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<packbart> ooh, aah. analog flight controls. that cheap-ish XBox controller clones proves to be useful
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<Althego> maybe better luck today with the launch
<Althego> oh no the demo 2 mission is going to be at 22:33 local time, on a weekday
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<Althego> hah i have been waiting for this. now coreteks video. but 1 hour long!
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<Althego> Due to a tropical depression developing off the Southeast Coast of the U.S., now targeting Tuesday, May 19 at 3:10 a.m. EDT for the Starlink mission—SpaceX teams will continue monitoring launch and landing weather conditions
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<Dutchy45> What does it mean when the burn time indicator, on the right of the nav ball, is red?
<Althego> you dont have enough
<Althego> but it was always bugged for me, that happens even when you do
<Althego> the red part should be over the burn time what you currently have
<Dutchy45> It's completely red and I have a full fuel tank
<darsie> Are you using a vacuum engine on the bottom of Eve?
<darsie> Or an ion thruster?
<Dutchy45> I'm in space around Kerbin
<Dutchy45> My engine won't "engage" either
<darsie> Is the engine online/staged?
<Dutchy45> yes
<darsie> Try using it.
<Dutchy45> lol, I did. I get the sound of a spark plug not quite getting there
<Althego> maybe no way forthe fuel to get to the engine?
<Althego> or incorrect fuel type?
<darsie> Are the fuel tanks online?
<Dutchy45> swivel engine with liguid fuel and oxidizer
<darsie> Turn on the tanks.
<darsie> Got a blocking separator or so between engine and tank?
<darsie> Maybe a heat shield?
<darsie> screenshot?
<darsie> F1
<darsie> Why a swivel in vacuum?
<Dutchy45> sorry! neede to activate engine!
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> :)
<Dutchy45> "Why a swivel in vacuum?" 'cause I didn't know that's a bad idea.
<Althego> 3.6 röntgen, not great, not terrible :)
<darsie> Terrier and Ant are vacuum engines with higher Isp.
<darsie> and lower mass
<Althego> meanwhile the stream is on
<darsie> url
<kmath> YouTube - May 17 Live Broadcast: Atlas V USSF-7
<Althego> or you can have one with commentary
<kmath> YouTube - Watch the Space Force launch a Top Secret Space Plane, the X-37B
<darsie> I also use the Spark in vacuum for intermediate thrust. It's not a vacuum engine, but has excellent TWR.
<Althego> yes, still a nice engine
<Dutchy45> Good to know, I'll keep it in mind
<Althego> hehe flies sustainably
<Althego> launches on an atlas from ula for a ton of money
<darsie> 100% renewable fuel production :).
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<Althego> look at that they may go to space today
<Flayer> life is weird
<Althego> chemicals collecting more chemicals to produce even more chemicals. it is weird
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<darsie> New sequel in darsie's boring series of minimalistic space stations:
<Althego> lol
<Althego> spartan
<Althego> you wanted space? you got space! up close and personal
<Althego> there is a new word now. covidiot
<Mat2ch> That word is weeks old. ;)
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<Althego> apparently this pandemic is going to be with us all year long
<Althego> maybe forever
<Flayer> yeah, and just like spanish flu, we will all need to injections
<Flayer> ...oh wait
<Flayer> it's such mania
<Flayer> i didn't get a vaccine shot the last time spanish flu spread, i won't get one now
<Flayer> it's silly
<Althego> camelot, let's not go there, it's a silly place :)
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<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 Testing LIVE From Boca Chica
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I guess they'll emtpy a whole tank this time...
<Mat2ch> The first static fire tests were just seconds
<Mat2ch> because they wanted to do them, but the tank hasn't be fully tested
<Mat2ch> now it is and they're going to do a full static fire test
<Mat2ch> But I wonder if they're going to remove the raptor engine again and inspect it or if they then go to a flight test
<Mat2ch> and I guess a raptor engine is expensive and they don't want to crash it. But on the other hand, it's SN20, so they have some as spare
<Mat2ch> and they will break some
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<Flayer> my eve rover partially burnt up and crashed into an ocean :(
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> just as planned
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<Althego> hehe "kilometers are than a mile"
<Althego> *weaker than
<packbart> the mile better not get into a fight with a thousand meters
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<Althego> hehe everybody is watching that boca chica test. and none of them knows what is happening
<sandbox_> what is the strongest distance?
