Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Will they be going to space today? (27th) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
<flayer> heh, my scientist that has gone to duna only has 'fly-by kerbin' and 'fly-by the sun'
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<hatrix> I just built a new computer
<hatrix> KSP is running way better :)
<umaxtu> hatrix, what are your specs?
<hatrix> Ryzen 7 3700x and a RX 5700 XT
<umaxtu> nice!
<hatrix> coming from an Athlon and a GTS it's a upgrade :p
<umaxtu> oh my
<hatrix> even with proton games run pretty smoothly
<umaxtu> I was just about to ask about your experience with the amd drivers. but apparently the linux ones are actually good these days
<hatrix> do you of any way to test them?
<hatrix> my GTS needed the legacy drivers of nvidia so I'm not sure they were the best
<hatrix> and a kernel bug made me switch back to nouveau
<umaxtu> my last experience with the amd linux drivers was with a HD 6870. the opensource ones didn't support hardware acceleration of video at that point
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<hatrix> Crysis 2 runs fine, QUBE2 also
<hatrix> I don't have any recent game though
<umaxtu> thats alright. they're all crap these days :P
<hatrix> does EVE work on 1.9?
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<hatrix> or should I use Astronomer's Visual Pack?
<umaxtu> idk, I'm still running 1.8
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<hatrix> now that I can run KSP decently I want it to be beautiful :)
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<hatrix> graphcis difference: https://imgur.com/a/2oeeVYa
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<kmath> YouTube - Virgin's Orbit's Failed Rocket Launch & The History Of Air Lauched Rockets To Orbit
<Eddi|zuHause> "Virgin's Orbit's" doesn't sound like proper grammar
<Eddi|zuHause> virgin has an orbit, and that orbit has a failed rocket launch?
<Althego> the first s shouldnt be there
<Althego> the company name is virgin orbit
<Althego> similar to virgin galactic
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<Eddi|zuHause> wasn't there a computer game company like in the 80s or 90s?
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<Althego> i am not sure, but they should be with the SpaceShipTwo
<Althego> same logo :)
<Althego> hehehe
<Eddi|zuHause> isn't water recycling already a thing on space stations?
<Althego> i dont think they need the water from the pee
<Althego> so the water is still reclaimable
<Eddi|zuHause> the "we make concrete polymers" stuff still needs loads of water
<Eddi|zuHause> and probably isn't available in large enough quantities
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<Deddly> Wow, only 13:30 hours to launch
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Will they be going to space today? 20:33 GMT/UTC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
<Deddly> Hoomans space program
<kubi> Muad'Dib
<Althego> why?
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<Deddly> KSP should have sandworms on Duna
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<kubi> and has water recycling
<Deddly> And, of course, spice mixed with the surface samples
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<hatrix> anyone managed to install BeyondHome?
<hatrix> I got this structure http://paste.awesom.eu/UN9T
<hatrix> when I launch KSP it tells me the folder is not in the right place, and it can't detect kopernicus/module manager
<hatrix> but I still got things loaded in KSP
<hatrix> the KSC is on Rhode so I guess it's working
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<flayer> i don't believe
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<darsie> My model aircraft crashed today due to wind and was damaged.
<umaxtu> that sucks
<darsie> I may have been leeward of a building.
<darsie> I lack experience.
<darsie> I think it can be repaired.
<packbart> wer have the technology!
<darsie> I need to see which glue I can use.
<Mat2ch> What type of plane is it? EPP?
<kubi> hatrix: what are those changelog and readme belong to?
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<hatrix> BeyondHome kubi
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE only 3 miles away from SpaceX and NASA launching humans to space for the first time!
<Mat2ch> Oh, wow, they're going to sit already 3 hours in the spacecraft before launch?
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<Mat2ch> Also in 45 minutes we know if they're going to launch or not
<FLHerne> Well, no
<FLHerne> We'll know if they're going to bother *trying* to launch
<flayer> 45 minutes eh?
<Althego> supposedly that go or no-go is coming from spacex
<Althego> although this is a nasa-spacex common operation, more so than the others
<Althego> is that music coming from tim?
