raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | HTV9 launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
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<JVFoxy> ouch... ok so maybe I should start considering using the 'save game feature' in my sessions.. so used to revert.. instead of map focus, hit the switch vessel while doing a test run. :\
<JVFoxy> then again, also been so used the restore file under windows but some reason that decided to bit the digital dust..
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Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Will they be going to space today? (27th) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
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<Althego> anything about the failed test?
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<packbart> a "mountain of data"
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<Judge_Dedd> What failed test?
<FLHerne> Virgin Orbit
<FLHerne> presumably
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<Althego> probably an ocean of data is better metaphor :)
<Althego> since the pieces must have fallen into the ocean
<Althego> and yes, i wastalking about the cosmic girl launch
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<darsie> 1337
<Althego> yes, noticed it
<Althego> very rare when i manage to notice it
<Althego> usually i only notice it few minutes before or after
<darsie> same
<XXCoder> before? time viewer? ;)
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<Althego> hehe nasa interview, but people are 2 m apart because of the virus
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<kmath> YouTube - Mission Update: NASA and SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP1XQzwRuV8 That's a Kerbal stunt...
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY-pdk_FWh0
<kmath> YouTube - The Simpsons Bogey Intercept
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<flayer> dat feel when you build a plane where you can forget to turn on SAS
<Althego> most are like that
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<Dutchy45> Is there a way to check the action groups after launch?
<Althego> now t here should be
<flayer> most of mine end up slumping down
<Althego> you can even modify them
<Althego> they have to go down
<Althego> since the com is in front of col to be stable
<Althego> you can compensate for that with elevator trim
<Dutchy45> How/where Althego?
<flayer> i don't even know half of those words
<Althego> on windows, the alt-directions add trim, they are slow so you have to hold them for a while
<Althego> probably with right shift on linux
<kmath> YouTube - KSP Loading... Action Groups preview
<flayer> Dutchy45, there's an icon looks like two tools crossed
<flayer> een hamer en een schroevendraaier
<flayer> oh een sleutel
<Althego> so anyway, if you hold mod (probably alt) with one of the control directions, most probably with up (which is somehow down in ksp by default), then you can see the control indicator moving up a little and that may compensate
<Dutchy45> Thanks guys!! And greetings to my countryman
<Althego> also mod x resets all trims
<Althego> heh how many times i had to wait for the trim wheel to spin after a reposition
<flayer> what are you even saying man
<Althego> search for trim
<Althego> try it
<flayer> i'm too tired to read
<flayer> ok i read it
<flayer> i had to wait for dota to update :(
<flayer> so that adjusts the flaps or something
<flayer> i mean what does it physically do
<flayer> or is it a computing thing
<flayer> i hate all this thinking
<flayer> sometimes i think there is something wrong with my brain
<flayer> oh darn now dota is all different too because of the update
<flayer> i bet its going to be a terrible experience for me
<flayer> i swear i have the same brain as an 80 year old person
<flayer> like, in terms of wear and tear
<Althego> so if you use it for the elevator, then it can compensate for your nose down attitude, thus basically making all craft flyable without sas
<flayer> yeah, ok
<flayer> but what does the plane do to adjust for it?
<Althego> in reality this usually slowly rotates the control surface
<flayer> like, there must be moving parts to this somewhere
<Althego> in ksp it just moves the control surface, in reality the whole stabilizer moves usually
<flayer> like, some heavy weight that can move about in the plane's hull?
<flayer> or some wings somewhere?
<Althego> the heavy weight is create on the stabilizer because it is at an angle to the airflow
<Althego> so the setting may be speed dependent
<flayer> yes
<flayer> so its just drag
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<flayer> i always have less than 100ms dv left on this duna lander, i don't think it can do polar landings
<Althego> lander only?
<Althego> or lander and ascent
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<flayer> both
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<Althego> yes, in that case that is not a big margin
<flayer> i will try by setting it to a suborbital trajectory using the orbiter
<flayer> full tanks on touch down.
<flayer> even if i'm not able to save the lander, i can get the kerbals out
<flayer> maybe i'll go light on snacks and rcs and bring only one kerbal
<flayer> but first: ike.
<flayer> although maybe that will be tough too
<flayer> i just need to orbit it at first anyway
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> Dragon Dawn https://t.co/mz1EzU5GSO
<flayer> i really hope we will see a huge boost in human space travel soon
<flayer> at least dozens if not hundreds of people in space at any one time by 2030
<Althego> that can be
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<darsie> A starship can have 100 ppl or so.
<flayer> yeah i'll believe it when i see it lol
<darsie> 100 t ...
<darsie> would be 1000 ppl.
<flayer> its gonna get reduced in size and capacity
<darsie> We could put an O'Neill cylinder for ants in space :).
<Eddi|zuHause> 1000ppl with no equipment, food, water, ...?
<Eddi|zuHause> i imagine one of those cheap airlines that would throw out the seats and sell standing places if they were allowed
<Eddi|zuHause> you could probably fit 1000ppl in a 747 that way
<packbart> .oO(1000 command seats on a few girder segments, strapped to a bunch of boosters, roughly aimed at Mars)
<flayer> i don't like how the current animations that i've seen for landing on the moon require that they leave an empty fuel tank behind
<flayer> it's wrong, wrong i say!
* UmbralRaptop gestures at the LEM
<flayer> its wrong!
<flayer> it's making a mess and makes me sad
<darsie> It's a resource for the Moon colony.
<darsie> People can use it as habitat :).
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<Mat2ch> darsie: Moonship has so much capacity to deliver really useful material, so...
<Mat2ch> flayer: I don't like it either. We should try to go for full reusability
<darsie> There's lots of oxygen on the Moon.
<Mat2ch> But we have to refine it somehow
<JVFoxy> moon dust as fuel..
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<flayer> hmm, i'm not sure if i like lining my mobile base with parachutes to get it to land
<flayer> i have to build a detachable device
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