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* raptop slaps IOPScience around with a crow
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* JVFoxy messes around in KSP.. gets out to to Jool somehow. Finds Jool and Eello coming pretty close to each other around the early part of year 9
<packbart> Ello Eeloo!
<JVFoxy> huh.. another pass on Jool next round.. but 8 years...
<JVFoxy> already max warp.. so slooow
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<packbart> I noticed that the new "warp to maneuver node" button next to the navball bypasses time warp limits
<packbart> ok, that's probably not a problem when going out to Jool
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<JVFoxy> oh derp.. think game is doing weird stuff
<JVFoxy> hard to tell which actual orbit the passes happens on.
<JVFoxy> ya.. trouble is, node is stuck since I'm out of comm range, and I've already passed it.
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<packbart> that's what pilots are good for ;)
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<JVFoxy> probe
<JVFoxy> mostly I was just throwing something out of kerbin's SOI, seeing where it would take me. With the intent I was going to revert after had my fill. Comm range wasn't exactly too great in that career
<JVFoxy> just happened that I made an orbit around the star, coming back to Kerbin, figured I'd gravity assist further outwards, small correction I would swing by Jool if I prepped a node and turned the ship before was out of comm range first.
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<Althego> i cant disassemble the mouse, it has something like an 1 mm hexagon screw, my smallest piece is a bit bigger
<Althego> too bad because i have some time now, with some flat earth dumpster fire playing in the background, it would be ideal to fix it
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<JVFoxy> althego ugh.. sorry, wish I could teleport my micro screw driver over your way. Cell phones have such tiny torque screws too. :(
<Althego> the old one after years of usage is still in better shape. so the new one was an overpriced paperweight from corsair
<JVFoxy> mine has a thing you can extend it, get around corners. Trouble is, the slot it locks into so you can turn it snapped off. Tried to crazy glue it back, but now its really stiff. Though, its not like I really used that feature much anyways.
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<UmbralRaptop> Today in planet 9 silliness https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.14192
<Althego> i heard of the black hole thing
<Althego> hehe i like the measurement concept
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<JVFoxy> not even sure how to read that mass measurement...
<Althego> you measure gravity fields by the probe's trajectory, for that you measure signal return time
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<Althego> hmm, falcon 7 ni around 6 days
<Althego> er
<Althego> falcon 9 starlink 7
<JVFoxy> oh wait... -looks at article- ah.. earth masses, just didn't copy over properly
<JVFoxy> ok now with that said.. what sort of 'hints' is giving them the idea of another gravity well
<Althego> for planet 9?
<Althego> there are a bunch of outer solar system small bodies that have strange orbits
<JVFoxy> they noticing something shifting some of the planets a bit from predicted orbital tracks?
<Althego> no
<Althego> this is several years old story now
<Althego> mike brown, also known as plutokiller, and an other guyy, kionstantin batyagin noticed that some of the kuiper belt objects have strange trajectories
<JVFoxy> ya but the idea of predicting another body somewhere out there without directly seeing it. I know there's the Doppler shift of a star's light, but would that work viewing at our own star?
<Althego> and there is nothing there that could move them to these orbits
<Althego> at this point they think there is a 98% chance of a super earth / sub neptune planet being there
<JVFoxy> eh.. strange orbits... try looking at what happens when you make use of Lagrange points..
<Althego> i interpreted the abstract byt trying to find the planet's gravity not measuring sun's light
<Althego> just as theer are measurements now ongoing around jupiter in similar manner with juno
<JVFoxy> they saying it is strange because of highly elliptical, orbital plane at odd angle sorta thing? Or something a bit more exotic?
<Althego> there is also a correlation among those orbits
<JVFoxy> I was just thinking of some of the methods that had been used when trying to find planets around other stars. I guess some aren't as effective if you actually reside in said star system
<kmath> YouTube - Planet Nine from Outer Space - Konstantin Batygin, at USI
<JVFoxy> you could use radio to measure things.. they've done it from Apollo to the Voyager space probes. Just as long as there's some accounting for the 'Pioneer anomaly'
<Althego> wasnt that thermal radiation?