<Althego> does he have the rights for that?
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<packbart> probably, "available everwhere"
<packbart> +y
<packbart> (top of the screen)
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<TonyC> hello everyone
<TonyC> how are you all
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<flayer> a nervous wreck, as per usual
<flayer> how are you
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<TonyC> doing well thanks
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<Deddly> Woo. Less than 4 hours to go
<darsie> That's not me, btw.
<Mat2ch> darsie: UHU Por
<darsie> Mat2ch: Doesn't say if it's EPP or EPO. Manual asks for Sekundenkleber robbe Speed Typ 2 und zugehoerigen Aktivator.
<Mat2ch> You can fix it with superglue, but UHU Por gives you a flexibel glue joint
<darsie> thx
<Mat2ch> And if you have any questions about it, Fluburtur got my stash a few years ago ;)
<kmath> <✔JimBridenstine> We are go for launch! @SpaceX and @NASA will continue monitoring liftoff and downrange weather as we step into the… https://t.co/FusYlff055
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<hatrix> KSP just crashed my GPU
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<packbart> looks more like a driver issue, though https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201957
<Mat2ch> ah, the fancy [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring gfx_0.0.0 timeout
<Mat2ch> hatrix: what kernel version?
<packbart> I don't fancy the look of those space suits
<hatrix> 5.6.14
<Althego> quite new
<hatrix> could be some overheating issue, I'll check later
<Mat2ch> packbart: #201957 should be fixed with 5.5. But there may other bugs appear which do similar things
<Mat2ch> I debugged that one. And it was harsh and I didn't come to a conclusion. I guess some fencing was missing or so
<Mat2ch> but it was gone with 5.5
<Mat2ch> but recently I see a few new ones pop up, so it might be back
<Mat2ch> Breaking gpu drivers is easy apparently.
<packbart> ah, ok. great. I just read the "I still see them on 5.6.13" in the last comment and concluded that it would still be an open issue
<Mat2ch> well, the real issue caused the whole gpu to freeze and then the kernel shortly after.
<packbart> I have seen GPU bus exceptions with the nvidia 1030 in this computer, too. kills compiz but is recoverable
<Mat2ch> So if you get a good kernel log message it has to be something different ;)
<Mat2ch> also reporting amd gpu driver bugs at bugzilla.kernel.org is the wrong place. The devs are only looking at the freedesktop.org bugtracker ;)
<Mat2ch> no, wrong again, it's in the gitlab tracker now...
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<Mat2ch> *their
<packbart> and Windows already threw a "WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR" on me once, on my shiny new gaming toy. so it's not just Linux, anyway
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> Drivers are hard, especially with todays gpus. They're very complex things and you can run into a race-condition at any time...
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<Althego> just as tim says those clouds really dont look good
<Althego> hehe you were talking about drivers, just got a notification for a new driver
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<Althego> so much space inside that capsule
<Mat2ch> yes, they can keep 1.5 m distance, if they want to :D
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> Also, Wintergatan. When will we get an update on the machine? I have no idea...
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<Althego> why is he doing that
<Althego> random stuff
<sandbox_> why does anyone do anything?
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<JVFoxy> Zoom...
<JVFoxy> soon
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* darsie 's KSP crew dragon replica http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot291.png
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<Althego> too pointy
<darsie> I could use a fairing.
<JVFoxy> certainly a departure from how things were in the past with shuttle and other stuff. Guess Soyuz only thing still old-school.. somewhat
<Althego> upgraded 2om... 2 years ago?
<Althego> so somewhat oldschool
<JVFoxy> they did get lcd screens.. mind you glass cockpits been a thing for a while, mostly in airplanes
<Althego> no, 4 yras ago
<JVFoxy> touchscreens though... eh, hope those things stay 100% reliable
<Althego> there are buttons for emergency use
<Althego> but probably only for a dweq fuynctions
<Althego> few
<Althego> i would use the bigger docking port and the round nosecone thing
<Althego> but somewhat better
<darsie> I think I only have junior an pico ports on my space station.
