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<JVFoxy> oof... 10 fuel, now that's a tight budget
<JVFoxy> mind you.. also depends on how tiny the craft is too
<JVFoxy> flayer two? could you try with just one? extra weight or do you really need that extra thrust?
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<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: I was sad when I realized the SpaceX sim doesn't come with controller support :(
<JVFoxy> mat2ch mmm... ya joysticks would be nice, but ... can be a pain to completely null things out perfectly unless you have a control to help you
<JVFoxy> analog vs digital inputs
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: you could go with a big dead zone and handle the analog sticks like digital inputs.
<JVFoxy> its not so much an issue about deadzone..
<JVFoxy> more than getting the exact amount of impulse to perfectly stop a motion while in space
<Althego> impossible to hit that amount anyway
<Althego> if there was at least a tiny bit of friction :)
<JVFoxy> there is friction but its negligible at such short amount of time. Station does have to get boosted every so often. Those solar panels...
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<snow> my Lego ISS just arrived \o/
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<JVFoxy> heh.. funny you mention lego. Jang is doing a live stream, but its a forest men classic set
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<packbart> 60fps! \o/ with graphics settings to max at x1440, EVE, Scatterer and the Spectra pack (sans Kopernicus)
<packbart> that soothes the pain of having to deal with Windows
<packbart> oh, right. plus Planetshine. never tested that before
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<packbart> not quite true. I forgot to set the reflection thingy to max. that drops it to 45fps. I think I'll reinstall the Windows tomorrow and do some tests. new toys! :)
<kubi> what cpu and gpu?
<packbart> Ryzen 5 and 20280 super. I play on a ~10 year old laptop model, so this really feels like "whoa" :)
<kubi> ryzen 5 3600 or 3600x?
<packbart> the not-x, I think. I haven't used AMD since the old Athlon days
<kubi> I'm thinking about to change my old i7 4790k to something
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<kubi> it is good enough, but I want a mini itx
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<packbart> I bought it mainly for the GPU. I expect Ryzen 7 CPUs to get cheap enough in a few years to maybe replace it. But it's odd to speculate about upgrades right now ;)
<packbart> I don't know enough about i9 / Ryzen 9, anyway
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<packbart> darsie: on Duna, Jeb runs when I press switch
<packbart> err, shift
<kubi> I like that no need for motherboard change for a new processor
<kubi> but will see
<kubi> next gen amd may come late this year
<kubi> then proces should drop
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