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<Althego> hehe musk strikes back, cnn feels the burn
<JVFoxy> uh oh..?
<Althego> it is somewhat politics, but he said something like surprised that the network still exists
<Althego> after they basically lied about him
<JVFoxy> network.. as in CNN themselves?
<Althego> yes
<JVFoxy> I guess if your too busy with other things, don't have the time to spend on news or other things
<JVFoxy> granted... I haven't watched much actual TV these days myself. Too much youtube, trying to keep social so depression doesn't get the better of me :\
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<Flayer> first i play civilization for a science victory
<Flayer> then i play ksp career all the way to building an outpost on laythe
<Flayer> then i play stellaris to run a space empire
<darsie> Is that a plan?
<Flayer> that has been happening over the past 3 years or so
<darsie> ic
<Althego> then you go to spacex to build martian colonies
<darsie> So not everything happens in the present.
<Flayer> my grammar is as loose as my life planning
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<Mat2ch> well, looks like we will see a Crew Dragon launch on 27th May
<Althego> everything considered it is sooner than i expected
<Mat2ch> well
<Althego> it was a real possibility that it slips to june
<Mat2ch> we will see if it launches anyway
<Althego> at least end of may is the target
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<Guest23742> has anyone done a rendezvous in moon orbit
<darsie> mhm
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<Guest23742> how did you learn how to do it?
<darsie> I read rendezvous tutorials. Was confusign at first.
<FLHerne> It's the same as Kerbin orbit, really
<darsie> mhm
<FLHerne> Much easier if you land on the equator
<FLHerne> (I assume you're rendezvousing with a lander?)
<darsie> orbit above the equator?
<FLHerne> Otherwise you have to take off at just the right time to be in the same plane
<darsie> Rendezvous is typically in space.
<FLHerne> Or spend lots of fuel correcting it
<darsie> I've picked up Kerbals stranded in Mun orbit.
<darsie> Heh, even from suborbital trajectories :).
<darsie> Take off from where?
<FLHerne> The surface?
<darsie> of what?
<FLHerne> If you're doing an Apollo sort of mission profile
<darsie> ic
<FLHerne> Where you land on the Mun, take off, rendezvous with the CM
<darsie> Yeah, you'd take off in the plane of the orbiter. Or slightly before that.
<FLHerne> Which I think is probably the most likely reason for a new player to be trying to rendezvous around the Mun
<FLHerne> I tried rescuing some tourists I'd accidentally launched into a suborbital hop on Kerbin
<darsie> Grazing teh atmosphere?
<darsie> FLHerne: Are you Guest23742?
<FLHerne> No
<FLHerne> It was a RemoteTech-controlled ship, and the aerial fell off :P
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<FLHerne> Made the rendezvous, but then Jeb and the tourists burned up on re-entry before I could fix things :P
<darsie> Hmm, Apollo ... if it wasn't at the equator, you couldn't wait a month till you're in the plane of the orbiter again. You'd have to launch where you are and do a (small) plane change. Still launch at the right moment to be close to the orbiter when you make orbit. Preferably behind it.
<Guest23742> my man jebediah ran out of fuel returning to kerbal so he's stuck in moon orbit :(
<darsie> Guest23742: The rocket ran out of fuel?
<Guest23742> yes
<darsie> You can go on EVA and use the jetpack.
<darsie> save first.
<darsie> Jetpack has 600 m/s delta-v.
<darsie> Enough to get to aerobraking at Kerbin.
<darsie> After many passes through teh atmosphere you can raise your Pe to orbit.
<darsie> Do you have a capsule in LKO?
<darsie> It's not easy.
<darsie> If you thrust in map mode, Kerbals will change their attitude, unless you use Superman attitude and thrust up.
<darsie> I should write a deorbit Kerbal at Kerbin tutorial in the wiki.
<raptop> Do it!
<darsie> Maybe tomorrow.
<Guest23742> "maybe tomorrow" is the kerbal way
<darsie> Which is in 1 min.
* raptop presses "warp to dawn"
* darsie flosses and brushes teeth in 3 s, then sleeps for 45 s.
<darsie> Tomorrow is Sunday.
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<packbart> nah, it's about mid-thunday
<darsie> Define thunday.
<packbart> the second of the two weekdays. mednesday and thunday
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<darsie> gn
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