<Althego> who knows
<Althego> just one of the guys said km is smaller than a mile with weaker, accidentally
<Althego> so they are looking at the venting, oh it is venting. and they dont know why or what this means
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<Althego> lol i didnt know these
<Althego> short neck
<sandbox_> I know this one because it's a place name
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<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> probably there is no other company that produces huge steel cylinders and cameras document all what they do from multiple angles
<Althego> there are also drive by and drone videos too
<kubi> bolhafasznyi
<kubi> that is even shorter
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<Althego> hehe, i know that one though
<Althego> also morality statute, etc
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<Dutchy45> I get the message: cannot add manouvre node (control locked) How do I unlock this?
<JVFoxy> make sure not in time warp, make sure you have signal connection, are you on re-entry, ship heating up?
<JVFoxy> probe core: do you have battery power still?
<Dutchy45> Ah, electric charge! Thanks JVFoxy!
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<JVFoxy> not enough battery?
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<Dutchy45> didn't extent solar panels before warping
<Dutchy45> F5-F9
<JVFoxy> believe you can set the probe to auto hibernate on warp...
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<JVFoxy> I had this thought in the earlier versions, where could disable the power bank on the probe as a backup. If the battery drained because I forgot turn it towards the sun, if I could use the 'backup power'. Only, I wasn't sure without control if you could still toggle the disable on things.
<Dutchy45> I glanced at the "hibernate on warp", didn't think about it.
<Althego> i dont get why it isn the default
<Althego> why would you want batteries to drain in warp anyway?
<packbart> ack. that is one of the custom patches I use. Kerbalism does away with that, anyway
<packbart> huh. does anyone here use the Scatterer mod? Oceanic refraction looks weird for me but I seem to remember seeing it working before (on Linux, though).
<packbart> and another luxury problem. I can finally capture smooth video in KSP (that Windows Gaming Bar has its uses) - now the data rate is a bit high for casual throwing it into IRC.
<JVFoxy> Althego lol.. could put a probe on KSC, if the craft isn't in focus, it doesn't drain anything
<JVFoxy> granted.. its on rails... I've seen a many craft dip down past the 70km orbit, only to come back up like nothing 's happened
<Tank2333> Formular fetischist? was zum
<Althego> nice looking water
<JVFoxy> Lol.. video buffering
<packbart> yeah, Scatterer is nice. it does have odd quirks for me, though. the start menu clouds have odd colors. and the refracted parts of the vessel are missing
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<JVFoxy> Packart sigh.. I'd like to do recordings, but ... tend to get nervous messing things up
<packbart> yeah, if I ever start recording KSP videos, I probably should back to x1080 and a lower frame rate
<JVFoxy> stuck on laptop, it can't handle 60fps... noticing almost everything's 60 now.. 720/60... so means I gotta go down to 480
<Tank2333> 74 fps is very odd
<packbart> it's 74.999 something fps, vlc says. grabbed with the windows gaming thingy, it probably just captures at the display rate
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<Tank2333> did you try OBS?
