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<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 testing LIVE from SpaceX's Boca Chica launch site
<Althego> i think ia am going to watchthis back after it happened
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<Althego> hehe. in space nobody can hear you coof :)
<Althego> i want to play civ4. but i am so bad at it. i used to play civ1, the basics are not too different, but i cant do anything decently
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<packbart> uhh, "groundbreaking" sounds odd ;)
<XXCoder> yeah that seems to sound more like failure modes ;)
<Althego> except if you really want to break the gorund :)
<Althego> could be a proper description of a jackhammer
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceShipTwo Unity Completes First Flight From Spaceport America
<Mat2ch> But Virgin still doesn't get it
<Althego> didnt even light the engine
<Mat2ch> you don't sell by cool short videos anymore
<Mat2ch> if you want to use social media really, you have to deliver more than breadcrumbs
<Althego> btw why is it social distancing. it is physical distancing, you can be as close as you want socially, just over the internet :)
<Mat2ch> I've asked this myself, too
<Mat2ch> and I bet it has something to do with us Germans.
<Mat2ch> You know, those older people don't speak english very well, so they come up with weird english names for everything
<Mat2ch> there was even a time around 2000 where everything suddenly had to be in english. They even changed company names for companies that only operate locally
<Althego> i dont even know the origin, it may be american. after all they came up wioth the wrong usage of billion too :)
<Mat2ch> there's something called "public viewing" here, when you get together to watch some live stream e.g. for football (the one with the ball and the foot, which plays it :P)
<Mat2ch> Nope. Million, Billion and Trillion is actually correct
<Althego> in most of europe
<Mat2ch> welp, I always thought this was a local thing, too. Wikipedia begs to differ and dates the long scale back to the 14th century
<sandbox> I've been social distancing for years
<Mat2ch> *15th century
<Mat2ch> Althego: Germany had the big outbreaks before the US, so it's entirely possible that someone here came up with the name, because they can't grasp the different meaning of "social" in the languages
<Althego> there is a wiki article, but the whole thing is from this march
<Althego> doesnt state the origin
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<raptop> This is why scientific notation is the objectively correct approach to large numbers
<Mat2ch> I'd like to have a Tera EUR plz
<Mat2ch> but I will only get a Zenti I fear.
<UmbralRaptop> zenti? zepto maybe?
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