<JVFoxy> glasscockpits became a standard thing in commercial airlines from 2002.. not sure they use touchscreens.. other than in some private aircraft
<Althego> normally those are not touchscreens
<Althego> there are side buttons on the mfdsa
<Althego> mfds
<JVFoxy> yup
<Althego> but those are not reallt imput devices,m you can select some views, so there is no reason
<Althego> and the cdu/fms has complete keyboard and menus, so no need for touchscreens there either
<JVFoxy> side buttons actually does things, most data input is done by control panel down on the center console...
<JVFoxy> noticing on dragon, buttons on the arm rests?
<packbart> for the in-flight entertainment system
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> no need for that
<Althego> just look out the window :)
<Althego> even astronauts never get bored watching earth
<packbart> .oO( "Range No-Go")
<Althego> thereis rain
<JVFoxy> ugh.. road trip with friend, he kept saying, 'may as well get some rest, it'll be a boring drive'. Road trip? Boring? Never!
<Althego> but there is like 1.5 hours remaining. (is that even a plural? net even 2)
<JVFoxy> more than 1 hour... its good
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<JVFoxy> as for docking port on nose tip in KSP... I usually stuck docking port off side, then centered it so top node still free for parachute. Then just stuck port above chute.. but thats just me
<Althego> i just hide the parachute under the docking port or inside the capsule
<Althego> now there is a part that can house such things, but doesnt look good
<Althego> a conical service bauy thing
<packbart> with the Mk1-3, I stick a 0.625m-decoupler and fairing on top, parachutes to the sides
<JVFoxy> lol... I do fairing and nose con cap on the port itself.. blow fairing, de-couple once in space..
<JVFoxy> *cone
<Althego> yes, you can use the docking port as a decoupler
<Althego> ut was not always so
<packbart> yeah, but then I have to click on it to un-stage it. I use both methods, depending on mun phase
<darsie> Althego: Not sure if the aerodynamics is ok with that, but it looks more like Dragon now: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot293.png
<Althego> lot nicer
<Althego> dragony
<darsie> I put the nosecone on the junior port and lowered it.
<Althego> although the capsule is made in the looks of apollo
<JVFoxy> you can set the docking port to be staged. Then remove the staging feature later while on flight
<packbart> yeah, but a decoupler is small and I don't have to right-click on the docking port later. it's a matter of laziness, I guess ;)
<JVFoxy> hoping in next little bit, I can finally get the DLC, have a little fun with the Gemini styled stuff
<packbart> also, it gives an offset to build the fairing
<Althego> righy liock the focking port? why?
<Althego> (there is some food between the keyboard and me)
<packbart> so it would disappear from the stage bar on the left
<Althego> i dont care about that :)
<JVFoxy> you can either stage it manually using the part GUI in flight.. or set it to stage at any point, then turn the staging off after. Just matter of preferences
<packbart> and putting a 1.25m directly on a part of the same size doesn't quite work for me, draping the fairing over the part
<packbart> so I use a small decoupler as spacer, too. ymmv, as always
<JVFoxy> when I use fairings, I like to ditch the part that creates it whenever possible after I blow them off.
<JVFoxy> there'd been times I use those procedural fairings as longer nose cones and wanted to keep them the whole flight
<Althego> i use them for airplane nosecones
<Althego> and hide the electronics inside them
<Althego> battery, antenna, probe core, even a small amount of fuel and duel cell
<JVFoxy> drone airplane? Heh.. I normally just went battery only if that
<Althego> no, not really, usually there is cockpit too
<AmbulatoryCortex> I like to make capsule-shaped tanks and create my own interstages with the procedural interstage.
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<JVFoxy> rockomax tank, terrier engine... don't let it shroud, use fairing to close the gap..
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<transit> Why does AF1 need to fly by a private venture test launch?
<JVFoxy> Shatner!
<Althego> yes is saw that
<JVFoxy> .. his voice though.. oof
<Althego> i dont get transit's sentence
<transit> He’s a tad bloated. Like windows ME.
<JVFoxy> lol..comments about Bill
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<AmbulatoryCortex> Transit, Trump is present to watch the launch.