<Althego> com on elon, give me that static fire
<Tank2333> didnt know windows had a recording thingy
<packbart> no. it's all new and shiny to me. I just figured that I'd use the windows internal video grabber. I can't uninstall that xbox app
<JVFoxy> I have OBS.. I also tried the software that came with my vid card but.. ugh. Uncompressed
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> nvidia has its capture thingie
<Althego> and can even compress it for you
<Althego> i am not sure about amd
<JVFoxy> mine is AMD Radeon 7790
<Althego> but regardless it looks like next machine is going to be all amd. i have gone full circle, just needed something like 15 years
<Tank2333> i use the nvidea thingy when i stream Rimworld to my friends, but only 1060 or above works good
<JVFoxy> granted, probably could do with a better video card now but eh... at the time I was told cards were stupid expensive due to bit-mining
<Althego> i thought that market crashed some time ago
<packbart> it does have a sound mixer. good enough for the odd snippet I grab. I don't plan on posting anything on Youtube or Twitch :)
<Mat2ch> no static fire test today it seems :|
<JVFoxy> its gotten better now I think
<Tank2333> i think AMD cards also have something like it but i heard its not so great
<Althego> also now there seems to be some competition, this year is going to be interesting
<JVFoxy> technically I could get something now but... I need to sort some life stuff out first
<Tank2333> i dont think amd can catch up in the high end
<Mat2ch> Tank2333: they are great for their money.
<Mat2ch> and usually you don't need more gpu power than they provide. So, if you're not a hardcore gamer with too much money at hand, they're an option
<packbart> anyway, so nobody here has scatterer refraction problems? I have to search the forum, I guess. Odd that it worked on Linux but not on Windows
<Tank2333> true
<JVFoxy> lol.. I'll just use OBS for now.. sees to behave the best so far. Just wish I had a better net connection for streaming or something
<Tank2333> i think i never owned an amd/radeon card...
<packbart> I did, ages ago
<Tank2333> JVFoxy how much upload do you have?
<packbart> when their Linux drivers were meh
<Althego> the previous pc, around 11 years old now, started with a radeon, and as it happens the old car is in it again
<Althego> still works
<Tank2333> old car?
<JVFoxy> Tank2333 roommate's connection. It seems to be scattered all over the place, gateway sometimes seems to just drop out of existence sometimes too
<Althego> card
<Tank2333> :)
<JVFoxy> granted.. wireless but eh..
<Tank2333> not good streaming conditions
<JVFoxy> I could go wired... just have to dig out the cable, run it down the hallway...:\
<JVFoxy> laptop can't go wired though
<Tank2333> usb dongle
<JVFoxy> Althego lol.. my older pc, I've had to re-solder a regulator chip back to the video board a few times. Turns out the thing gets stupid hot. It tried clipping a metal heatsink, no good. Turns out its airflow... at least so far.
<Althego> seems no more testing this time, cars started to move
<JVFoxy> lol.. another older machine, I pretty much used all the slots on it. Those days, tv tuner card to watch TV through the PC...
<Tank2333> "1. Camera
<Tank2333> Imagine you’re playing Roblox and you want to show off your new high score." roblox highscore? who plays that game anymore
<Althego> hehe i used to have a tv tuner card too
<Althego> the one before that
<Tank2333> i have iptv now i could watch with VLC tv, but i dont watch tv anymore :)
<Althego> hehe same here
<JVFoxy> someone gave me another older tuner board, an ISA one? I never used it, was some weird setup it had
<packbart> TV tuner card. even more ages ago...
* packbart sneakily pulled a cable between his room and the amplifier in the attic
<packbart> my parents never suspected I had a TV ;)
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> the one I did use, sometimes I had to restart it to get it going for some weird reason. It would either just output sound or video, I dont' remember, unless if I restarted it a few times
<JVFoxy> Packbart I so wanted that tv tuner thing for Gamegear, but couldn't ever afford the $100+ they were asking..
<JVFoxy> now-a-days, people just pull out their phones, watch stuff on there. No wonder no one is making little portable tv's any more
<Tank2333> phones are little portable tvs
<Althego> prtable tvs were never too commo
<Althego> and computers
<packbart> I vaguely recall that it was a "Hauppauge WinTV". not sure if ISA or PCI or how much it was
<Althego> hehe hauppauga, a name i havent seen for a while
<packbart> it's probably lurking in a box somewhere around here
<Althego> that was the well known tv tuner maker
<JVFoxy> geez.. going to make me wanna look up what I had now
<JVFoxy> I know the one I did actually use was PCI
<packbart> branded as WinTV, it worked remarkedly well under Linux with, uhh, some software I forgot
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<Tank2333> i recall the name WinTV, i think a friend had one because he didnt had a tv in his room
<Althego> hehe wintv is too close for comfort to vivtv
<packbart> yeah, my parents never would have allowed it, if they knew ;)
<Dutchy45> I think my game lost a ship! Can't find it in the tracking station
<Tank2333> Press F
<JVFoxy> I remember the All-in-One-Wonder card...
