Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | "if that was methane, it would ignite in the flare, right?"
<raptop> Hack gravity sets its p-value to 0.05 exactly, right?
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> also matt lowne
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<kmath> YouTube - Why Wolfram Physics May Be the Key to Everything with Stephen Wolfram and Jonathan Gorard
<flayer> egg sandwich
<sandbox> this is what I thought you were talking about
<flayer> no, mine is literally a baked egg slapped in between two buns
<dnsmcbr> hold up
<dnsmcbr> baked egg?
<dnsmcbr> Get the hell out of here, you freakish freak
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<flayer> i may be using wrong terminology
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<hatrix> better graphics and mods really makes me feel like playing a new game
<Deddly> Nice image
<FLHerne> hatrix: What are the strange glowing rings?
<hatrix> just structures I guess
<hatrix> it's from Beyond Home
<hatrix> the main planet has 3 moons, this one has breathable atmosphere and has been colonized
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | 30 May 19:22 Hoomans to space attempt 2
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | 30 May 19:22 GMT Hoomans to space attempt 2
<Althego> live in 2 hours?
<Althego> even then the launch is in 5 more hours
<Deddly> They often have other programmes going
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<Deddly> Launch is in 7 hours
<Deddly> GMT = UTC
<Deddly> Most of Europe is UTC+2 at the moment
<flayer> i've just accepted a contract to bring a class e asteroid to duna
<flayer> i'm naming the rocket 'pluto retriever'
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<Althego> still at 50% probability
<Althego> hehe... comment on pbs space time video: Newton had the brains, but Cavendish had the balls.
<sandbox> 5.6 dimensional hyper spheres
<Althego> clouds look somewhat better than last time, but still many hours to go
<Althego> yes, in a few hours thunderstorms are expected
<Althego> it is possible to launch now, but they cant reach the station. when the station is rigth above it is not possible to launch
<Althego> this is why i am skeptical about the suborbital starship travel
<FLHerne> Althego: How does that follow?
<Althego> because weather is a problam for any launch
<FLHerne> Suborbital flights inherently don't have launch windows
<Althego> but they are going to have timetables
<FLHerne> It's not as if weather isn't a problem for planes
<Althego> and you cant really divert with them
<Althego> so you must wait
<FLHerne> I spent seven hours in Gatwick South Terminal earlier this year, waiting for fog
<FLHerne> (which shouldn't be a problem for rockets at all, since they're not controlled visually)
<Althego> also somewhat redundant for planes
<FLHerne> [for a 45-minute flight!]
<FLHerne> When all airports have Cat IIIc ILS systems, yes :p
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<packbart> we'll need a new name for Air Traffic Contollers if parts of the flight path leave the atmosphere (ok, technically, there's still *some* air up there)
<Althego> not really, since the direction of evolution seems to be pilotless and controllerless
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<flayer> 4 hours
<Althego> until the second disappointment of the week :)
<flayer> maybe
<Althego> still a coin toss
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<Althego> toss a coin to your booster :)
<kmath> YouTube - Crew Demo-2
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<sandbox> I don't have any coins
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<raptop> Either the booster is named Geralt, or this risks foreign object damage making a turbopump explosively dissasemble
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<lordcirth> Is weather still at 50%?
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<darsie> [18:41:27] <Scorp2790> Just said 50% scrub probability
<darsie> 5 min ago
<Alanonzander> been that way for a while now
<Deddly> Why do they even bother having live chat on a stream like that
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<Deddly> It's like a text-scrolling simulator
<lordcirth> Helps build excitement
<Deddly> But how are the sambots supposed to get noticed?
<Deddly> spambots*
<flayer> i feel nauseous
<kubi> hyperedit + custom asteroids + science modifier
<kubi> whole new solar system
<kubi> who needs Kopernicus :)
* Ezriilc winks
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<Althego> i see the ninjas are back again
<flayer> ninjas in pajamas
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<Althego> i ate the chips i kept for watching the launch. now they have to do it, because i dont have an other one for tomorrow
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<Althego> why dont they have a gravity indicator? there was on demo-1 and there is on soyuz
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<JVFoxy> woops
<JVFoxy> ... woop! (I meant to say)
<Althego> hehe ksc, but not kerbal
<JVFoxy> was going to say, lets go Zoom.. but eh
<JVFoxy> just got done watching Scott's video on the test explosion. Hope its not a 'precursor' to thngs
<JVFoxy> oof.. commentary, I'd rather listen in on the audio loops ;P
<kmath> YouTube - Crew Demo-2 Mission Control Audio
<JVFoxy> oooh
<Althego> my hobby is still watching cylinders :)
<lordcirth> We still at 50% chance?