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<JVFoxy> Was one of the explanations they gave. Was also some other models that came out of it. An expanding universe model was also considered.
<JVFoxy> Also a model that describes how atomic clocks aren't as uniform as we once thought when under acceleration.
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<Mat2ch> I'm wondering. How can Starship SN4 fly with a single off-center engine? If I do that in KSP the craft will spin out of control :P
<Althego> huge gimbal range :)
<Althego> i dont know how well the raptor can gimbal
<Althego> that is why i dont understand the redundancy of 3 engines
<Althego> in a triangle
<Althego> with 4 you could shut down the opposing one too
<Mat2ch> they just dont shut down...
<Mat2ch> also the gimbal range doesn't have to be that huge
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the idea is probably that you always have a set of three engines for emergencies
<Mat2ch> so if one of the three inner engines fail the vac engines will probably have enough power to do something meaningful
<Mat2ch> not that efficient though
<Mat2ch> and if one of the vac engine fails you still can use the inner cluster to do corrections
<Mat2ch> they have this dual bell shape thingy, too, which we already have seen on pictures
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<JVFoxy> Boeing's X37... engine is off set to the right a bit... hmm
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<Althego> last week i coughed twice. that is suspicios. today i also coughed twice. getting even more suspicious
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> statistically speaking i have quite a low chance of getting it though
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<Mat2ch> Althego: we all do.
<Mat2ch> Well, some more, some less
<Althego> i dont go to work as most people
<Althego> i basically go out only to get food
<Mat2ch> the hot spots in the US currently are: https://twitter.com/ginasue/status/1255847979740794885
<kmath> <ginasue> Top 10 Coronavirus clusters in the US? Prisons, meat packing plants, a Navy battleship. Next 10? Prisons, meat pac… https://t.co/ARH7DMmsRc
<Mat2ch> so as long as your're not in prision, don't work for the Navy or in a meat packing factory or nursing home (or any other care taking facility with lots of old/weak people) you're mostly good
<Althego> yes nursery homes were hit heavily here too
<Althego> it is friday. where is my weekly gtoger video?
<Mat2ch> gtoger?
<Althego> a channel where cares get towed from a parking lot (parking there without authorization)
<Althego> *cars
<Mat2ch> ah, the back alley one?
<Mat2ch> with three spots and huge signs? :D
<Althego> i am not sure it is 3, but that
<Mat2ch> the looks were funny, when the car wasn't there anymore *g*
<Althego> the music as the tow truck arrives, lately the jetsons sound effect for the electric scooters, the tiny funny info bits, the ghost image of the car towed, the clueless confused people, all that is just perfect
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<sandbox> nursing homes should've been on absolute lockdown since january or february imho
<bildramer> the entire world should have closed borders to china in late january at the latest
<sandbox> even in february I was wary of shaking someone's hand at a group I go to
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<Mat2ch> sandbox: well, it's not transmitted that way...
<Mat2ch> you'd probably have to lick your hand and then give a wet handshake and then the other person would have to lick their hand to spread by contact
<Mat2ch> it's airborne, so keeping a bit of distance and not standing to close to each other for longer periods of time should be fine
<Mat2ch> oh and paid sickleave. Because it keeps sick workers from coming into work sick. But that's pretty near discussion politics in here ;P
<Mat2ch> *discussing
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg CrewDragon demo flight updates right now!
<Althego> i hope that price of space travel goes down while i am still alive
<Althego> nice music
<darsie> It is going down while you're alive.
<darsie> I think.
<Althego> but to affordable level
<darsie> Get a good job, work your ass off and you can afford it.
<Althego> not currently
<Althego> some tens of millions of dollars
<darsie> When SSSH facilitates cheap travel to LEO, I guess someone will build a station for the tourists.
<Althego> bigelow basically turned into nothing maybe becasue of the virus or not
<darsie> A roll of sheet metal and a welding bot in LEO ...
<darsie> 200,000 to Mars. That blocks a SH for what, 2 years?
<darsie> That SH can go to LEO 5-10 times a day. That's 1752 times as often. So it could boil down to fuel cost plus cost of SSSH/100 or how many launches it can do.
<darsie> Might take 10 years or so.