<Dutchy45> Tank2333, in the tracking station?
<Tank2333> Press F to pay respect - its a call of duty joke
<Dutchy45> Aah :)
<Althego> or more like an internet meme at this point
<JVFoxy> ok bleh.. just realized I had my older case on the desk here. Getting into it would removing another case, then the cover, so not going to bother...
<packbart> uh. do you have any types of ships disabled in the tracking station? or did you park it on a suborbital trajectory and forgot? it happens ;)
<packbart> iirc KSP does write a message to the log when it deletes a vessel
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<packbart> something about pressure and being on-rails
<JVFoxy> deletes if its considered debris... under certain cases. Like if you launching and it goes beyond a certain distance.
<JVFoxy> Packbart ya I kind of hate when it goes on rails and comes back around even though it was way way in the atmos
<Dutchy45> Nothing disabled, I see other manned vessels anyway. Periapsis was about 80 km
<JVFoxy> you in tracking?
<Dutchy45> yes
<JVFoxy> does it still hid debris? run the mouse over the top of the screen, a pull down will show, see if anything's not highlighted
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<JVFoxy> long as it was in orbit.. probably would have to rotate around the planet to see if anythings hiding from you
<Dutchy45> I did split it in 2 and worked with an unmanned probe. Wonder if uncoupling lowered periapsis
<Althego> possibly only a few km normally
<JVFoxy> if it lacks probe.. it gets turned into debris.. although, if it has antenna (not sure if regular or relay), it still shows up as a sat..
<Dutchy45> Maybe it crashed into the mun?
<packbart> even that should just put it on a Schroedinger Orbit. it won't burn unless watched
<JVFoxy> mun.. ok sounds like you've got something more going on
<Dutchy45> apoapsis was between Mun and Minmus
<packbart> yeah, it could have been caught by the Mun's SOI
<JVFoxy> too many objects but even then, wouldn't it just delete the oldest debris?
<JVFoxy> Dutchy45 what was the flyby height on the way out there before detaching do you know?
<Dutchy45> detached close to apoapsis
<packbart> Kerbal Alarm Clock has an option to set SOI change alarms automatically. I should enable that, too
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<JVFoxy> ok then I don't know... not enough info..
<Dutchy45> KAC is the 1 mod I use. I'm gonna do the SOI change alarm
<Dutchy45> I should get a message though of catastrophic failure, right?
<packbart> not for unwatched vessels on rails
<Dutchy45> ok
<JVFoxy> lol... crashing on a surface.. though wouldn't it already be too late?
<packbart> ominous spontaneous science results from seismic sensors
<packbart> "what just crashed into the Mun?!"
<Dutchy45> No missing Kerbals in the astronaut complex
<JVFoxy> wait... can you now use the sesmic sensor for planet impacts or.. that need a mod still?
<packbart> I still think KSP logs crashed vessels on-rails either in the debug console or KSP.log. haven't checked, though
<JVFoxy> ....
<Dutchy45> renaming the unmanned probe can't have anything to do with it right?
<packbart> I can't imagine how, unless you set its type to "debris"
<Dutchy45> I didn't even know you could change type
<packbart> ah. "Warning: Vessel Untitled Space Craft crashed through terrain on Mun"
<packbart> [Vessel Untitled Space Craft]: Vessel was destroyed
<packbart> so at least you should find something about "Vessel was destroyed" in the log, if that happened
<Dutchy45> where's this log?