<Althego> now it looks go for weather, but can change
<Althego> they never updated the chance
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<JVFoxy> the tower on the pad, remind you of the old kerbal launch tower before it was removed?
<Althego> i think that was modeled after the apollo era support structure
<Althego> this one is new
<Althego> only the purpose is the same
<JVFoxy> well basically shape wise..
<JVFoxy> new one looks a lot more fancier inside from what I've seen on a few shots
<JVFoxy> any mention how long they will stay docked to the station?
<Alanonzander> IIRC 23 days (they said Wednesday)
<JVFoxy> quite a bit more than I was expecting
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<Althego> yes, it was lengthened
<transit> Whew.
<JVFoxy> cuz of later launch messing with things?
<Althego> no
<transit> Pump dat propellant
<Althego> the crew dragon was so good that they decided thy can use the demo mission for an actual mission, even though it is shorter than a normal one
<Althego> meanwhile starliner was set back after the test flight
<JVFoxy> got supplies going up.. or science? :)
<Alanonzander> yes
<Althego> i think they had eva training too
<JVFoxy> huh.. station as training post too.. =
<Deddly> Oh, there's another stream at
<Deddly> Not sure which one to watch, so I have both going...
<Alanonzander> Sci Chrellen is 26+ desocnds delayed :(
<Deddly> is 20 seconds ahead
<Alanonzander> *Science Channel
<packbart> a TV stream now shows two countdown, ~1min apart
<JVFoxy> that suit mic pickup.. a bit muffled
<packbart> I guess they're replaying the YT stream but still keep their own clock
* JVFoxy has two from spacex.. hoping to hear audio loop from ground as well
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<Althego> did trump visit again?
<Alanonzander> No :)
<Althego> his loss
<TonyC> oh he didn't ?
<JVFoxy> probably didn't have time in schedule. Is a busy person
<TonyC> oh well
<Althego> 9 engines just chilling out on the pad :
<Althego> )
<JVFoxy> 9 turbo pumps.. just hope they all work ok
<Althego> they usually do
<Althego> although this rocket had several launches already
<JVFoxy> I keep thinking back to when the N1 had issues each launch with so many engines
<Althego> tha is more of an issue for falcon heavy and starhsip
<transit> First stage recovery on this one today?
<Althego> elon tries to say it is better for redundancy
<Althego> but i see it as really bad for mtbf
<Althego> probably
<JVFoxy> heh.. that video clip, Jeb riding up on falcon rocket. Engine has issue, his expression changes but only for a moment
<Alanonzander> Dangiot, Sci Channel has him on-site
<packbart> the Soyuz launches on a bunch of engines
<Alanonzander> Him=Trump
<Althego> him, was a character in powerpuff girls :)
<transit> Him was Satan
<transit> Haha
<JVFoxy> Althego him who.. trump or Jeb?
<Althego> no, the character's name was Him
<JVFoxy> oh... doh
<Althego> hehe tim's stream is falling apart
<Althego> what is that rain?
<Alanonzander> don't think so
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<Althego> one minute
<Deddly> Don't they spray something around to protect the pad?
<Alanonzander> that is what I was thinking
<Althego> the weather became really nice
<transit> Holy cow so damn exciting!!!!
<packbart> up!
<Althego> tim's stream was faster :)
<JVFoxy> light this candle! ;P
<JVFoxy> ugh and net dies on me
<transit> GO GO GO!!!!
<Althego> hah internal view
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<Althego> we dont have that on cargo missions
<Althego> looks lot smoother than the soyuz
<Althego> they look comfortable
<deadmind> yeah, just cruisin'
<deadmind> is that the map view from KSP2
<Cranium> i can't wait for these types of launches to become so normal, it's boring
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> elon said he want the landins to be boring
<Althego> yet they are not even now
<Althego> probably same for manned launches too
<Althego> at least for a while
<Cranium> jopefully Starship stops exploding all the time
<Althego> i doubt this was an issue with the starship
<Cranium> still though, bit disheartening to keep seeing a big fireball on the test pad
<Althego> and no image again
<Althego> now they are doing it on purpose
<Althego> it's back
<Althego> hehe a dino
<Cranium> not just a dino, a sequined dino
<transit> Whewwww!!!
<Althego> empty trunk
<Althego> not much in that service section
<Althego> go spacex
<transit> So happy they got the first stage back.
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<Althego> why are those stupid beeps there?
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<darsie> By contract.
<darsie> Guess they were not happy with what they got the first time :).
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<darsie> First stage made orbit.
<darsie> Low TWR, but excellent shallow flyer.
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