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<Mat2ch> 570k viewser on the SpaceX stream alone. And the launch isn't even near
<AmbulatoryCortex> lol, booted him right out of the channel
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<JVFoxy> ya saw the plane.. at first I thought he was going to loiter in the air till the launch.. lol, oops
<Mat2ch> NASA has 730k
<Mat2ch> so more than one mio people are watching
<Mat2ch> that's huge
<JVFoxy> ya.. nasa chat just going completely nuts
<Althego> hehe i just though of a president ansible module. name: trump state: present
<JVFoxy> scrolling by so fast
<Althego> yes, i like the worm logo better too
<Althego> even though i dislike the name for both
<JVFoxy> oh that worm logo.. what was the other again?
<Althego> meatball
<Althego> one of the coolest organizations on earth having the klamest logo names ever
<JVFoxy> ... and why is it called the 'meatball'?
<Althego> how should i know
<Mat2ch> because it looks like a meatball
<raptop> Worm is more aesthetic, meatball has more meaning
<Althego> ok, make the wormball than :)
<Althego> who would want to eat that, bleh
<JVFoxy> lol... someone did meatball with worm letters as logo
<raptop> The meatball has a starfield, a stylized orbiting spacecraft, and the swoosh is based on a hypersonic airfoil
<raptop> (Yes, a swoosh. Same name as that one used by a shoe company)
<darsie> Aerodynamics were suboptimal, but I made it.
<Althego> maybe the sky is getting better
<JVFoxy> Guess I prefer the worm logo more.. its simple..
<raptop> Fair
<JVFoxy> also sorta grew up with it.. meatball could have its place too, maybe more for ground facilities, where things can be more showy
<Althego> yes just as jim whateverstein said, he grew up with the worm
<Althego> if i think of nasa i think of the worm, and eve n though it is simple, it has character
<Althego> i sure hope hey can launch
<Althego> becaise o cant afford to be up that late all the time
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<packbart> imo, the meatball looks good uniforms, the worm on rockets
<transit> Who cares. He’s not related to the project at all.
<packbart> +on
<Althego> just head of the nasa, not related :)
<transit> Nope.
<transit> He’s not.
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<transit> What is this “launch America” nonsense?
<VanDisaster> maybe they're firing the continent into orbit
<Althego> usa didnt have a domestinc manned launch for 9 years
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<JVFoxy> At least with Shuttle, Canada had a hand in helping with things.. well a whole arm or two in fact.
<Althego> hehe at least the yare not doing that callout liek ula
<Althego> somehow most of the time spacex gets this guy to narrate their launches
<Althego> hehe even mentioned different from the old age
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<Althego> but ula is stuck in the old age
<JVFoxy> told friend was watching the nasa stream.. they were 'why not spacex..?'
<Althego> is there a spacex stream now?
<kmath> YouTube - Crew Demo-2
<TonyC> oh hey kmath
<Althego> ah yes just founjd it
<JVFoxy> heh.. that trough in front of the screens turned into a fidget toy for the pilots
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<Althego> so if that one cloud can get out of the way it can go
<TonyC> I wonder how reliable touchscreen are compared to buttons
<Althego> we just dont know it yet
<Althego> probably lot less flew to space
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<Althego> the nasa stream seems to be lot older
<Althego> like 15 seconds or so
<Althego> hehe more like 30
<Althego> sky is still getting better. i really want them to succeed
<JVFoxy> lol... its its not 'now' its too old. Patience grasshopper
<Althego> if i want to watch something live
<JVFoxy> I just hope my connection doesn't flake out on me
<Althego> i dont watch a half a minute old stream
<Althego> even a 5 seconds is too old
<Althego> otherwuse i could just watch this tomorrow with 2x speed
<Althego> skipping right to the launch
<JVFoxy> you want live.. you better off being there watching it directly. stream regardless going to have some delay
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but this is the shortest delay i can realistically have
<darsie> "Dragon" undocked, deorbited and splashed down near the KSC.
<Malachite> woo launch stuff
<packbart> Instant Cassettes!
