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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX's Starship SN3 prototype fails cryogenic proof test
<Judge_Dedd> Eh? How?
<Mat2ch> Oh no, not again :(
<Althego> it didnt even explode
<Mat2ch> looks like the bulkhead inside gave up
<Althego> if it was pressurized how did it shrink so much?
<Mat2ch> only the top tank was pressurized
<Althego> ah yes if the internal structure failed
<Mat2ch> not the bottom tank as you can clearly see
<Althego> then it would behave likea balloon tank
<Althego> now we are waiting for scott to explain?
<Althego> maybe tomorrow
<Judge_Dedd> You can see the buckling already from frame 1
<Mat2ch> so the bulk head failed which created a huge low pressure zone which crumpled the upper tank
<Mat2ch> the buckling from the beginning is because of the weight
<Mat2ch> Why would they only pressure the top tank?
<Mat2ch> That doesn't make any sense
<Mat2ch> the top tank without the support of the pressure of the bottom tank should be to heavy to support
<Mat2ch> this thing only works if both tanks are equally pressured!
<Althego> whatever the cause t hey are now stuck with sn4
<Althego> lot of work wasted
<Judge_Dedd> Not wasted :)
<Judge_Dedd> They got a great Youtube video out of it
<Judge_Dedd> (plus data for future iterations and blahblah)
<Althego> true, but they would have gotten way more data if it flew
<Mat2ch> maybe it really was another test to see if the inner bulkhead could hold up to the pressure
<Mat2ch> and the whole structure
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<Judge_Dedd> Musk said "Some valves leaked at cryo temp. Fixing & will retest soon" I guess that was before the incident?
<Althego> and elon is probably asleep so no tweets :)
<kmath> <✔JimBridenstine> The worm is back! When the @SpaceX Falcon 9 lifts off carrying @NASA_Astronauts aboard #CrewDragon, it will sport t…
<Althego> mostly unrelated
<kmath> <✔elonmusk>
<Althego> or maybe 6
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Close Up Starship SN3's Fatality At Boca Chica Time Lapse
<Mat2ch> Althego: six legs
<Mat2ch> in this video you see a much much longer testing going on
<Mat2ch> they filled, hold, emptied a bit, filled again
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<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @austinbarnard45 @LabPadre We will see what data review says in the morning, but this may have been a test configuration mistake
<Mat2ch> also Elon seems to watch the youtube live streams to see what's going on :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> or hw was sitting right in the next building
<Althego> but he said what you daid, that it wasnt filled completely
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<kmath> YouTube - 2020 World's most powerful CW handheld laser
<Althego> the working on the aluminium piece is hilarious (most of it is obviously there for the joke)
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<Mat2ch> Althego: well, 200 W of heat? And a hand gun case? Sounds like a hairdryer to me. A cool hair dryer ;)
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<Judge_Dedd> Mat2ch, 200 W packed into a pinpoint is pretty extreme
<Althego> 200 W is the heat, 100 W goes into the laser
<Judge_Dedd> I've been following that guy for years. He's pretty crazy :)
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<Judge_Dedd> The one he made from a tattoo remover was very neat
<Althego> yes way higher poer
<Althego> but that ones is not a beam laser
<Judge_Dedd> True. But it was powerful enough to wreck his camera just from the dot
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<hatrix> is it better to encounter a planet close to it or really far?
<hatrix> for Δv efficiency to circularize I mean
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<FLHerne> hatrix: For a given final orbit, lower is better because Oberth Effect
<FLHerne> But circularizing to a low orbit will take more Δv than a high one
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<hatrix> one more expand to the station
<hatrix> it's nice to have a design that just works
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX SN3 Starship Destroyed - Liquid Oxygen Tank Crumpled
<Althego> with some explanation
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<hatrix> landed 10km for the base :(
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<hatrix> 25m/s on Duna seems like a bad idea though
<Althego> for vertical speed it is a lot. for landing gears horizontally it is fine
<hatrix> ground speed
<Althego> ah rover
<Althego> yes i have this rule to never go faster than 25 m/s with a rover
<Althego> because if you do it flips in the next few seconds because of a tiny bump
<hatrix> 25 is already quite a lot
<hatrix> ahah, going at 115 kmph on Duna
<hatrix> this is stupid
<Althego> i still couldnt come up with an airplane design that works on duna
<hatrix> I'm currently reading 2001 A Space Odyssey, and they've got a rover going at such speeds on the Moon
<hatrix> even has some thrusters to jump above small craters
<Althego> in reality the real lunar rovers pulled off only a few m/s
<Althego> and even that one was one guy only who dared to do it :)
<hatrix> yep, crazy scary
<Althego> and the mars rovers are something like 5 cm/s
<hatrix> takeoff in 3, 2, 1…
<Althego> or rather 1.5 rover because the other one is not launched yet
<hatrix> oups
<hatrix> boom
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<hatrix> I have the X³ but never playe
<hatrix> d
<hatrix> am I missing something?
