raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | HTV9 launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
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<Althego> hehe, the crane operator is so happy https://twitter.com/Faycebuk/status/1263038755067310080
<kmath> <Faycebuk> Absolutely 100% can get behind this level of commitment to pettiness. https://t.co/kCVneJYJsO
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<lordcirth_> 2 days until Demo-2
<Althego> 2 days 4 hours 36 minutes and 0 seconds
<Althego> but supposedly around 1 hour until cosmic girl launch
<Althego> no video
<Mat2ch> No video?
<Mat2ch> :(
<Althego> "just according to keikaku*" (* keikaku means plan) :)
<Althego> it was planned like this even for the original launch date
<Althego> lots of yellow locusts flying around :)
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<kmath> <✔Virgin_Orbit> LOX (liquid oxygen) loading is progressing smoothly, an operation which began a little after 8 AM this morning. We… https://t.co/j1U3wJDW0f
<Althego> those pesky cryogenics always take so long to load
<Althego> i still dont get how the plane is not horribly out of balance with that payload under one wing
<Althego> at least whenever i make x-15 the b-52 has a hard time even taking off because of that
<Mat2ch> Althego: Fuel in the wings
<Mat2ch> They're pumping it around
<Althego> but what happens after release? you cant pump it so hard
<Mat2ch> Trim and pumping back
<packbart> and it's close to the body. 747s are used to ferry spare engines around on that position
<Mat2ch> also the rocket is pretty near to the CoM
<Mat2ch> packbart: but those engines won't get decoupled :)
<Mat2ch> also they're lighter
<Althego> wait, that reminds me "i'm pumping as hard as i can" (mythbusters)
<packbart> yeah, I was wondering about the weight difference
<Althego> yes, a spare engine, it does not have orbital amount of fuel
<Mat2ch> they will just trim the plane
<Althego> no, actually grant sai "i'm pumping as fast as i can"
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<packbart> Remember, Jeb. Decouple the rocket from the wing first, *then* light its engine
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> hehe daview504 did it again
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<Mat2ch> Althego: Well, I didn't want to watch it, but thanks to you I did. And I have the feeling that this is not over yet ;)
<Althego> the gender was obvious
<Althego> i didnt think of the identity
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<raptop> gender is confusing and scary
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<packbart> OBT01 is underway, it seems. did I miss anything? looks like they're still not over the ocean
<packbart> getting there
<packbart> Flightradar's 3D model shows a plane with two engines and no rocket ;)
<Althego> hehe
<kmath> <✔BBCScotlandNews> Unusual cloud formations appear at sunset over Scotland 😍 ⏎ ⏎ 📸 1 = Edinburgh by Robbie Thomas, 2 = Inverness by Graha… https://t.co/6IM1Pi8DhQ
<Althego> twitter links never work for me on the first time, only after refresh
<Althego> the modern web is horrible
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<packbart> "As we fly laps around the racetrack, the team will be checking conditions for release" I see
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<kmath> <✔Virgin_Orbit> We've officially initiated the Terminal Count Autosequence, which means we're approximately less than 15 minutes aw… https://t.co/Kx0aTU0BqW
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<UmbralRaptop> Feels vaguely Pegasus
<Althego> but supposedly lot cheaper
<Mat2ch> No live stream, but it seems we might get some pictures
<kmath> <✔Virgin_Orbit> Cosmic Girl has released LauncherOne!
<Mat2ch> From the route the plane is flying I'd say it's released
<Mat2ch> (that's what I wanted to say, but packbart was faster ;P )
<Althego> pic or didnt happen :)
<packbart> I was expecting that, they went up to ~40kft, then back down to 32k
<kmath> <✔Virgin_Orbit> We've confirmed a clean release from the aircraft. However, the mission terminated shortly into the flight. Cosmic… https://t.co/eRyE3vGHuq
<packbart> ... and it's gone
<Neal> ...
<Neal> damn
<Althego> you are not going to space today
<Mat2ch> Nope
<Neal> good thing they didn't livestream I guess
<Althego> in a day we can listen to scott about it :)
<packbart> now some Youtuber has to replay it in KSP
<Althego> some? like most space channels
<Neal> I wonder how far apart the vehicles were when it self destructed
<Neal> hopefully they won
<Neal> 't be flying through debris
<packbart> "press F9!" :)
<raptop> Whelp
<Althego> missile threat missile
<packbart> well, somebody had a stream. https://twitter.com/mouse_fart/status/1265009668230836224
<kmath> <mouse_fart> @DreemQuean @Virgin_Orbit I was watching on a private stream. Looked like there was ignition then it exploded almost immediately after.
<Althego> heh
<packbart> it's hard to analyze failure when the parts are on the ocean floor
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> telemetry
<Neal> packbart, that account doesn't look very reliable
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<packbart> well, Virgin didn't post anything reliable since the "oops, it went wrong" tweet
<packbart> Armchair Engineers want to know!
<packbart> :)
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<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 Ultimate Fly Over!
<Mat2ch> just the scale of this is incredible.
<Mat2ch> also the landing pad seems to be almost ready ;)
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