and other planet pack too
<kubi> kerbin - dres
<kubi> berbin is on a circle
<kubi> dres has the same period around sol, a bit inclined a bit eccentric
<kubi> looks nice however the distance of the two ar not really constant
<Althego> and why would it be constant
<kubi> not bad, but I'd like to calculate how could I make the distance as constant as possible
<kubi> because I want to :)
<Althego> hehe
<kubi> engineeringly :)
<Althego> already too late to engineer today
<Althego> at least for me
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<Althego> the trivial solution is that you put them on the same orbit
<kubi> yes
<kubi> but then they are standing still compared to each other
<kubi> not entirely bad though
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<Althego> somehow i think of the term pseudo orbit
<Althego> that sis what you want to do
<packbart> ah, and that leads to horseshoe orbit. the distance still varies, though?
<kubi> yes
<kubi> planning some fun till kopernicus is back
<kubi> hyperedit, planetary sci modifier and some asteroid tools if I find some
<kubi> I like Snarkiverse a lot
<kubi> I'll put an anti-kerbin (laythe maybe), dres+minmus next to Kerbin and some asteroids would be nice at the lagrange point of Mun for example
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<Althego> not much to see in the stream
<Althego> i think it is better to go to bed
<Althego> video quality is like it was made with a nipkow disk
<flayer> i have to pee first
<flayer> that's better
<kubi> it depends on how do you like to sleep
<Althego> hehe as soon as he said another modem online the image paused
<FLHerne> Falcon 9 static fire looked good just now
<flayer> hmm is there any way to know in advance which biomes you have already researched in a lab?
<flayer> i should learn to use the mun as a slingshot
<flayer> i just accidentally threw a vessel into solar orbit
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<flayer> nice, i had to tap into all my reserve fuel, but i got the ike orbit complete on my initial duna mission. 46km reentry only rcs fuel left.
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<darsie> flayer: There may also be dv from decouplers and Kerbals colliding with your ship.
<flayer> yeah i'm going to undock from the habitation module
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<darsie> You could also gain dv when rotating while decoupling.
<flayer> upon entering kerbin soi
<flayer> that would probably give me far too much lol
<flayer> sling me right into kerbin
<flayer> oshit i missed my ideal point lol
<flayer> off by 20 seconds on a 70 second burn
<darsie> duration?
<flayer> 54km instead of 46km
<flayer> such thrilling details
<flayer> ROFL i'm on the wrong side of the planet
<flayer> well it was a polar orbit anyway
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