<packbart> either in the debug-console (mod-F12) or in a file in the KSP directory. it's KSP.log under Linux
* packbart scoots over to the windows box again
<Azander> and windows
<packbart> ah, same. KSP.log :)
<packbart> I used the Steam properties dialog to find the directory. "browse local files"
<JVFoxy> packbart still need a mod for sensing impacts with that seismic device?
<packbart> the Breaking Ground DLC
<Dutchy45> nothing in the log
<packbart> ... and you're sure, you didn't imagine the whole mission? scnr ;)
<JVFoxy> ah ok DLC
<JVFoxy> suppose I should try getting both DLC now I've funds... trouble is paying for it. VISA ya.. but ugh its broking at the moment
<Dutchy45> :) , well my probe is still going
<packbart> KSP keeps backups of your savegame. maybe reload an older one
<Dutchy45> It's not that important. I'm learning the game. Wanted to know what happened/is happening
<JVFoxy> well it keeps 'a' backup... at least.
<JVFoxy> a little sour windows borked their file restore thing
<Dutchy45> Now I can't save my stranded Kerbal
<packbart> JVFoxy: huh? I see about 5 backup files. I just copy and load them
<packbart> is there an in-game restore?
<packbart> right, I could add the KSP saves directory to that Windows "file history" thingie
<JVFoxy> oh.. the new backup folder
<packbart> "new"? I never knew a time without it :)
<JVFoxy> I think you have to manually switch? I don't know. back when file restore on my machine used to work I'd use that after a day has passed. I never considered the backup folder
<packbart> yeah, I just copy the backup file into the directory, then load it in KSP
<JVFoxy> I'm also pretty bad at using revert flight if I'm not exactly happy with things.
<packbart> well, that's what it's for
<packbart> reset the Matrix
<JVFoxy> its bad enough I do a lot of design testing so .. figured it was just stupid habit
<JVFoxy> keep telling myself I want to do a session recording of a mun mission but with tons of restrictions
<packbart> that's why they made it leak memory. to discourage you from reverting too often ;)
<JVFoxy> hey. I'm just happy I don't have wings exploding from 5 miles out
<JVFoxy> granted... I've run into a few other problems in the past. Biggest was, game decided to control lock /everything/ I couldn't even move my view around
<JVFoxy> turns out a glitch where it missed resetting bit flags in the game that toggled what you could control
<packbart> Steam says I bought KSP in 2018-11. that must have been version 1.4 or so
<packbart> ah, I had to click that "clear input locks" thingy exactly once so far. can't remember the circumstances, probably a mod messing up
<JVFoxy> ya.. had do that too. Only I didn't have mods. It was when I was switching views.. don't recall from which view though. Just that it was to the outside vessel one
<sandbox_> my dad used to get those Hauppauge cards
* JVFoxy been in KSP since 0.23.. though it got updated automatically to 0.24 one session. Since then, doesn't bother with launcher.
* JVFoxy realizes something. Checks a folder in some archives, "oh.. the Toshiba TV tuner is what I had"
<JVFoxy> BTW... that build report that the VAB/SPH has... it considers it a bad practice to have docking ports as separators? Something about weak connections, but we have auto strutting now... so.. still bad or?
<JVFoxy> Bring it up as I have boosters connected to a first stage that way... ok so I'm being a bit cheap not unlocking things.
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<darsie> JVFoxy: If I want/need a port I often also use it as decoupler. Not sure why the Engineer warn's about that.
<JVFoxy> Darsie I'm guessing back in the day, it considered the connection weaker than if you used a radial or inline decoupler just by itself.
<JVFoxy> granted, the couple of craft I made, you do end up with boosters having blunt ends as a result of how you need to connect to the ports... was more wondering if other players would frown on it.
* packbart often puts struts between payload fairing plate and docked craft, anyway
<darsie> JVFoxy: I never build the stuff you build.
<darsie> And you never build what I build.
<darsie> We must be different.
<darsie> Hmm, I wonder how I got my Duna glider to LKO.