<Althego> yes, not sooner than 10 years
<Althego> i wonder how the chinese want to control their mars mission. i doubt they can get access to dsn
<darsie> They can land while they are facing Mars.
<darsie> Landing is automatic anyways.
<Althego> landing. but if you want to do more than a tech demo, you need to contact the orbiter and the lander
<darsie> Use an antenna?
<darsie> Maybe a Mars orbiter?
<Althego> yes, neutrino antenna that can sen through earth and mars :)
<Althego> they are going to have an orbiter
<Althego> that can help
<Althego> my biggest concern is the rocket, seems to be a new system
<Althego> but they haveto launch now or wait more than 2 years
<Althego> and then there is the landing, mars is notoriously hard to land on
<darsie> What's theyr approach?
<Althego> we dont know much- an orbiter lander rover all in one
<Mat2ch> uh, the SAFER system for the astronauts is interesting
<Mat2ch> could be part of a fun VR game ;P
<Althego> is that the thing with 2 m/s delta v?
<Mat2ch> 3 m/s actually ;)
<Althego> maybe 3.5 if you are really thin :()
<Mat2ch> but enough to float back
<Mat2ch> I wonder how much dV you'd need if you push really hard
<darsie> Walking is about 1 m/s.
<Althego> you cant really exert too muchforce, because of the pressure in the suit and zero gravity
<darsie> I guess they coud maneuver the ISS to rendezvous with you.
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<darsie> Hmm, there's not always a booster on it.
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<FLHerne> There's always at least one capsule docked
<FLHerne> In a pinch, they could try and use one of those
<Althego> there is also the zvezda module with engines
<packbart> the service module has some thrusters, too
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<Althego> you could also get out and push :)
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<darsie> Yeah, the soyuz needs RCS for docking.
* darsie recovers 0.8 t debris from the surface of the Mun.
<Althego> hehe once i needed to get a burnt out solid rocket booster from the mun
<Althego> just how did it get there
<raptop> The same way those kerbonauts get mysteriously stranded in orbit
<Althego> i mean it was the big long one
<darsie> Althego: It's a Hammer for me, it seems.
<darsie> I'll try the roll over the battery trick this time.
<UmbralRaptop> Clydesdale? Kickback?
<darsie> Hammer
<darsie> ah, Althego.
<Althego> at that time the biggest one was the shuttle booster
<Althego> whatever its name is
<UmbralRaptop> biggest base is the kickback; the clydesdale is dlc
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<darsie> My mun debris recovery rocket: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot241.png
<darsie> Recovery stage will refuel once back in munar orbit.
<darsie> with picoports.
<darsie> Hmm, a chute might be useful :).
<Althego> the hardest thing is to catch it
<Althego> in my case i started to roll downhill once i got int orange
<Althego> int orange = 5;
<darsie> hm?
<Althego> the part
<Althego> it is on the ground
<Althego> how do you catch it with the claw on the nose?
<darsie> That chute messes up my dv setup ...
<darsie> Roll next to it, arm, short burn, attach. With the RW roll over the batter and go vertical or take off angled.
<darsie> Meh, I'll just attach a chute with a docking port, leave it in KEO and reattach when I'm back with teh part :).
<darsie> I hope the pico port is rated for that force :)
<darsie> doubtful
<darsie> But I guess it'll work.
<Althego> i have never seen a docking port separate
<Althego> even if the two ends were pulled apart with visible gap in them
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<darsie> LKO*
<darsie> What is KEO? That sounds familiar.
<darsie> Keostationary orbit? :)
<Althego> probably
<Althego> just as there is a kolniya orbit in ksp :)
<UmbralRaptop> generally yes
<FLHerne> Kerbostationary?
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<raptop> something like that
<Althego> scott
<Flayer> he's smiling deviously because he's gonna whoops your ass
<Flayer> once i get to the level 3 tech i'll give him a nose
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> What's that?
<darsie> With enough muscle :)
<darsie> Didn't even need the battery as pivot.
<Althego> hehe
<Flayer> roar!
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<darsie> Hammer recovered.
<darsie> Docking without RCS was difficult again.
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<JVFoxy> Darsie ya can be... specially the bigger the ship is.
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