<Althego> call itt drakon :)
<darsie> :)
<JVFoxy> new product comes out, kid wants it yesterday. :\
<Althego> lol tim's stream has fast scrolling chat
<darsie> It also replaced a scientist who stayed on the space station for years if not decades with another.
<JVFoxy> not sure but can you still downlink NASA TV direct from Satellite via dish?
<Althego> probably
<JVFoxy> got a box but having issues with setup.. guh
<packbart> it adds another satellite link. internet cables are faster
<JVFoxy> they used to have nasa tv on local cable but it was pulled. Only reason it was even on was cuz they had some Canadian stuff on it.
<JVFoxy> in order to have broadcasting up here, has to have majority of Canadian content.
* darsie wanted to rotate the Dragon view in youtube with RMB :).
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> cable tv is often fastest, depending on how they get their uplink. noticeable in the neighbor cheering lag with popular sports events
<Althego> ship spinning is the most important aspect of any spaceship game
<Althego> i am still mad for elite they didnt add that feature
<JVFoxy> you can break the model,, just don't brake the actual ship
<packbart> cable TV owners see the goal first, then sat receivers, with internet viewers strewn all over the place
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<JVFoxy> we watched the hockey game .. or tried to back when olympics was here in town. bar across the street would cheer/boo. us flagers had a laptop, had to wait up to half a minute on stream to find tou what happened
<JVFoxy> granted.. bad connection but eh.. this was 2010
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<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> then we groaned whan heard it went into overtime
<packbart> live-live streaming *is* hard, though. even more so if you don't supply the receiver and expect to work on any display thing
<packbart> a BBC team gave a talk about their olympic streaming setup at a conference. they had to settle for acceptably-live, too
<JVFoxy> I remember people trackside of races, would either build or buy radios to listen into chatter between cars and pitcrew..
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<JVFoxy> go to space? frig ya!
<Althego> still about 3 minutes for weather
<packbart> and the hydraulics thingie at -8
<JVFoxy> the poll thing.. would you go to space?
<Althego> at least they mentioned lightining energy or whatever instead of the sky, so there is no more issue with the clooud
<JVFoxy> lightning energy disipation
<Malachite> JVFoxy: absolutely
<JVFoxy> last thing we need is another Apollo 12 launch strike
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> not sure those screens would survive... zap boom
<Althego> the issue is, modern materials are composites, they dont like lightning, old metals worked better
<packbart> another stream (Scott): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIHTtvueqHk
<kmath> YouTube - Coverage of NASA & SpaceX's Launch with Reds Rhetoric & Astronomy Live Providing Tracking Cameras
<Malachite> i miss the spacex technical broadcasts
<JVFoxy> no but can always in-bed a metal mesh inside like a shell to put push that energy around
<Malachite> trying to contain lightning is a fools game though
<JVFoxy> not contain.. direct
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> it wants to go shortest path down to ground
<Althego> as he mentioned the 30 minutes waiting time is not making this possible
<Althego> next is on saturday? lot better. even one hour earlier
<JVFoxy> ya.. 30th from what I've seen
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<Malachite> scrub :(
<TonyC> ;'(
<Mat2ch> :(
<Mat2ch> But better than not going to space because of a failure
<Althego> hehe scrub practive
<Malachite> 3 day delay
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<VanDisaster> it was actually all just filming for a scifi flick musk is making
<packbart> soooo... can't they just drag a long grounding cable to above the clouds? ;>
<Althego> with the rocket :)
<packbart> planes get hit by lightning all. the. time. (actually, not that often, I've read. and systems do fail and the hull needs some maintenance afterwards)
<VanDisaster> pilots reckon on one hit a year each I think?
<VanDisaster> they also tend not to deliberately fly into thunderstorms...
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<Althego> because of other reasons
<Althego> hail damage, water amount that is tolerated by the engines, etc
<Althego> also passanger comfort
<lordcirth_> From what they were saying, lightning strike in midair isn't so much a concern, as lightning while fueled on the ground.
lordcirth_ is now known as lordcirth
<lordcirth> As they said on stream that higher lightning clouds would just make for an interesting ride.
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<packbart> he already forgot their names... ;)
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