<JVFoxy> everyone's different. ya I know
<darsie> But yeah, I frown on your builds :).
<darsie> Don't ever do that again :).
<JVFoxy> show me something you've done then...
<darsie> The ISS wasn't sent to LEO fully assembled :).
<JVFoxy> and have I ever frowned on anything you've showed?
<darsie> ofc not. What I build is always beautifully efficient and realistic. :)
<JVFoxy> its space...
<JVFoxy> borg cubes.... doesn't have to be elegant
<JVFoxy> :P
<JVFoxy> airplanes on the other hand... I've done some pretty sleek designs.
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<JVFoxy> pretty barebones. Watcha plan'n?
<darsie> That's a space station :).
<darsie> contract work :)
<darsie> My glider I used to fly to Kerbin's Easter eggs:
<JVFoxy> forgot.. you stock or some mods?
<darsie> A few mods. KER, EEX, dated quicksaves.
<darsie> picoports
<JVFoxy> picoports, is that the one with specific orientation to dock or?
<darsie> There are 4 different versions.
<JVFoxy> I remember Kott's review on it but it been ages
<JVFoxy> I know in module manager, there is a setting but I don't remember the specifics
<darsie> My Class E fuel station in LEO:
<JVFoxy> I was more curious if any additional parts or not. Seeing how much affects way we build things
<JVFoxy> going through my screenshots..
<darsie> One of my minimalistic space stations evolved a bit: The original part is still on the left.
<darsie> I just have the picoports extra.
<JVFoxy> heh.. I did a little 'RCS tug' as well, has a seat. Was more so I could move station parts around waaaay back long ago
<darsie> That VTOL flew around Kerbin and then landed on the runway:
<JVFoxy> ugh.. was long before we could tweak the RW's power. Normally I had to turn it off and use the probe core's. Otherwise.. ya...
<darsie> Two tourists visiting the Minmus lab that made enough science so I could complete the tech tree:
<darsie> jk, you can build any way you like :).
<JVFoxy> just looking at pics, finding it sad I've ended up dropping so many career sessions whenever KSP got updated
<JVFoxy> some of the stuff that can be made in the game, it shows how much creativity is out there. its all cool
<JVFoxy> ok.. looking at more recent pics, ugh my memory must be slipping. Some craft here I forgot I built just a few weeks ago. Some monster thing with 16 nuke engines for example..
<Dutchy45> 16.. what on earth for?
<Dutchy45> Love to see that 1....
<JVFoxy> trying some things out...
<JVFoxy> ... I don't normally build big craft
<darsie> :)
<Dutchy45> ..... why?
<darsie> He's building a subway line in LKO :).
<Dutchy45> lol
<JVFoxy> originally I meant to set 12 nukes, but I couldn't position the center plate exactly right. So 'mirrored' instead. I was taking some inspiration from some RPG books I have.
<Dutchy45> Have you used it for anything?
<Dutchy45> And how did you get it into orbit?
<JVFoxy> The Valiant from Jovian Chronicles, a super strike carrier. Pic with the habitat pods swung out.
<JVFoxy> I cheated it into orbit... I was more trying to get a feel for things, trying out different building..
<JVFoxy> something that big, I'd probably get a mod that lets you build ships in orbit or other places than the KSC.
<Flayer> i built a ship 1/3rd that size and thought it was excessive
<Flayer> i have yet to launch it
<JVFoxy> the stuff I normally build don't even come close to that size..
<darsie> The fuel station was probably my biggest launch so far:
<JVFoxy> that rule.. bigger something is, so many ten-fold in lifting power you'll need.. or something of the like, right?
<JVFoxy> any case... I don't recall my heaviest launch, probably no more than 200t in sandbox if that?
<Dutchy45> darsie...nice
<darsie> :)
<darsie> gn
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<packbart> I never used it, tbh. "Add Angled Docking Ability to Docking Ports" ( )
<packbart> oops, old input
<packbart> forgot to press "enter"
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