<Althego> i pasted the link because there are a lot of space games on this list
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<Althego> all this moon reminded me of welcome to lunar industries
<kmath> YouTube - Clint Mansell - Moon OST #1 - Welcome to Lunar Industries
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<hatrix> made 6km, 4 left!
<hatrix> Duna's surface is actually really nice or rovers
<Althego> if any of those things has an isru unit i would rather just make a parabolic hop. lot faster
<hatrix> the ISRU is on another rover
<hatrix> which was the first to land 4 or 5 missions ago for this base
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<hatrix> the 20° degree slopes aren't so nice actually
<Althego> real world rovers did around 30 deg on duna :)
<Althego> slightly above 30 in case of all 3
<Althego> or rather mars
<hatrix> definitely ok, but at 30ms…
<Althego> more like 3 cm/sec :)
<hatrix> :)
<Althego> the isru unit is that facing wast to east?
<hatrix> it's on the rover on the far lest
<Althego> i see that
<Althego> but the question was if the solar panels can follow the sun
<hatrix> oh
<Althego> they can do that if it is facing west to east
<Althego> otherwise they lose efficiency
<hatrix> 138°
<hatrix> 135
<hatrix> I'll land a large solar array with lots of batteries either way at one point
<hatrix> but just because it looks cool
<hatrix> the rover has enough electricity
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<Althego> great, you can put two motors and set of blades inside the duct, they seem to be both affected by the lift increase
<Althego> otherwise my torque would have become unbalanced
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<hatrix> I will never stop
<hatrix> though it sounds quite easy, onlt +5 kerbals and 1 MPL
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<Althego> finally. made it into eve orbit with only 5k m/s delta v
<Althego> these ducted fans are really powerful there
<hatrix> wow, impressive
<hatrix> what does it look like?
<Althego> it is actually a rocket with some silly wings
<hatrix> oh
<hatrix> what's that thing on the left?
<Althego> with the orange stripe? that is the duct
<hatrix> hmm
<hatrix> dlc?
<Althego> inside there are two motors and two set of blades
<Althego> yes
<hatrix> oh ok
<Althego> it takes 3 kerbals and it is only 37.6 r
<Althego> t
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<Althego> ok the two set of engines and blades are a bit cheaty, but in reality there are counter rotating blades, what i tried to simulate
<hatrix> how is it cheaty?
<hatrix> I don't have the DLC, I can't judge you :)
<Althego> two parts shifted inside each other
<Althego> ok i dont know how to get it to eve
<hatrix> feels ok to me
<hatrix> ahah
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<hatrix> any idea what with I could fill that space under the solar panels?
<Althego> why do you need that empty space there?
<hatrix> where would I put the solar panels?
<Althego> on the lab, etc
<lordcirth> Just stick them on the sides?
<lordcirth> I would put them on the batteries
<hatrix> I wanted to have long "arms" with only solar panels
<Althego> you can put one there
<hatrix> looks a bit uglier like that though
<hatrix> this thing's going to have a lot of power
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<lordcirth> NFE would reduce your part count a lot
<lordcirth> If you really need all that
<hatrix> NFE?
<hatrix> ah, near future elec
<lordcirth> Near Future Electric
<lordcirth> It has bigger/ longer batteries
<hatrix> I don't really like mods
<hatrix> I hope they like barbecues
<Althego> hehe
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<hatrix> what camera is that?
<hatrix> isn't it too heavy?
<hatrix> oh it's a handle for the plates, you can mount anything now :)
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<hatrix> why can you extend antennas when you don't have probe control but you can extend solar panels?
<hatrix> you ca't solar*
<lordcirth> Well, with EC you have a chance to notice that you need to open them before it's too late
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<hatrix> you're really selling me this mod :D
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<lordcirth> Hm? I meant electric charge, not NFE
<hatrix> ha
<hatrix> yes, right
<hatrix> I only saw capitals and was like "oh, mod."
<lordcirth> Like, batteries take time to run down, unlike losing signals
<packbart> extending antennas without control doesn't work, either, if the "connection required" difficulty option is on, iirc
<hatrix> it's still easy to forget them though
<hatrix> maybe I'm thinking about limited probe control then
<packbart> NFE solar panels are beautiful and powerful. not sure how they fit into a career, only played with them in a sandbox
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<hatrix> I didn't want to install mods actually because I wanted to unlock the whole tech tree before and get comfortable with everything
<hatrix> but now that's done, maybe I can look into it
<packbart> ah, "Near Future Electrical" and "NF Solar" are different parts.
<hatrix> wow cute
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